Chapter 322 Entering Vulcan Academy

With Jiang Shang's great power, no one dared to touch his bad luck anymore, and they all stayed away, no longer provoking this evil star. Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang glanced coldly across the entire battlefield, and finally No more fighting, stay out of it!
As for what will follow, there will be a fierce battle, which is extremely tragic. The light of teleportation will continue to light up, and people will continue to be buried in this battle, which makes people tremble.

However, after a few days, the fierce battle finally came to an end. The students of those colleges were all repelled, and the remaining dozen or so people successfully passed the assessment and entered the Vulcan Academy, becoming one of the other members of the Vulcan Academy. Disciple, glory everywhere!

"Congratulations, from now on, you are the disciples of Vulcan Academy!" The black-robed soul altar reappeared, waving and throwing out more than ten balls of light, which were mysterious tokens.

"This is the Vulcan Token. Incorporate your spiritual essence into it. From now on, it will be the representative of your identities!" Hearing the voice of the black-robed soul altar, many people shot directly and took the Vulcan Token. Hold it in the palm of your hand, feel its mysterious power quietly, integrate it into the spirit essence, and refine it into your own.

"This Vulcan Token, what a mysterious method!" Jiang Shang was refining the Vulcan Token while observing its internal structure. It is very mysterious, and the overlapping forbidden textures are even more dazzling and impossible to see through. , this is definitely from the hands of an expert, there is almost no possibility of imitation!

"Okay, juniors and sisters, come with me to the Vulcan Academy!" After seeing everyone refining the Vulcan Token, the black-robed soul altar said with a smile.


The moment he spoke, a passage had been torn out of the void, it was extremely dark, filled with the breath of a black hole.

Just behind this passage is Vulcan Academy, a place that everyone present is yearning for infinitely!

Under the leadership of the black-robed soul altar, everyone stepped into the passage one after another, the small world collapsed, and the assessment was over!


The inner area of ​​Vulcan Academy.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the distance, it was a huge stone gate, leaning against the majestic mountains, it was the only entrance to Vulcan Academy, if you want to come in from the outside, you have to go through this stone gate!


Finally, from the slowly opened door, a black-robed man with a tyrannical aura walked out. newcomers.

"I've met senior brother." Everyone immediately saluted to the black robe soul altar. Inside the academy, strength and cultivation are everything, so they naturally had to be respectful and not offend.

"Since the assessment matters have been completed, I have nothing to do with you. From now on, these juniors and sisters will be led by you!" The black-robed soul altar smiled, and disappeared immediately. His mission, It's just taking charge of the assessment, and the rest are just some chores, so naturally it's not his turn to do it himself.

"Little princess, please come with us." Suddenly, someone stepped forward with great momentum, and the leader was a direct descendant of the Zhou family, while the others were several collateral descendants.

Although they stepped into the academy early, they were still weaker than Zhou Qian in terms of status, status, or other things, so their attitude was very respectful and they did not dare to surpass her at all.

"Well, let's go." Zhou Qian nodded slightly, glanced at Jiang Shang coldly, and then left with those people.

As for the next step, some people flew towards the newcomers, preparing to take them to deal with chores.This is also considered a small task within the academy, which can be rewarded with points. Naturally, many people are vying to do it.

The inside of the academy is different from the outside. Points are circulated, not others.

But at this time, something happened that surprised Jiang Shang, because no one took him to deal with chores, and it seemed that everyone's eyes were focused on him at this moment.

Damn, what's going on here?

"Junior Brother, come with me!" But at this moment, a fragrant wind hit, it was a woman in a purple robe, with moon marks printed between her eyebrows, and her face was so beautiful that one could not but be overwhelmed by her... Beauty is attractive, I can't extricate myself!
"Sister Qingsha, do you want to arrange a place for him yourself? Why, this man looks handsome, does my sister have a crush on him?" A strange smile sounded, but it was Shang Xue who smiled and said.

"Hmph!" Zhou Yu's eyes turned cold immediately, and he glanced at Jiang Shang forcefully, with oppressive breath, he said disdainfully and coldly: "Boy, I just entered Vulcan Academy, but I don't know how to keep a low profile, don't you think Are you a little arrogant? It seems that I, as a senior brother, must give you some good advice!"

"Zhou Yu!" But Yue Qingsha heard the words, but stopped her indifferently: "Zhou Yu, starting the war now, don't you think it's a bit invincible?"

"If that's the case, then I'll convince him to lose! Three months later, how about a battle at Vulcan Terrace?" Zhou Yu said arrogantly when he heard the words.As far as he is concerned, he thinks that he can definitely defeat or even kill Jiang Shang, so he naturally wants to have a wider stage so that more people can see him, and he has won Yue Qingsha's kiss!
And the Vulcan Stage is such a vast stage, and it will definitely attract countless eyes by then.

He, Zhou Yu, has won Yue Qingsha's kiss, which is enviable and magnificent!

After Jiang Shang heard these words, a strange expression appeared in his eyes. It seemed that, according to their meaning, he seemed to be involved in something.

"Can you let me know what happened first?" Jiang Shang said indifferently, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes, being involved for no reason, naturally made him impatient and cold.These people seem to take him too seriously!

"Then let me tell you." Shang Xue stood up with a smile, and told Jiang Shang everything that happened, and at the end, she still smiled strangely: "Do you understand everything?" ? After three months, if you lose to senior brother Zhou Yu, Qingsha's sister's innocence will be lost..."

"It's really cheap!" But at this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly interrupted his words, and said with a cold smile: "Without my consent, then I'll bet, what do you think you are?"

People froze for a moment, staring at Jiang Shang, he dared to insult Shang Xue, did he really want to die?

"What did you say?" Shang Xue's expression froze, her beautiful eyes were cold.

Jiang Shang smiled violently when he heard the words, looked at the other party and said indifferently: "Why, you can't understand what I said? Then I will speak louder. I said you are really cheap!"

"Presumptuous! You're looking for death!" Suddenly shouted violently, and Zhou Yu's whole body exuded a terrifying aura. The golden arm appeared in the void, and suddenly blasted towards Jiang Shang. The aura was violent and tempered. This is definitely A punch that wants to kill people!
(End of this chapter)

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