Chapter 359 Seven Star Pavilion

This time, Jiang Shang and his two had gained a lot in the fairy cemetery of Patriarch Jin Guang, so after they left the Red Desolation Secret Realm, they immediately returned to Jiang Shang's residence in the academy, and began to retreat!

Jiang Shang needs to consolidate the realm after the breakthrough, and Black Eagle also needs to refine the Yuangu Clock, so both of them are very busy!

In this way, soon, a year passed!

In the early morning of this day, Jiang Shang was chatting with Hei Ying in the courtyard. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and then he saw him ask Hei Ying in doubt: "By the way, I want to ask you something, what are you doing now?" What kind of exercises are you practicing?"

"Me?" Hei Ying was stunned when he heard the words, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I'm going to make my palace master laugh, the exercises I practice are just ordinary exercises."

As he spoke, a flash of light appeared in his hand, and then it condensed into a book. Its cover looked very simple, it seemed to be old, there was a layer of faint silver line on the edge, and there were three words written on it, Huatian Zhenjie should be the name of this exercise!
Just looking at the name, it doesn't seem bad, but when Jiang Shang flipped it over, his brows immediately frowned.

"It's just a sixth-level exercise?" It turned out to be only a sixth-level exercise. No wonder Jiang Shang was dissatisfied. In his eyes, this exercise is too low-level!
Thinking of this, Jiang Shang got up straight away, and said to Black Eagle: "It's my fault, I forgot to ask you about this, your level of cultivation is too low, let's change it, let's go, Follow me outside for a walk, the ancient city of Beiming in Nuo Da must lack high-level exercises."

"Change the exercises?" Hei Ying was overjoyed when he heard the words, but followed, he was a little worried: "My lord, the exercises I am practicing now are the sixth level, if I want to change, it must be the seventh level ! That level of exercises is not only difficult to find, I am afraid, it will also be very expensive!"

"You don't need to worry about this, I know it, let's go!" Jiang Shang got up and walked outside without changing his expression.

Although the seventh-level cultivation method may be very expensive, the price is not unacceptable to him. Moreover, his goal is not the seventh-level cultivation method, but... the more advanced the cultivation method , the more powerful the black eagle is, the more help it will be to him, isn't it?
The two left the courtyard, and they followed and fled towards the outside of the academy at an extremely fast speed!


The Xicheng area of ​​Beiming Ancient City is recognized as a gathering place for commerce and commerce. Merchants, shops of major chambers of commerce, countless monks gather here, pills, magic weapons, talismans, puppets... There are also countless treasures gathered here, only You don't know, but you can't find it here, it's a grand scene!
Moreover, in the West City area, there is also the recognized largest chamber of commerce store, and that is the Seven Star Pavilion!

It is the largest chamber of commerce force within the entire Beiming realm, and at the same time, it is also one of the six overlord forces in the ancient city of Beiming!The strength is astonishing, beyond the reach of ordinary forces!

And this place is also the destination of Jiang Shang's trip!
If you want to find high-level cultivation methods, you can only go to this kind of big chamber of commerce!
"Seven Star Pavilion, covering an area of ​​more than [-] miles, is a city within a city. It is basically similar to a college. There are countless treasures in it, such as pills, magic weapons, magic charms, selling spirit beasts, all kinds of gambling wars... In short, all the transactions you can think of There are all kinds of things in the Seven Star Pavilion." Hei Ying has traveled all over the world, so he knows the Seven Star Pavilion very well, and sighed.

"However, this Seven Star Pavilion is one of the six overlords in the ancient city of Beiming. No one dares to provoke it. Its branches are everywhere in Beiming. I don't know how much wealth it has earned!"

Just when Hei Ying sighed, the two of them had arrived at the center of the West City, where the Seven Star Pavilion was located.

I saw a huge and beautiful building in the distance, showing a silver-white scene throughout, like stars, marked by seven shining stars, the turbulent surge is very comfortable, the entrance of the palace gate There are also three big characters written on the top, Seven Star Pavilion, iron pen and silver hook, beautiful and magnificent.

"Is this the Seven Star Pavilion?" Jiang Shang looked a little surprised.

As expected of Seven Star Pavilion, the largest chamber of commerce in Beiming, this battle is really amazing!

Black Hawk didn't seem too surprised because he had been here before.

"Guest, welcome to the Seven Star Pavilion, please come in quickly, please come in quickly." Immediately, a tall man with horns came trotting over to receive Jiang Shang and his wife. His attitude was very good, and he was at the Golden Core realm!

Jiang Shang and Hei Ying looked at each other, and then walked towards the interior of Seven Star Pavilion.

"I want to buy a cultivation method, which is of earth attribute, and the level needs to be higher. Please take me to the place to have a look." Walking on the road, Jiang Shang said lightly.

"A high-level cultivation method?" Hearing the words, the horned man asked again: "Guest, may I ask what level of cultivation method you need, and do you have any special requirements?"

"At least the seventh level or above. If there is an eighth level, it would be best. As for the requirements, it must be an earth attribute skill, not others." Jiang Shang said calmly.The Thick Earth Eye possessed by Black Eagle is the blood of the earth attribute. Naturally, the best of the exercises he practiced is the earth attribute!
Because only in this way can he be more in line with his bloodline and thus exert stronger strength!
"Hiss! The seventh level, the eighth level of cultivation skills?" The horned man gasped. Obviously, he was taken aback by Jiang Shang's words. The seventh level of exercises, the eighth level of exercises, Such treasures are priceless, even their Seven Star Pavilion may not sell them!

"Guest, please wait a moment, I need to ask for instructions." The horned man stammered.

Obviously, a big client like Jiang Shang is no longer something he can handle.

"Go." Jiang Shang said indifferently.

And the horned man, of course, has already gone to ask for instructions, and so on, after about half a stick of incense, a fat man covered in jewels, wearing luxurious robes, with various rings on his fingers, emerald, white jade Yes, pure gold... It's completely a nouveau riche outfit, as vulgar as it can be, vulgar to the extreme.

I saw him walking over with a smile on his face, first nodded at Black Eagle, then looked at Jiang Shang with narrowed eyes, and said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, this should be Jiang Shang, Jiang Shang. bro?"

"You know me?" Jiang Shang suddenly asked in surprise.

"My lord, he is also a student of the academy, and he has a second-level soul altar cultivation. He is not an easy guy!" Black Eagle said quietly through voice transmission.

No wonder the fat man nodded to him, it turned out that the two of them had known each other for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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