Chapter 320 Bet
"Just bet on whether he can defeat Senior Brother Zhou Yu, aren't you on his side? How about it, Yue Qingsha, do you dare to take this bet?" Shang Xue said with a smile, but the content made Zhou Yu's eyes slightly Leng, the people around looked shocked, betting on whether the man in black robe could defeat Zhou Yu, isn't that nonsense?That is absolutely impossible!

"If you lose, you have to kiss Senior Brother Zhou Yu. On the contrary, if I, Shang Xue, lose, I will kiss that black-robed man. How about it, Sister Yue Qingsha, this bet is fair. You should know, I, Shang Xue, once swore that whoever gets my kiss will get my person and my heart!"

Shang Xue smiled strangely, but what she said shocked everyone. The person who got her, Shang Xue, got her heart, what a crazy thing it must be!
But the fact is that everyone thinks it is impossible for her to lose, because the condition for her to lose must be that the man in black defeats Zhou Yu. Is this possible?This is absolutely impossible!So in the eyes of everyone, it is absolutely impossible for her, Shang Xue, to lose, unless, unless that person can create a miracle!
At the price of a kiss, bet on a miracle.

Will Yue Qingsha choose to do this?

"Shang Xue, I hope you won't regret your actions today! I, Yue Qingsha, have taken this bet!" Yue Qingsha responded with twinkling eyes.

Yes, she actually agreed?The whole audience was shaking and boiling!

Whether it is being able to see Yue Qingsha's kiss or Shang Xue's kiss, it is very attractive to them. After all, it is people's nature to like to join in the fun, and even cultivators avoid it. No!
"Senior brother Zhou Yu, don't you thank me? I won a kiss for you!" Shang Xue was surprised for a moment, then resumed her quirky smile, and smiled lightly at Zhou Yu.

She knew that the other party was interested in Yue Qingsha, so in this way, she could see an interesting scene, wouldn't she?
It seemed that she still didn't think she would lose.

"Junior Sister Shang Xue, thank you!" Zhou Yu suddenly smiled and thanked him. It was his dream to get a kiss from Yue Qingsha, so he was naturally very happy. In his eyes, this kiss was already It's a sure thing!
"Also, please don't worry, Junior Sister Shang Xue, I will help you kill him, and I won't let him become your future trouble!" The next moment, Zhou Yu sent a voice transmission to Shang Xue again, causing his eyes to pause , followed by a hidden disgust, the poisonous snake Zhou Yu, this guy is really ruthless, could it be that Yue Qingsha has always hated him!


"You, you, you will regret it!" Looking at the small world again, seeing Jiang Shanglei killing Mu Qingqiu, Zhou Qian felt cold in her heart, but she only dared to say a cruel word, turned and left up.Because she knew that the opponent's strength was too strong, and he, Zhou Qian, was no match!

"Hmph!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and murmured disdainfully: "I really don't know what to say, if it wasn't for fear of the power behind you, how could I let you go today?"

There is no doubt that this little princess of the Zhou family will cause him a lot of trouble in the future, but he has no choice but to get rid of this hidden danger now, because the Zhou family, after all, comes from the overlord Zhou family, and is still of the direct bloodline. , the status is extraordinary, so if it is removed, there will be big troubles.

But with his current strength, if it is not necessary, he still does not want to collide with the Zhou family's behemoth, that would be too dangerous.

Compared with the entire Zhou family, this Zhou Qian's risk factor is much smaller, isn't it?
Next, no one disliked Jiang Shang any more, and everyone silently ignored him. Anyway, this person was not insane and killed people everywhere. This was enough for them, and they never wanted to do it again. Find trouble with Jiang Shang.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang was naturally happy, walking around at will, and then stopped on a hillside, ready to take a rest.

"Poverty dead wood, I have met fellow Taoists!" However, at this moment, an old voice sounded from beside his ears, which immediately made Jiang Shang's eyes stunned, and then he was very surprised, because before that, he hadn't noticed this. There are people everywhere, how is this possible?

He looked to the side, and saw a rickety old man sitting on a branch not far away on a dead tree, his face was full of wrinkles, and he was wrinkling his eyes and smiling lightly at him.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly. On the old man, he actually felt a little danger. This was something he hadn't expected before. It is indeed the center of the entire Beiming group. This ancient city of Beiming is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!
"Jiang Shang, I've met fellow daoist!" Jiang Shang nodded and said his name, which was considered to be polite to the other party.

Deadwood nodded and smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say anything more. The two of them were silent in such a tacit understanding, quietly waiting for the end of the knockout round. After about half a day, a human voice finally came from the void: "Okay!" , end it, those who have not collected two tokens, leave, you have already lost the qualification for the assessment!"

As the voice fell, a passage appeared in the void, like a black hole, extremely dark, and all the losers left in a low mood. As for the rest, they were all winners!
"Are there more than 100 people left? It's not bad, but I still regret to tell you that you can't step into the academy right now. Only after passing another assessment and trial can you be qualified to step into our fire. Seminary!" An imposing voice sounded, and a man in a red robe landed in the realm of the soul altar before everyone's eyes.

"It doesn't matter what the test is. I, Bei Gonghua, can definitely pass. Senior brother, let's start!" Someone said impatiently.

It seemed that this person was so confident that he even used the title 'Senior Brother', the man in red smiled lightly.

"Brother, I advise you to take it back. Before you step into the academy, you have no right to call me that!" An invisible pressure slowly surrounded the crowd, and the man in red laughed and said: "Why are you still dawdling? Come out quickly!"


The moment the red-robed man's voice fell, a total of a hundred tyrannical auras descended on the small world like starlight falling. A hunting sneer, like a hunter!
"They are the most common students in the academy, they are not worth mentioning, and your task is very simple, that is to clear them all out, you have more than 120 people, but they only have exactly one hundred people, I think this Fair enough, isn't it?"

"As for those who can stay in the end, then congratulations, you have successfully entered the academy!"

(End of this chapter)

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