Chapter 315 Dissipate
"Senior!" Jiang Shang replied respectfully.

If it wasn't for the other party, he wouldn't be able to get everything he has today, so he is very grateful to the other party, sincerely!

"Don't call me senior, call me Lao Niu. Finally, I'm about to dissipate. I also want to be younger, hahaha!" The half-length bull head smiled softly, but the content shocked Jiang Shang, dissipate?Why would it dissipate?

"The mission of my existence is to leave an inheritance, and now that the master's inheritance has been obtained by you, then I have completed the task and should dissipate." Seemingly seeing Jiang Shang's question, the half-length bull head smiled explained.

After a slight pause, he continued: "But this man is old, so he still wants to see more, so you should just talk to me, you can say anything, just chat casually."

"Senior..." Jiang Shang was a little speechless, feeling a little sad, the way of heaven is sad, no matter how great it is, can it still not escape the shackles of time?It's really powerless, it's really scary...

"Actually, I should have dissipated a long time ago, when the master fell, so I should be satisfied, after all, I have lived a long time."

The half-length bull head smiled calmly, and smiled kindly at Jiang Shang: "Before my old bone disappears, if you have any doubts in your heart, you can ask any questions, and I will answer them as soon as possible." One has the answer for you!"

Jiang Shang was stunned when he heard the words, he sorted out his thoughts, and then asked softly: "Senior, I heard people say that my constitution is taboo. Is it impossible to become a fairy with a taboo constitution?"

"Taboo? You said your three unique bodies, the absolute physique?" The half-length bull's head pouted, and said with some disdain: "It's really a group of guys who don't know the so-called. Absolute physique is taboo? Can't you become a fairy? What a joke! You You know, back then, there was a monstrous monster with four unique physiques who broke the shackles, entered the fairyland, and finally stepped into the peak, even the master was very afraid of that statue. What taboos, what can't become a fairy, it's just a joke!
"As long as you are evil enough, even the sky will not be able to stop you!"

"What is a taboo? It's just an area where cowards dare not set foot. There are no real taboos in this world!"

"I understand, thank you senior for your guidance!" Jiang Shang's eyes burst into light, showing his sharpness!At this moment, the knot in his heart was completely untied!He is definitely not a coward, so this so-called taboo can never stop him!
"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Half-length bull head said with a smile.In fact, absolute physique is a taboo. This statement does exist, but this taboo is not unbreakable, so what he said is actually inspiring Jiang Shang. Throughout the ages, there are many things that have been done by evil geniuses , he Jiang Shang, there is no reason why he can't do it!

"I also want to know how wide this world is!"

"Do you want to ask the heavens and the world? It is indeed too huge to imagine. The strong are like forests, and the geniuses are like rain..."


The questioning and answering between the two of them lasted for an unknown amount of time. In the end, the figure with a half-length bull's head began to blur, but he couldn't hold it anymore, and it was really about to disappear!

"Senior, I have one last question!" Suppressing the sadness in his heart, Jiang Shang looked firmly into the other's eyes and said firmly.

The half-length bull head smiled faintly, his body gradually became more blurred, and his voice began to weaken: "The last question? Ask, no matter what it is, I will answer it!"

"Senior, I want to know, who is the culprit who caused you and the demon ancestor to fall back then? Although this junior is not talented, I still want to try, I think, to avenge you!" Jiang Shang paused slightly, and then said firmly.

crazy!Is he crazy?Does he really want to be involved in this extremely dangerous involvement?
"This..." The bull head hesitated when he heard the words, this matter is really too dangerous, he really doesn't want Jiang Shang to get involved!

When Jiang Shang heard this, he immediately said resolutely: "Senior, please tell me!" Although he did not join the sect of the Demon Ancestor in the end, the other party still gave him a great opportunity, and a chance that changed his fate. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. He cannot remain indifferent to this matter. No matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he wants to give it a try. He wants to avenge his two benefactors!
That's right, two!

One is Senior Demon Ancestor, and the other is half-length bull head!

If it weren't for them, there would be no Jiang Shang today. He has his own principles, and the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring!

"That's all, that's all, since you really want to know, then I'll tell you!" The half-length bull's head was moved with red eyes, and then slowly said: "Among all the heavens and worlds, the heavens are the most powerful ones. , and then there is the underworld, which is extremely mysterious and impossible to avoid in all realms, and beyond these two realms is hell, and the culprit who caused the fall of the master back then is the most powerful existence in hell, and his name is hell!"

"His name is Hell?" Jiang Shang's eyes were shining, and he was extremely determined, and then he said loudly: "Senior, I know! You have a good journey!"

"Promise me, before you reach the peak, you must never go to him, otherwise, that is, that is a dead end..." The old voice gradually weakened until it disappeared. , half body bull head, finally collapsed!

In vain, the world shook for a while, and the world in front of Jiang Shang suddenly changed, and he returned to the cave, where he was teleported out of the Demon Ancestor Palace.Now that the spirit of the weapon has dissipated, there is naturally no possibility of existence in that space!

As for those left behind by the demon ancestors, the memories, secret techniques, and knowledge accumulated in his life... all have already existed in his mind, elementary, intermediate, advanced, and top-level, all of which are there, but he needs to constantly digest them. That's all.

After all, it was the tidying up of the Demon Ancestor for 1 years, which is indeed too huge, too huge!

"Black Eagle!" Jiang Shang remained silent for a long time, and then sent a summons to let Black Eagle enter the cave.

"Whoosh!" A tyrannical figure wrapped in the breath of the earth quickly appeared in the cave. It was Black Eagle. Just looking at the traces on his clothes and the restless aura, it seemed that he had experienced several battles before. Ah!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang frowned, and said easily, "What's going on, is someone making trouble?"

"There are a few things that don't have eyes, but they have already been driven away by me. It's just a trivial matter. Don't worry about it, Lord Palace Master!" Hei Ying said with a smile.

"Okay." Jiang Shang nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to say: "Since I have successfully broken through to the Golden Core Realm, then we should set off to the ancient city of Beiming, which should be our new stage! More broad!"

Beiming Ancient City, I, Jiang Shang, are here!

(End of this chapter)

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