Chapter 331 Undercurrent
"Okay." Faced with the other party's overtures and wooing, Jiang Shang hesitated for a moment, but still chose to nod and agreed: "If that's the case, then I will trouble Senior Brother Zheng."

The strength of Eagle Hall was somewhat beyond his previous imagination, so he still planned to find an ally to help him through the period of weakness.The Blue Water Palace is a woman's power, which is not suitable, so, only the Xuanmen is left.

Hope this will be a pleasant cooperation!
Jiang Shang thought so in his heart.

"Where is it, then I won't bother you, let's go ahead." Zheng Tianqing said with a smile, turned around and left, he seemed to understand what Jiang Shang meant, and was going to go back and report to his superiors.If you can win over such an evildoer, even if you don't join, it will be a very good thing!
"Farewell!" Jiang Shang nodded and smiled, then turned and left.

There is still half a year before the freshman assessment test, don't worry, it will also be practicing the Wuying Loutai method.


Half a year later, Jiang Shangzheng was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, a cultivator in Wuyinglou.

Although this method is just a small thing, it is still divided into three levels, first is the fog shadow, then the tower, and until the end is the fog shadow tower!And if one can cultivate this method to the third level, the control of Dao power can be regarded as an entry level.

That's right, just getting started!
This path is really broad and profound, and it is a blessing to be able to step into it!
Then, I saw Jiang Shang reaching out his hand to dance lightly, and then his power kept vibrating in the void, and traces of shallow palaces were drawn little by little, but it was very rough, very scribbled, and even the hazy feeling of fog and shadow was not counted. On the ground, it was just a mess, obviously, his cultivation was in trouble!

But Jiang Shang did not give up!

"Huh!" The next moment, he spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and the power of the three absolutes in his body, the fire of the phoenix, projected on the fog shadow as if it had substance, and the spiritual light flickered, making it a bit clearer.

But this time, although he has made some progress, a little better than before, it is still hazy and indistinct, and it seems that his portrayal is very difficult, his breath is unstable, and his power is loose. Obviously, he has not yet started Performance!
It seems that his control over power is a bit poor!
"Come on!" But Jiang Shang still didn't give up, but silently encouraged himself, he worked hard to construct the fog shadow, a little outline, a little trace, he did it very carefully and worked hard.

And like this, after I don't know how long it took, a well-arranged and exquisite fog shadow of the palace gradually appeared in the sky, very beautiful!But at the next moment, it disappeared with the sound of 'Peng', but Jiang Shang was sweating profusely, unable to continue.

Obviously, it is a very energy-consuming thing to construct such a beautiful palace fog shadow with Taoism!
Fortunately, he succeeded!

He successfully stepped into the first stage, the fog shadow of the fog shadow tower!
"Great, it finally worked!" Jiang Shang shook hands excitedly.

After half a year of hard work, he finally succeeded, which is really exciting!

And just half a month after he stepped into the realm of fog and shadow, the news that the college called for freshmen to take part in the assessment reached his ears in advance through Xuanmen's channel.

This time, there are about dozens of freshmen for reference. They will be randomly divided into teams of five, and then they will all be sent to a secret realm, and then the battle for resource points will start. Okay, in the end, the more resource points you get, the better your score will be.

It was also during this time period that somewhere in the Eagle Hall, such a scene was happening.

In a valley with beautiful scenery, a warm mountain spring flows. More than a dozen girls in light gauze are playing like mermaids. They are all slender, with waists that can be grasped, and long legs that are round and full of elasticity. The posture is seductive, and there are even beauties of different races among them, lively and fragrant!

And among these beautiful women, there are two handsome men who are enjoying themselves, one is Duan Wuya, and the other is a red-haired man with a terrifying aura, at least in the late stage of Golden Core!
At this moment, Duan Wuya hugged a beautiful girl casually, raised his arms, and said with a cold face: "I don't know if you have heard about that? That guy who doesn't know how to praise, actually rejected us from the Eagle Hall." On the contrary, the distance between Xuanmen and Xuanmen is a little closer."

"Are you talking about the newcomer with the three unique bodies?" The red-haired man smiled slightly, and suddenly licked his lips and sneered, "Actually, wouldn't that be better? Speaking of which, I'm still quite interested in his Phoenix bloodline! "

As he spoke, the red-haired man's eyes flashed with lingering flames, which was very terrifying. He seemed to have an amazing fire-type physique. If he could swallow the blood of the Phoenix, it must be a great boon!
"Since you're interested, then grab it directly!" Duan Wuya's eyes sharpened, and he said domineeringly and proudly: "Yang Cheng, how about a cooperation between the two of us? It just so happens that your brother is going to take part in the freshman assessment. Let him join forces with my subordinate Chang Zhengfeng to kill that kid in the secret realm, how about it?"

After a slight pause, he said again: "At that time, I don't want anything, you take the Phoenix blood yourself, Yang Cheng, what do you think?"

"You want my brother to take action?" The red-haired man, namely Yang Cheng, narrowed his eyes, stared at Duan Wuya and said with a smile, "Although I don't deny it, both my brother and your subordinate Chang Zhengfeng are geniuses. The strength of cross-level killing, but with just the two of them, you want to deal with a monster with three extreme bodies, Duan Wuya, I am afraid you are a little whimsical!"

"Don't worry, since I, Duan Wuya, dare to say it, I must have made all the preparations, and the two twins under Shan Meng will also participate. Besides, I also arranged for twelve disciples of the Eagle Hall to join. I have personally trained, and together we can arrange a large killing formation, which is enough to kill a soul altar, and it is absolutely safe!"

Duan Wuya said expressionlessly, paused for a while, and then continued: "In addition, I will give you another one million yuan, which is already my bottom line!"

"Excellent! Deal!" Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes and laughed wantonly.

Seeing this, Duan Wuya's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light. He knew that the other party was talking to the lion, but he had no choice but to drill, because at this moment, his heart was full of fear. He was afraid that Jiang Shang would be able to Grow up, because then, it will be his end!

An evildoer with three unique bodies, his future potential is terrifying!

In this way, the day of the college's freshman assessment finally arrived. Counting the newcomers who were stranded in the past, there were a total of 69 people, who were divided into 23 teams. They were sent to the Black Desolation Secret Realm.

That's where the freshman assessment test is held!
(End of this chapter)

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