Great Demon

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
This day was the fifth day of the lunar new year, Jiang Shang followed his promise and came outside the gate of Lun Dao Palace.Although it looked dark inside from the outside, there were lively chatter and laughter, as well as fluctuations of bad aura. It was obvious that someone was gesticulating inside.

Jiang Shang paused for a moment, then walked inside.

"Thank you for the five points of contribution, senior brother, and I will accept it bluntly." Mu Xuanzhou was wearing a fiery red robe, with a few unruly smiles on his face, obviously excited about the victory just now.

His opponent is a veteran acquired powerhouse, it is really not easy to beat him in the Tao.

"If I could beat you half a year ago, I would be ashamed that you would improve so quickly in less than half a year." On a stone pillar, a man in a gray robe floated down, shaking his head in surprise.

This person's name is Xi Zhou Xiong, and he has just entered the perfect state of swordsmanship.

"You are just a little weaker than him. If you compete in strength, neither of them is your opponent." Li Hua shook his head and interjected lightly.

Although Mu Xuanzhou's eyes flickered when he heard the words, he was not very angry because he knew what Li Hua said was right, and he was indeed not the opponent of Xi Zhou Xiong, after all, the opponent had been at Acquired Ultimate for ten years.

If he didn't want to fight harder and comprehend more kendo, I'm afraid he would have already entered the innate.

Bai Yun and Shui Han are also here, and there are seven or eight other figures, all of whom are formal disciples of the day after tomorrow. They seem to have heard the news and came here specially to join in the fun today.

At this time, Jiang Shang walked into the Lun Dao Palace, and everyone turned their heads to look over.

"Jiang Shang has met all the senior brothers and sisters." Although he was watched by everyone, he did not panic at all, and said calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"You're finally here." Li Hua walked out of the crowd with a smile, and introduced to everyone: "This is the junior brother who has just joined my peak, and his name is Jiang Shang."

I don't know why, but her attitude seems to be a little bit better, even Jiang Shang was a little surprised, after meeting a few days ago, although everyone didn't talk much, he could still feel Li Hua's aggressiveness Yes, why did you suddenly change your temper today?
Mu Xuanzhou also stood up, and said to Jiang Shang: "It's considered that you have a good temperament if you can go to the appointment on time. If that's the case, I won't make it difficult for you. You will fight with me later. Even if you pass."

Jiang Shang didn't mind when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, I'll ask my brother to be more merciful later."

Seeing that the atmosphere was quite harmonious, Xi Zhou Xiong also stood up and said: "Since this is the first discussion of Junior Brother Jiang, let's follow the rules. Junior Brother Baiyun, I remember your way of swordsmanship, and I haven't stepped into it yet." In the realm of harmony between man and nature, how about you taking the first battle?"

He is one of the strongest people present and one of the top acquired talents of Baicao Peak, so he is naturally qualified to make arrangements.

Bai Yun naturally stood up as he said, and smiled kindly at Jiang Shang: "Junior Brother Jiang, let us go through the game, a hundred yuan liquid for the lottery, or a contribution point, what do you think?"

This is undoubtedly a very friendly lottery. He really wanted to learn from each other, and he didn't want to make enemies with Jiang Shang, so he naturally chose the smallest lottery.

"I also ask Senior Brother Baiyun to enlighten me." Jiang Shang bowed his hands and respectfully returned the gift, naturally accepting the other party's kindness.

"One hundred yuan liquid for the lottery head, or a contribution point." An old voice sounded, confirming the puppet of the Lun Dao Palace: "Since both of you have already made a decision, please go to the stone platform to choose a puppet."

This Taoist puppet was left by the top of the Sword Sect and was responsible for the chores of the Taoist Palace. Every peak of the Outer Sect has a Taoist puppet, whose strength is about Jindan, and it is also to prevent any accidents.

In the side hall, there are a large number of puppets. These are all dedicated to Taoism. The cores of the aura are all the same, and it greatly prevents the increase of spiritual consciousness. Some people cheated. After all, the battle of discussing the Tao is more about the comprehension of the Tao.

And there are many types of puppets, such as kendo puppets suitable for the way of the sword, flame puppets suitable for the way of fire, and so on.

If you understand which way, you can choose the right puppet, which of course is not a violation.

Baiyun seemed to understand the way of the sword, so he directly picked a puppet of the way of the sword, and then greeted Jiang Shang: "Brother Jiang has chosen, let's go out first, you choose slowly, don't worry."

Jiang Shang smiled and nodded, then walked towards a corner, where there were three puppets, which seemed to be covered with dust, obviously few people used them.

The name of this kind of puppet is the original puppet, which means a puppet that is not blessed by any Dao. It is only suitable for practitioners who have comprehended multiple Daoes. That's why they have been idle for such a long time, so that the three original puppets are covered in dust. .

It has been a long time since Baicao Peak has a genius who comprehends multiple ways.

"It's you." Driving the original puppet, Jiang Shang walked slowly towards the hall.

In the hall of the Lun Dao Palace, there is a huge arena, which is specially suitable for debates. Everyone's eyes are gathering, and they are still discussing with great interest in private.

"Junior Brother Baiyun chose the sword puppet."

"This is the puppet he is best at, so naturally he should choose it."

"What kind of puppet do you think this new junior brother will choose? Sword puppet or something else?"

While they were discussing, Jiang Shang manipulated the puppet of the court, and with a whoosh, it landed on the ring in the hall, and there was a huge roar on the ground.

"What kind of puppet is this? I haven't seen it before." Everyone was surprised immediately, and someone suddenly thought of something, immediately took a breath, and murmured in shock: "Hiss, isn't this the original puppet? Could it be that he understood Two ways?"

"An evildoer who comprehends two ways? This kid..." Mu Xuanzhou swept away the former arrogance, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"It turned out to be the original puppet..." Xi Ye Xiong was also shocked.

And Bai Yun on the top of the arena was also taken aback, and murmured with a slightly dull expression: "You actually chose the original puppet. Could it be that Junior Brother Jiang has comprehended two ways?"

It is one thing to practice multiple Taos that are extremely difficult, but it is another thing to comprehend a completely different Tao on the basis of the original Tao. This is also an extremely difficult thing. Even the entire No one in Baicao Peak could do it.

It is difficult to comprehend a way.It is very difficult to comprehend the two ways.It is extremely difficult to comprehend the three ways...

Even in the entire Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, and even the entire Baizhou County, no one can comprehend the three ways. Just comprehending is already extremely difficult. If you want to practice, it is almost impossible.That's why everyone was so surprised that this kid actually comprehended two ways?
(End of this chapter)

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