Chapter 334 Enemy Attack
Looking at the battle in the Crimson Mountains again, Liu Baiyu sacrificed a gray long blade that was extremely sharp and mighty, but was bitten into pieces by the desolate beast. .

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

I saw Liu Baiyu's angry roar, and the turbulent spiritual light shone, and his whole body was covered with a layer of gray, as hard as iron, rolling towards the desolate beast with might, it was terrifying!

The desolate beast roared crazily, with desolate air billowing, smashing through the attack from the attack, causing Liu Baiyu to suddenly change color, turned his head to Jiang Shang and said coldly: "Both of you, help me!"

"Brother Jiang, let's do it!" Du Junru yelled softly, and the magic pattern force field suddenly activated, restraining the desolate beast, pulled by gravity, and crushed it to the ground. Jiang Shang heard that his eyes flickered, and then he chose to make a move !

"The third form of Xuanlei Tianjian, the sky is broken!"

This sword seemed to tear apart the sky, and it slammed towards the desolate beast fiercely. The void shook, and the blood flowed wildly.

"Why let it go! Brother Jiang, with your strength, you can completely kill it, right? Why let it go?" However, seeing Jiang Shang let go of the desolate beast, Liu Baiyu immediately turned grim, turned and glanced at Jiang Shang, coldly asked coldly.

"Are you questioning me?" Jiang Shang sneered, narrowing his eyes.

Isn't it a little too arrogant for a mere waste of strength to dare to question him!

Liu Baiyu suddenly felt his body tremble, and a gust of cold enveloped him, causing him to feel a little fear in his heart, and he forced a smile at Jiang Shang: "Where is that, brother Jiang, don't think too much. , I just want to ask, just ask."

Although his surface has softened, but in his eyes, he can still see the coldness. Obviously, he doesn't think so in his heart.

"Huh!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and didn't say anything else, but glanced at the mine, and suddenly reached out to grab it, and there was a black fragment in his hand, with a weak breath, which looked very inconspicuous!

"What is this?" He couldn't help whispering softly.

Holding the black fragment in the hand, although it looks very simple, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel the sharpness in it, which is very sharp.

Could it be that this is a fragment of a powerful magic weapon?Otherwise, how could it have such sharpness?
"This is a fragment of a heavenly magic weapon!" But at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded beside her ear, and it was Du Junru who said indifferently: "Only with the existence of a heavenly magic weapon, can it be possible to experience many years of time, enduring Scattered, sharp and long-lasting. This thing exists in the veins, and it is nourished by the vitality of the world. I am afraid that it has become a treasure of a different species!"

"Alien treasure?" Jiang Shang's eyes shone brightly, followed by a surge of aura, and in vain controlled the fragments to blast them out. With a loud bang, a certain part of the mountain range was flattened, and the rocks collapsed. The power was shocking enough. .

"Damn it, why did he get this kind of treasure? It should belong to me!" Liu Baiyu said with distorted indignation in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more, because he was afraid that Jiang Shang would kill him!

"This thing is psychic. If we can invite a master craftsman to refine it, maybe it can become a magic weapon beyond the top!" Du Junru sighed softly.It is indeed a fragment of a heavenly magic weapon, even if it is a fragment, it has such a great power!
"It seems that my luck is not bad." Jiang Shang put it away with a smile. This thing was discovered by him, so naturally it should belong to him!
As for the next step, it is naturally time to collect resources. This place is indeed a mine of precious Xuanming Jade, which has an astonishing value. After collecting all of them, it has reached a full five points, which is an exciting thing.

But just as the collection was over and the three of them were about to move their positions, Jiang Shang's eyes flashed coldly in vain, and he looked up at the sky.

"Brother Jiang, what's going on, what happened?" Noticing Jiang Shang's strange behavior, Liu Baiyu asked pretending to be concerned.

Jiang Shang paused slightly, with a curved mouth, and said with a sneer: "Someone is coming, the enemy is attacking."

Enemy attack?

Liu Baiyu and Du Junru were taken aback at the same time, the former showed a trace of excitement without leaving a trace, and a ferocious sneer appeared, while the latter frowned slightly, and asked Jiang Shang softly: "Enemy attack, Senior Brother Jiang, are you sure?" ?”

She thought that her spiritual sense was still very powerful, but she didn't feel the enemy's attack, but Jiang Shang felt it, which made her a little suspicious!

"If you don't believe me, then I have nothing to do. Otherwise, let's separate for now." Jiang Shang didn't care whether she believed her or not, and turned and left without stopping.

Seeing this scene, Liu Baiyu's eyes showed panic, and he stopped Jiang Shang and said, "Wait, brother Jiang, it's not that we don't believe you, but if there are really enemies coming, let's go out like this now, don't you?" Is it just a self-inflicted trap? Otherwise, why don’t we just hide here, with our respective concealment methods, those people are impossible to find out!”

Du Junru was taken aback when she heard the words, her eyes flickered, and a cold light suddenly appeared. She seemed to have heard something wrong.

"Just hiding here?" Jiang Shang also stopped his figure when he heard the words, turned around and looked at Liu Baiyu with a smile that was not a smile, until he saw the other person's heart was trembling, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his back, then he smiled lightly and said: "Okay, just do as you say!"

Since you want to play, let me play with you!
Turning the screen, looking at the desert in the distance, Yang Feng, with the holy seal floating all over his body, took the lead, galloping proudly in front, followed by Chang Zhengfeng, the Tong family brothers and others. Their goal, It is in the crimson mountain where Jiang Shang and others are located!
"Hurry up, I've already seen the crimson mountain range, don't let them escape, I will definitely kill that Sanjue body!" Yang Feng sneered and said loudly.

When he thought of being able to take the life of a monster with a three-jue physique himself, he couldn't help but get excited. This is a huge achievement and honor!

"Here we are, get ready, set up twelve mountain formations around the mountain range, block everything, and make it difficult for them to fly!" Just as they approached the red mountain range, Chang Zhengfeng suddenly ordered to the 12 people behind him , They are proficient in a large formation of ground level, twelve mountain formations, sealing off mountains and everything, and it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to fly!

"Then let's do it!" The captain of the 12 people gave an order, and the remaining eleven disciples of the Eagle Hall appeared at the high altitude in all directions of the mountain range at the same time. The spiritual energy danced and formed a large formation, which was ruthlessly suppressed towards the downwind.

Twelve mountain formations, formed!

"Damn, there is such a preparation." Jiang Shang frowned slightly when he saw this. This formation can block the mountains and prevent them from escaping. This is a bit troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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