Chapter 309 Predicting the Future
Look at the temple area of ​​the ancient city of prophecy.

The comatose Chu Zhongtian was awakened by a mysterious force. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they immediately came to their senses. This should be the result of the prophet, because next, it is the time of prophecy.

"Unexpectedly, did you still lose?" Chu Zhongtian, who woke up slightly, murmured silently with an unwilling expression on his face.He actually lost, which made him a little unacceptable.

However, the prophet ignored his feelings, and then a wonderful force appeared, covering the whole world.

"Boom..." Over the area of ​​the temple where the people were, billowing clouds and mist surged and churned endlessly, and then there was a flash of light, and a figure stepped out, with white robes and long beards, like a fairy, it was everyone Prophet seen before.

At this moment, the prophecy is about to begin!

"Those who are not in the top ten, leave first!" But at this moment, the prophet suddenly spoke, with a flash of inspiration, and sent away the people who were not in the top ten.

It turned out that the predictions he made were only for the top ten in the Xuanbang, so he was qualified to predict the future. As for other people, there is no need to stay here anymore. After all, some things are still not suitable for the public.

After sending off the others, the Prophet descended, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he said with deep eyes, "Let's start now, who will come first?"

Xuanbang top ten.

Jiang Shang, Chu Zhongtian, Young Master Yunxiao, Xia Qiu, Jiang Shaofeng, Prince Huoling, Wenren Yijian, Zhou Wanqian.

Except for Feng Zhuozhuo and Fushan who were dead, the eight of them were all eligible to be predicted by the prophet. They stared at the prophet with light shining, obviously making final psychological preparations.

What kind of future will they be predicted by the prophet?

"I'll come first!"

A figure of an orchid in the empty valley stepped out, and the power of the meteor flowed slowly. It was Zhou Wanqian. She looked at the prophet and said softly: "What will my future be like?"

"Your physique still has great potential. Although there is no hope of becoming an immortal, it is not a problem to become a double-layer Zhoutian strongman. Of course, if you can tap the potential of your physique, it is no problem to become a triple-layer Zhoutian. "The prophet looked at Zhou Wanqian, said calmly and slowly.

Immortal hopeless?

It was just four words, but Zhou Wanqian seemed to be hit hard. She there no hope of becoming a fairy?

"Next!" The prophet no longer looked at Zhou Wanqian, but glanced at the rest of the people, and said calmly.His prophecy has been judged, whether it is accurate or not, whether he believes it or not, it has nothing to do with him, because all he needs to do is to predict the future and nothing else.

"I'm coming!" After Zhou Wanqian, Jiang Shaofeng stepped out.

The prophet glanced at him, and then said lightly, "You? Zhou Tian is hopeless!"

"What? Hopeless Zhou?" Jiang Shaofeng froze, hopeless Zhou, how could it be hopeless Zhou?He is clearly the top level monster genius, but he is the fifth place in the Xuanbang battle, why?He refuses to accept it!
At this point, he said with a grim expression: "Can you give me a reason? Why, why am I hopeless?"

"Don't you know the condition of your own body? Your foundation has been damaged, and it is almost an irreparable injury. It is counterproductive, so there is no hope for Zhou Tian. Is this reason enough?" The prophet finished speaking, She no longer looked at him, but glanced at other people and asked, "Who is next?"

Jiang Shaofeng's eyes trembled, his whole body trembled, and he chose to leave the prophecy space by himself, Jiang Shaofeng, even Zhou Tian was hopeless?
"What about me?" Prince Huo Ling walked out slowly.

"The Yanlong bloodline has a pretty good foundation. If you can gain something in the future, there may be a [-]% chance that you will become a fairy!"

"Is there a [-]% chance that he can become a fairy?" Everyone's eyes kept flickering. The content of the prophet's prediction was very good, but there is a [-]% chance, and there must be something to gain. This, really Is it possible to achieve?
"Is there only a [-]% chance?" Prince Huo Ling's eyes were slightly happy, but he was still a little dissatisfied. A [-]% chance, isn't that too low?

"What do you think the existence of a fairy is, is it so easy to achieve?"

The prophet opened his mouth lightly, and said to the remaining five people: "You five, who is next?"

"Me!" This time it was Chu Zhongtian who stepped out. He heard that Prince Huoling had a [-]% chance of becoming an immortal. He refused to accept it, so he also wanted to know immediately whether he, Chu Zhongtian, had The possibility of becoming a fairy?

"Seven-star battle body, there were several immortals in ancient times, so you have the hope of becoming an immortal, but it is only one percent. Compared with those guys in ancient times, you are far behind!" The prophet Said plainly, this is not a bad prediction, but Chu Zhongtian is obviously not satisfied.

"Senior, I want to surpass the past and surpass the present, and rival or even surpass the ancestors of my Chu family. Please tell me, what should I do?" Chu Zhongtian asked again.

"Shaking the past and shining the present?" The prophet looked at Chu Zhongtian again, and said slowly, "Remember, if you want to shake the past and shine the present, no one can help you. Keep your heart and change your fate against the sky. , with the talent of your Chu family's seven-star combat body, maybe... there is a chance."

"Thank you!" Chu Zhongtian backed away slowly, swearing in his heart, I, Chu Zhongtian, will definitely be able to do it!
"Senior, what about my future?" And just after Chu Zhongtian stepped back, Xiaqiu stood up, and he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He wanted to know what his future would be like.

"Your mind is not strong, so unless you can make a change, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to achieve great success!" The prophet said calmly.He thought that although Xia Qiu had good talent, his mentality was a big flaw. As he said, if he couldn't make changes, it would be very difficult for him to achieve great achievements in Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu remained silent about the prophecy, and he couldn't deny it, but the panic in his eyes still betrayed him, and he still cared very much about the prophecy of this prophet.

"What about me?" A strange voice sounded, and Mr. Yunxiao couldn't help asking.

"I have seen a lot of geniuses with dual physiques and bloodlines, but it is really rare to have such control as you. In your future, there should be hope that you can step into the realm of immortals, but there should be only one in a thousand chances , Are you satisfied with this prophecy?" the prophet said softly.

"One in a thousand?" Mr. Yunxiao was in a bad mood, a one in a thousand chance, isn't that impossible?

(End of this chapter)

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