Chapter 302 Feng Zhuozhuo is dead!

"Then it will be as you wish. I would like to see how powerful you are, a man who is neither human nor demon!" Feng Zhuo said condescendingly and contemptuously, his eyes full of strength.

"Neither human nor demon?" Young Master Yun Xiao twitched his brows, showing a hideous look for the first time, killing angrily, with a terrifying aura floating all over his body, like a hundred beasts galloping, with a mysterious wind in his eyes, followed by a whoosh, A gust of black air rushed out of his brow star, which was the chain of beast souls.

"It seems that I have to tell you that there are some things that cannot be said!"

The moment he spoke, the beast soul chains struck out suddenly, as if they had pierced through the barrier of the void, and killed with a sudden sound!Straight towards Feng Zhuoyue, full of trembling and terrifying aura, he seems to be a little angry, this blow is very terrifying!
"What a terrifying ability to control!" Everyone's eyes shrank, and Jiang Shang couldn't help being shocked.

Mr. Yunxiao's attack perfectly combined his beast soul and the power of the three-day profound wind, reflecting his terrifying ability to control power.If he was in a different body, Jiang Shang thought that he would never be able to achieve this level. The other party's attainments in this area have already left him far away, which is really unbelievable!

"Don't be too rampant!" Although Feng Zhuoyue was also deterred, he immediately came back to his senses, his breath soaring, and terrifying power emerged!
This is his battle, and it is related to the ranking of the Xuanbang battle, he must not back down!
"Kill! Seven-kill Demon Knife!" He suddenly let out a low growl, his aura pierced the sky, and an ancient knife with demonic energy emerged in his hand, which rolled amazingly, contained terrifying power, and slashed towards Mr. Yunxiao from the sky. Down, the power is astonishing, intending to kill!

But this knife is still weak!
"Boom!" There was a huge, sky-shattering roar, and the Seven-Kill Demon Saber was smashed by the chain of the beast soul. The beast soul roared suddenly, and the power of the three-day black wind violently blasted towards Feng Zhuoyou. He suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"You can't escape, if you say something wrong, you will be punished!"

Mr. Yunxiao's eyes were daring, and his pupils exuded illusory power, confusing the opponent, making him lose his mind for a moment, and the chain of beast souls followed.

"Peng!" Feng Zhuoyue was crushed by a terrifying force, his head was smashed into pieces, his mind and soul died, Feng Zhuoyue, he didn't even kill him?
Xuanbang battle, Fengzhuo, ninth.Although he is dead, this seat is still his!

"What a ruthless guy, this person is dangerous!" The Xuanbang geniuses outside the battlefield also showed a slight look of fear at this moment. They couldn't imagine that Mr. Yunxiao was so ruthless that he killed Feng Zhuoyue. This person is fierce and must not be provoked!

"Sorry, I'm getting angry, I can't control it, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed." Looking at the battlefield again, Mr. Yunxiao squinted his eyes and smiled, his eyes swept over everyone, and there was a fearful feeling in his eyes The evil!Heart-shattering!
"People are dead, is there any need to be ashamed?"

On the contrary, Prince Huoling sneered, took the conversation and continued slowly: "Who is next? Jiang Shaofeng, Zhou Wanqian and you?"

Next, there were only six people who didn't fight, and five of them were quasi-true dragon geniuses, and there was another one, Jiang Shaofeng, who naturally had to fight, but what about his opponent?Zhou Wanqian?Judging from their previous rankings, Zhou Wanqian was indeed right.

But no one responded to his words, Jiang Shaofeng and Zhou Wanqian didn't move, they had no reason to listen to other people's orders, they didn't want to fight, it all depended on their own wishes!Can't force it!
"It's really a courageous person, forget it, I'll do it myself!" Prince Huo Ling spread out his hands, suddenly the Yanlong's aura surged, and it was so violent that it rushed towards Zhou Wanqian, everyone was shocked!

"Kill!" A terrifying flame condensed into a flame dragon. I don't know how high the temperature is, how hot it is. It opened its teeth and claws, and directly rushed towards Zhou Wanqian ferociously. The heat was soaring to the sky!

"Go to the martial arts arena!" Zhou Wanqian is obviously not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, the force of the meteor surged, and instantly defeated the attacking Yanlong, and the white shadow flashed, and she stepped directly onto the martial arts arena, and said coldly to Prince Huoling.

Want to fight?Well, let's fight on the martial arts platform!

"Take another blow from me!" Prince Huoling proudly stepped onto the martial arts arena, releasing the terrifying Flame Dragon flames, burning the void with incomparably terrifying power, and rushed towards Zhou Wanqian again, with astonishing power!
"Ancient Meteor!" But Zhou Wanqian didn't seem to have the heart for the game, and she sacrificed her supernatural powers as soon as she came up. She summoned a terrifying meteor from ancient times. The power was simply unimaginable. , continue to move forward, towards Prince Huo Ling, killing rolling, intending to kill!

"It seems that you want to win me?" Prince Huo Ling put away his arrogance, his pupils exuded a kind of concentration, and his voice became cold and stern unconsciously.

"Flame Dragon!" The next moment, Prince Huoling let out a low growl, and a huge Flame Dragon appeared behind him, just like Duan Lingyun's phantom of Yasha Ghost King. Although it was just a phantom, it exuded infinite terror. Power, roar, roar!


Just as Prince Huoling uttered the word kill, Yanlong Phantom opened its mouth, surrounded by flames, and dragon flames that seemed to destroy the world appeared, sprayed out, and killed!The ancient meteor was instantly shattered, and Long Yan rushed towards Zhou Wanqian crazily, the rage was astonishing!
"It's so strong!" Zhou Wanqian's beautiful eyes were full of concentration, but she didn't choose to back away, but she spun with vigor, and the power of the meteor surged wildly. Three meteors from the ancient times suddenly appeared and burst out, and their power was not inferior to Long Yan is terrifying!
"Peng!" What followed was a terrifying collision, the void trembled, the arena was cracked, and the shocking impact slammed into all directions, as if to destroy the world!
"Do you still want to continue, or admit defeat? I think you should know that I haven't used my ultimate move yet!" Stepping on the contempt, Prince Huo Ling said coldly and cruelly.Flame was already irritable, but the flame had entered his bone marrow, so he was naturally extremely irritable!

So, if Zhou Wanqian doesn't admit defeat, it is very likely that he will explode next!
"Skills are not as good as others, and I am willing to bow down!" Zhou Wanran was silent for a while, and finally chose to admit defeat, because she knew that he was indeed no match for Prince Huoling, and it would be meaningless to persevere, so she should simply admit defeat.

Zhou Wanqian is very strong, but Prince Huoling is stronger, so she lost and ranked eighth on the Xuan list.

This ranking is actually a bit inaccurate, but this is not important anymore. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing extra to do.

"Next..." The victorious Prince Huoling proudly stepped out of the competition arena, swept his sword at Wenren, and then said lightly: "You should withdraw by yourself, the next battle is no longer yours. I can participate."

Although his words are a bit insulting, but it is also true when you think about it, the next battle will completely raise the standard to a higher level, and the strength of Wenren's sword is not enough!

"I quit!" Wen Ren Yijian was also free and easy, and he directly chose to quit, and his ranking was seventh, the Xuanbang battle, No.7!

(End of this chapter)

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