Chapter 336 Ziwei Heaven Killing Talisman

At the same time, the 12 people who controlled the Twelve Sealing Mountain Formation also launched an attack at this moment, and their target was directed at Du Junru. The flood dragon slammed towards Du Junru, causing him to change color suddenly!
She, Du Junru, is not Jiang Shang, facing the joint resistance of 12 people, she is in a dangerous situation!

Looking at Jiang Shang again, he was also besieged by Yang Feng and Chang Zhengfeng.

Although these two people are not quasi-true dragon-level evildoers, they are also among the top geniuses, and their strength is extremely strong, especially Yang Feng. Drag it up, the situation is not good!

"Looks like we have to break the deadlock!" Jiang Shang's eyes froze suddenly, and the power in his body roared up. The other party wanted to break the deadlock, and he, too, wanted to break the deadlock!

"God pattern turns, bone shock wave!" Hearing a low growl, the bone god pattern in Jiang Shang's body turned crazily, the power of Qi and blood surged, and a terrifying impact immediately blasted out, aiming at Yangfeng , Chang Zhengfeng and the two, their power is extremely terrifying!
"Be careful!" Chang Zhengfeng's expression changed immediately, and he ran out a black tortoise shell with a strong defensive aura, but the next moment, he was hit hard by the white bone shock wave, and with a click, a crack appeared, and the light on it It also followed sadly, which made her feel extremely distressed!

You know, this tortoise shell is a defensive magic weapon close to the top grade of the earth, and it is extremely precious for a genius of his level!
Looking at the other side, after feeling the terrifying impact, Yang Feng's whole body was agitated with the holy seal light, which entwined around her body continuously, forming a holy seal armor, whose defense power was comparable to that of a high-grade magic weapon of the earth, bone shock wave The impact on it didn't make any contribution, it just made it shake a little bit.

But even so, this was already a terrifying thing, Yang Feng's eyes were full of solemnity.

Only at this moment did he really realize that this is the real top-notch evildoer. Compared with Jiang Shang, his strength is still far behind!
"Kill!" However, at this moment, a terrifying "kill" word filled his ears, and there was a shock in the void. It was Jiang Shang who chose to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He raised his peak to attack, and his power was astonishing!

"Don't deceive people too much!" Yang Feng saw that Jiang Shang was going to put him to death, his eyes were furious, and the holy seal of terror rolled all over his body, his breath became even more terrifying, and he condensed into a golden holy seal long sword, which fell from the sky , unexpectedly cut through Jiang Shang's fist strength, with the rest of his strength unrelenting, he slammed at Jiang Shang fiercely, and the killing was rolling.

As expected of being a monster close to the quasi-true dragon, this Yangfeng does still have some strength!
However, he wanted to kill Jiang Shang, which was obviously, absolutely impossible!The eyes of the latter sank, and the cold light flickered, and the terrifying tomb-suppressing demon came out with his hands, which was extremely astonishing!

"Kill!" There was only a terrifying roar, and the golden sword of the holy seal was crushed by the hands of the demon god, and the violent force was swayed wantonly. Agitated, his face was extremely pale, a ray of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, he raised his peak and was injured!
"As expected of being a monster of the Three Jue Physiques, I, Yang Feng, feel ashamed!"

Yang Feng stared at Jiang Shang and said coldly. Suddenly, he took out a purple magic talisman, and said with a sinister smile on his face: "But so what if you are evil? Do you know what it is? This is the Ziwei Heavenly Killing Talisman. It is enough to kill a triple soul powerhouse, and today, I, Yang Feng, want to kill you!"

His aura poured into the talisman crazily, and when he stretched out his hand, the talisman turned into a terrifying purple wave, which contained the star power of Ziwei, which was unparalleled in terror. In the center, there also appeared a bright killing character, with a murderous look, pointing directly at Jiang. Shang blasted away!

Ziwei Heavenly Killing Talisman?
Is it enough to kill a triple soul altar powerhouse?
"Damn it!" Jiang Shang's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that the opponent had such a hole card. He was really careless. The opponent's talisman had already locked him, and he couldn't escape. This is troublesome!

"Bone Avatar!" The next moment, he let out a low growl, and immediately activated the most powerful state, Bone Avatar, with billowing breath attached to his body, and his aura soared to become a giant. This is his most powerful state. It is also the moment when his body is strongest in defense!

This damn Ziwei Heavenly Killing Talisman must be defended!

"Boom..." Just after Jiang Shang laid down the heavy defense with all his strength, a terrifying purple wave swept in, killing and rolling, and the word "kill" slammed into his body with great force, and blood suddenly spit out from his mouth , Jiang Shang was immediately blown away by this force!
"Dead! Haha..." Yang Feng laughed wildly when he saw this.

The Ziwei Heavenly Killing Talisman is enough to kill triple soul powerhouses, so Jiang Shang, who was directly bombarded by the Ziwei Heavenly Killing Talisman, must die, there is no suspense!
"Finally kill this guy... Yang Feng, be careful!" Chang Zhengfeng was rejoicing when he saw this, but the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted at Yang Feng, because, because Jiang Shang didn't die!
"Dead? Just rely on you to kill me, Jiang Shang? Now, I want you to die!"

"Tomb Suppressing Demon God's Hand, kill me!" In the rolling purple waves, an icy roar resounded, a black big hand that covered the sky pierced the sky, tore apart the Ziwei stars, and pointed at Yangfeng to kill, full of endless horror. Kill the taste!

Jiang Shang, who accidentally suffered a big loss, is obviously furious at this moment!

It's not so pleasant to eat a crape myrtle sky killing talisman!

"No, it's impossible!" Yang Feng was scared out of his wits, and he backed away crazily, thinking of running away, but how could Jiang Shang let him go? The hands are completely covered, the breath is fighting, and the strangulation is frantic!

"No..." A sudden scream came to an end, and then under Chang Zhengfeng's horrified gaze, Yang Feng's aura of the holy seal disappeared completely!

Yang Feng!Holy seal genius!Be punished!

"You actually killed Yang Feng, no, his brother Yang Cheng will go crazy, and the Yang family, the Yang family will also go crazy, your end will be extremely miserable, they will never let you go!" Chang Zhengfeng Already showing madness, he cursed viciously at Jiang Shang.

He couldn't imagine that the four of them, no, the five top geniuses came together to besiege and kill Jiang Shang, but in the end, the entire army was wiped out.

Is this the Three Absolute Physique evildoers?It's really scary and perverted!

However, he absolutely shouldn't, just shouldn't kill Yang Feng. You must know that the Yang family is one of the overlords in the ancient city of Beiming. They have killed the top genius in the family, and the entire Yang family will inevitably die. Crazy, this person must die!He couldn't bear the Yang family's anger, haha...


He actually broke his tendons and annihilated his soul, because he knew that Jiang Shang would never let him go!

Therefore, he chose to commit suicide!

(End of this chapter)

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