Great Demon

Chapter 35 Bullying

Chapter 35 Bullying
"Junior brother Jiang Shang!" At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, Jiang Shang immediately turned his head to look, and found that the person who spoke was Senior Sister Li Hua.

Different from the slightly friendly attitude before, Li Hua's attitude at this moment is kind of repulsive. Even Jiang Shang didn't figure out why it was like this. Wasn't her attitude good before?

Li Hua looked at Jiang Shang so coldly, but a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Junior Brother Jiang Shang, do you dare to come to the Dao stage with me?"

I have been deliberate, thinking and imagining that I want to comprehend the second way, but I have never been successful, and I have been doing useless work all the time. How can this Jiang Shanghede be able to comprehend the second way? Teach him a lesson, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve the bad breath in my heart...

It turned out that everything was caused by jealousy. She was jealous that Jiang Shang had comprehended the second way, but he himself failed, so she suddenly changed her attitude.

"Are you going to talk about the Dao?" Jiang Shang felt angry, and his eyes became a little flickering.

"Senior Sister Li Hua, what's wrong, she is planning to do it herself?"

"And from her appearance, she seems to have a bad attitude. Logically speaking, even if Mu Xuanzhou is defeated, there are still a few other people who can play, and she won't be allowed to fight herself!"

"Among my Houtian disciples at Baicao Peak, Senior Sister Li Hua is not the strongest, but her comprehension of Dao is well-deserved in the top five. Apart from the monstrous Senior Brother Dong Hong, there are also a few veteran experts No one else can compare to her."

"So it's a little bullying to act as her."


The people next to him were already discussing in low voices, Li Hua's eyes flashed a cold look, and he turned colder at Jiang Shang: "How about it, Junior Brother Jiang, dare you or not?"

"Li Hua, you are..." Xi Zhou Xiong couldn't help but said.

What happened to this Li Hua, it is not wise to offend such an evildoer.

"Why don't you dare? Jiang came to this Discussion Palace for the purpose of discussing Dao, so why didn't he dare?" However, Jiang Shang lost his temper when he was provoked, and smiled coldly at Senior Sister Li Hua: " Isn’t it just a contribution point, or a hundred yuan liquid? I’m really bothering my senior sister to make a move.”

"Hmph, since I, Li Hua, made the move, how could it be such a mere lottery?" Who knew that Li Hua snorted coldly, and sneered disdainfully: "One contribution point, or one hundred yuan liquid, this is the smallest lottery." , I naturally disdain, since you want to come, come bigger, 1000 yuan liquid, how about it, do you dare?"

"I know you don't contribute points, so let's bet on Yuanye!"

"Just bet 1000 yuan, do you dare?"

"1000 yuan liquid..." Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes, and a trace of anger surfaced: "Senior Sister Li Hua, are you kidding me?"

The atmosphere at the scene became a little frozen in an instant, and the other brothers found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.Before, when Jiang Shang was facing Bai Yun and Mu Xuanzhou, they were the smallest prizes. After all, everyone didn't want to be angry with each other, but Senior Sister Li Hua's behavior was a bit bullying.

Jiang Shang is a newcomer, and he asked the other party to make such a big bet. Isn't this obviously bullying?
Senior Sister Li Hua, it's too late.

But how did they know that Li Hua has been struggling to comprehend the second way for many years, but she has not made the slightest progress, which made her extremely anxious, and coupled with Jiang Shang's sudden appearance and stimulation, she will naturally become a It's an outlet for her emotions, and sometimes jealousy can be terrifying.

Why can he succeed, but I, Li Hua, can't. How can I, Li Hua, be inferior to him?
This made her very upset...

"Are you kidding?" Li Hua sneered, dismissively said: "So that's the case, don't you have the guts?"

"It's fine if you don't have the guts. I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a coward." Li Hua said as he turned to leave, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Let me motivate you, so many brothers are here, don't you want to lose face?
"Wait..." As expected, Jiang Shang stopped her and said slowly, "Since Senior Sister asked so, then Jiang will have to do it."

"Just bet 1000 yuan liquid, come on!" After finishing speaking, he still stared at Li Hua closely, his eyes revealing a cold look, basically this beam has been formed, if Jiang Shang is allowed to seize the opportunity in the future, he will definitely Wouldn't mind revenge.

Seeing this scene, Xi Zhou Xiong couldn't help it: "Junior brother Jiang, don't be impulsive, you are no match for Li Hua when it comes to comprehension of Tao!"

Although it was a bit offending to say so, he still couldn't help but open his mouth, because this Li Hua was really bullying, if it wasn't for the guy behind her... Xi Zhou Xiong's eyes would have a gleam of coldness!
"Western Zhou Xiong." Li Hua snorted coldly: "This is none of your business, don't go too far."

Xi Zhou Xiong's expression turned cold when he heard the words, and a strong aura gushed out of his body. It seemed that he was about to explode, but was stopped by Jiang Shang suddenly: "Thank you, Senior Brother Xi Zhou, for your kindness, but let me handle this matter by myself." .”

"Even if I am no match for Senior Sister Li Hua now, she will definitely be left far behind me in the future. At that time, I will 'thank' him well." Jiang Shang sneered.

"What did you say..." Li Hua's expression changed suddenly, and then he became angry.But looking at her eyes, she seemed a little guilty.

Jiang Shang's blatant threat is really...

"What did I say? Didn't Senior Sister Li Hua hear you clearly? Then let me say it again, I will firmly remember what happened today." Jiang Shang didn't care, confronted each other, and said coldly: "Senior Sister Li Hua invited .”

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Shang went directly to the original puppet. I, Jiang Shang, can afford to lose 1000 yuan of Yuanye, but if you take my things today, you will have to spit them out thousands of times in the future.

He's ready to lose, but he's also ready to get it back. If it's not just a competition, ten Li Huas are no match for him. Why are you so arrogant... Anyway, this matter will never end .

"You..." Not only did Li Hua's expression change, but the rest of the people also became strange.

Although Jiang Shang's threat seems naive, it is actually full of threats. No one will doubt his talent as a monstrous character who can comprehend two ways, and his future achievements will definitely surpass Li Hua's.

by that time……

"It seems that Senior Sister Li Hua has met the iron plate this time!"

"It's not just an iron plate, it's an iron plate that has been blessed with a magic circle. With Junior Brother Jiang Shang's talent, it is estimated that he will be able to completely surpass Li Hua in at most two years. By then, there will be a good show!"

"I don't know what she thinks, but Junior Brother Jiang has comprehended the evildoers of two ways, so she can provoke them? Do you really think that with Senior Brother Dong's love, she can be lawless? Let's see how she ends up now."


(End of this chapter)

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