Chapter 342 The Palace Deep in the Secret Realm

"Yes, that Thunder Demon is really perverted, and I also heard people say that he seems to have the bloodline of a real dragon, and he is extremely powerful!" Black Eagle said again.

Jiang Shang nodded silently, then skipped the topic, and began to whisper again: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's get down to business, in the message you sent me earlier, it said that someone was here and found a mysterious What's going on in the wild palace?"

Hei Ying nodded immediately, pointed to the depths of the distant mountains, and said softly: "My lord, look over there."

Jiang Shang immediately looked in the direction, only to see a vast palace in the depths of the mountain range, floating in the air, with aura flickering, shocking!
"What a majestic palace!" Jiang Shang couldn't help murmuring that the vast palace was majestic, majestic, and magnificent.He seemed to have only felt this shocking feeling in the Jixing Sword Palace back then. Could it be that this is another fairy palace?
"Some people suspect that this is the palace left by the immortals, which hides the supreme opportunity. My lord, should we go in quickly!" Black Hawk said with light in his eyes.

In fact, if it wasn't for waiting for Jiang Shang, he might have already gone in!

"Let's go!" Jiang Shang naturally didn't hesitate, and made a decisive decision. The two turned into galloping lights and rushed towards the palace!


The entrance of the palace is a huge stone tablet, and after Jiang Shang and the two stepped into it, the light in front of them suddenly disappeared without a trace. This is a boundless and extremely dark world, which makes people feel full of It's not true!
"Boom, boom, boom..." Lin Feng seemed to be able to hear the beating sounds of the hearts of the people around him, which was very strange.

With his current cultivation level, it is easy to see things in the dark, but at this moment, he can't see anything, only the endless darkness, which is dull, but he clearly knows that there are people around him, there are many people, and they should They were all the same as him, they couldn't see, and they didn't dare to move rashly.

No one knows whether they are enemies or friends, so no one dares to act rashly at this moment!Apparently, a lot of people are stuck here.

"Black Eagle, where is it?" But at the next moment, an indifferent voice resounded softly, which seemed particularly ear-splitting in the darkness. It was Jiang Shang's voice, without any fear!
"Boom!" However, at this moment, a terrifying power burst out from the darkness, blasting at Jiang Shang's voice, and the killing was rolling, full of cold terror!In the darkness, someone showed a cold smile and dared to speak in the darkness. Isn't this courting death?
"Hehe..." The eyes of the person who sneered sneered with a cruel light, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, because in the darkness, there was a terrifying aura that locked him in, making him Heart trembling!
"Looking for death!" A terrifying power of the earth emerged, directly crushing the person who made the attack, violently bombarding and killing wantonly, without showing any mercy at all.

Dare to attack Jiang Shang in front of him, isn't this courting death?
The person who attacked Jiang Shang was killed by the Black Eagle in an instant, making the hearts of the others tremble, and they dared not have any more ulterior motives!They have already seen the horror of the black eagle, a strong double soul altar, they are not something they can provoke.

"My lord, I am here."

Hei Ying spoke again, so that Jiang Shang could confirm his position, and after Jiang Shang heard the words, he also began to walk towards him slowly, no one dared to stop him along the way, and everyone gave way one after another!

Naturally, they were also afraid that the black eagle would attack them!

"What the hell kind of place is this!" Hei Ying couldn't help cursing in a low voice after feeling that Jiang Shang was getting closer.Even if he used his spiritual energy with all his might, he could only vaguely see an inch or so around him. What the hell kind of place is this? It's really weird!
"This should be a narrow passage, let's look aside." Jiang Shang said speculatively, and then slowly touched the edge. He didn't want to cause any trouble, but other people, it's best not to provoke him, otherwise If so, do so at your own risk!

Soon, they touched the edge of the passage and saw the stone wall engraved with mysterious marks.

The spiritual energy in Jiang Shang's body slowly leaked out, barely illuminating a certain area of ​​the stone wall. There were various mysterious imprints printed on it, echoing each other and overlapping each other, as if there was a strange law, which made him feel as if he touched it. My heart trembled, this thing is so weird.

"What the hell is this? It's so weird." Jiang Shang couldn't help murmuring easily.

"I'll give it a try." Black Eagle stepped out, and the spiritual energy in his body was slowly released, slowly covering the stone wall, and even penetrated into the mark.

"Peng!" There seemed to be a muffled sound in the illusion, and a terrifying power diffused from the imprint, causing Black Eagle's expression to change suddenly. What is this power... so terrifying.

"Let go!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang became vigilant in vain, and suddenly stretched out his hand quickly and slapped it away. The hand of Black Eagle touching the stone wall, a moment later, a terrifying force shot out from the two of them. The gap between people passed through, piercing the body of a strong man, directly killing him.

"Hiss..." Hei Ying gasped suddenly, and a layer of cold sweat rolled up on his back. Just now, if Jiang Shang hadn't slapped his hand off, he might have been the one who died!

"There is a terrifying holy seal power hidden on this stone wall, don't touch it again, don't harm us!" Someone shouted in panic, just now, the person who was killed by the terrifying power was right next to him, you said he How could it be possible not to be angry?

"The power of the holy seal?" Jiang Shang didn't mind when he heard the words, but his eyes flickered. The power of the holy seal suddenly reminded him of a person. Will there be any connection between them?

In fact, speaking of it, he was quite interested in the Holy Seal Cultivation Technique.

But there are only a bunch of imprints here, and it is impossible for him to comprehend it based on this. After all, things like exercises and supernatural powers are big things. If you make a wrong step, you must not be careless, so let's go and continue to go to other places Exploration, this dark ghostly place, there should always be an exit.

"Go!" Jiang Shang said easily, and the two began to move forward slowly, being cautious!

The dark and lightless passage seemed very long, as if it was a truly dark world. Finally, after walking for a long time, they finally saw a little light.

"There's light, hurry up." Jiang Shang and the two immediately speeded up, and the light gradually became clear. In front of them, there was a huge tombstone standing there. Looking around, they were all mysterious imprints, emitting With a terrible breath!
It was these imprints that criss-crossed and overlapped continuously, and finally formed a complete vein, forming the tombstone.

No, that should be a formation!
(End of this chapter)

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