Chapter 346 Fight!
"The robe?" Seeing the movement of the man with sword eyes and star eyebrows, everyone's eyes shrank immediately, and when they came back to their senses, their eyes sparkled!You know, two treasures spewed out of the palace, one is an ancient clock, which is a low-grade magic weapon of the heaven rank, and the other is a gray robe, what level of magic weapon could it be?Could it be that it is also a heavenly rank?

"Di Bingling, what do you want to do?" Hei Ying suddenly said coldly, his eyes fixed on the other party, but he didn't move, his eyes showed fear, it could be seen that he seemed to be very afraid of the other party!
"What? Do you think that you have the right to be presumptuous in front of me because you have obtained a heavenly treasure?" Di Bingling said indifferently and proudly.

I saw that he took out an icy blue necklace, which exuded a terrifying frost, and the coldness pierced his bones. The power was not weaker than that of the Yuangu Clock. Is this also a low-grade magic weapon of the heaven rank?

Di Bingling, holding an ice-blue necklace, stood proudly in the void, with a rolling momentum, like the most powerful king in the world, and it was intimidating.

"Hand over that robe, and I will spare you from dying, otherwise, today, this is where you will be buried. Don't count on him, he can't keep you!" Di Bingling turned his eyes to Jiang Shang, and issued an ultimatum in a cold tone!

He is a more monstrous genius than Black Eagle, so he has the confidence that even Black Eagle can never stop him from killing people!
It is absolutely impossible for him to hand over a treasure that is suspected to be a heavenly defensive magic weapon to someone else!

"Hehe..." However, at this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly laughed, looked at the other party and said softly: "You want to force me to hand over the robe, but it's because you think it might be a heaven-level defensive magic weapon ?”

As he spoke, his aura suddenly became ruthless, his eyes shot out a cold light, and he said arrogantly: "If that's the case, then I won't talk nonsense, who else? Among you, there is Anyone who wants to pay attention to this robe, stand up for me, if it is too late, you will have no chance!"


"Is he joking? Or, is he provoking us?"

"Provocation? Don't you think it's his self-confidence? Could it be that he really has the confidence to deal with this situation? It's unbelievable!"


Many people sneered when they heard the words, but there were also some people who showed a serious look. The students who can enter the academy are at least not idiots. Could it be that he really has the confidence to deal with this situation? It's crazy!

"Interesting, this is the first time I've seen such an arrogant person like you. Do you really think that your mere Golden Core cultivation base can create any miracles?" A rough man surrounded by billowing flames, Stepping out slowly, he said with a sneer in his eyes: "I am Xihai Yunze, today, I will let you know what is the cruel reality!"

"I said you are so fierce, what are you doing, don't scare this little brother, little brother, listen to your sister, hand over that robe, sister promises, we will not hurt you!" The graceful middle-aged woman in the purple long dress, full of coquettishness, bewitched with a sweet smile.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, a mere Jindan early stage, you can kill it, don't you think he can turn the world upside down?" A man with a knife said ruthlessly, full of intent to kill!

One after another powerful aura stepped out, and the billowing aura was thunderous, they gradually surrounded Jiang Shang, there were eight people in total, six first stage soul altars, and two late Golden Cores!

Although some of them knew that it was impossible for them to win the gray robes, they still stood up. This is because some of the eight people are strong men in the Eagle Hall, and they naturally wanted to take the opportunity to kill Abandon Jiang Shang to avoid future troubles!

However, Jiang Shang was not afraid, turned to Black Eagle and said softly: "Black Eagle, stop him for me!" Of course he was referring to Di Bingling, that is a real threat that cannot be ignored!
"Yes..." Hei Ying nodded immediately, the spiritual energy in his body was vented, and all the strength in his body was rolling towards Di Bingling. The Qi machine was completely locked. If the other party made a move, he would definitely be able to intercept it immediately.

Although, he seems to be a little weaker than the opponent, but blocking is completely fine!

"Hmph!" Di Bingling's eyes turned cold immediately, and his breath became icy cold, but he didn't act immediately, but waited quietly for the changes. Maybe we can wait and see for this situation!

Seeing this scene, Xihai Yunze sneered suddenly, and said grimly: "Boy, you regret it now, hand over your robe, kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe there is still time, otherwise, you may really die!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Shang silently drew out two swords, one black and one white, and the terrifying aura suddenly rose crazily!

"Bone Real Body!" The billowing power surged out of his body, and the power of the Bone God Rune surged. His body began to grow rapidly, nine feet high, and his aura was extremely powerful. The Bone True Body, this is Jiang Shang is at his strongest state!
An unimaginable coercion and fighting spirit shook the sky, spinning and roaring, just like a terrifying demon god, roaring to destroy the world.

"What?" Facing such a situation, everyone's expressions changed instantly!

"Another heavenly magic weapon?" At this moment, the Thunder Tribulation Sword was exuding billowing and terrifying thunder, unscrupulously showing a heavenly posture, shocking and daunting!This mere kid at the early stage of Jindan actually possesses a heavenly magic weapon.

Also, his aura is so terrifying?
"You are the Three Absolutes?" Xihai Yunze and the others looked at Jiang Shang with horrified expressions in their eyes. They never expected that this son was actually a Three Absolutes monster?Even Di Bingling, who was watching the battle standing in the sky behind, completely changed his expression, the talent of the three unique bodies, such monsters, far surpassed him!

Jiang Shang sneered when he heard the words, his momentum was thunderous: "Why, are you all afraid?"

"Afraid? It's a joke, what are you still doing? Let's kill him together, otherwise, we are all in danger of falling!" The man with the knife roared, and swung his knife suddenly, killing those who hesitated to stop. Being dragged into the battle situation, he is a member of Yingtang, so he naturally wants to take the opportunity to kill Jiang Shang!
"Damn it, forget it, kill him!" Although those strong men were overwhelmed, they still chose to attack immediately. A man with black ink sprayed a mouthful of blood, which was as black as ink and turned into a ferocious black centipede. Covering the thunderous and turbulent sky, the black air and thunder seemed to cover up Jiang Shang's power!

"Opportunity!" An old man in a white robe was overjoyed immediately, his whole body surged with astonishing power, gathered into a cloud, and a terrifying cloud hand blasted out, trying to crush Jiang Shang, it was extremely amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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