Chapter 361 Thirty-nine million yuan liquid!
"Thank you, Brother Jin, for letting me know. We will definitely go and see this auction." Jiang Shang thanked him with his hands in his hand.

He naturally understood that this was a gesture of favor from the other party. Otherwise, they would not have been able to know the news in advance, and they might even miss it. That would be a pity!After all, although the Holy Scroll of the Earth Emperor is only a fragment, it is very suitable for Black Eagle. If it can be obtained, it is naturally the best!

"Thank you, no thanks, anyway, this auction is hosted by our Seven Star Pavilion, and I'm here to attract customers for our Pavilion." Jin Dabao said with a smile.

These words are purely polite, guests, will their Seven Star Pavilion be short of guests?

Jiang Shang smiled when he heard the words, he couldn't deny it, and then he said again: "Brother Jin, I don't know if your Qixing Pavilion will accept the Ten Thousand Years Cold Crystal?"

"Accept, why don't you accept it? This Ten Thousand Years Cold Crystal is a treasure. I don't know how many you have, Brother Jiang. Our Qixing Pavilion will accept them all!" Jin Dabao said excitedly.This Ten Thousand Years Cold Crystal is a good treasure, and it is still very popular in the market, so he naturally does not refuse anyone who comes.

"All of it?"

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, with a strange arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, reached out his hand to touch it, threw out a storage mustard seed, threw it to the other party and said with a smile: "Brother Jin, take it and have a look."

Jin Dabao took the stored mustard seeds, his consciousness invaded them, and then he smiled in surprise: "There are so many, Brother Jiang, you are really generous, this mustard seed is worth at least a million, and I will give you this number." ,what do you think?
He raised five fingers, this is, 500 million yuan liquid?
"Five million yuan liquid?" Jiang Shang whispered, waved his hand, and with a flash of inspiration, he took out seven more mustard seeds of the same storage, and said with a smile: "There are some more here, brother Jin, you can buy them together." Let's see."

A flash of surprise flashed across Jin Dabao's eyes, and his eyes swept over the seven mustard seeds, his spiritual sense invaded them, and after a while, his expression became shocked.

"Brother Jiang, are you going to sell all these ten-thousand-year-old cold crystals?" Jin Dabao suddenly became serious after sweeping away the expression of laughter before. Obviously, the number of these ten-thousand-year-old cold crystals shocked him !
Among the seven stored mustard seeds, there are at least 30 catties of ten-thousand-year cold crystals, and on the market, the standard price of one thousand kilograms of ten-thousand-year cold crystals is at least 3000 yuan. If he could talk about success, it would be a big business worth more than [-] million. No wonder he lost his composure.

It was the first time for him, Jin Dabao, to deal with such a large amount of Yuanye business.

"Of course, these are for sale." Jiang Shang said with a smile.This ten-thousand-year cold crystal may have been placed on him for a long time, but it is useless to him anyway, so it is better to sell it all, so as to make him rich.

This is tens of millions of yuan liquid, even he can't help but act.

"You two, please wait a moment. I'll go get a magic weapon to measure the weight. I'll come as soon as I go."

Jin Dabao left again, and after a while, he returned to the room with a small golden scale in his hand, and then, he began to measure the weight of the Ten Thousand Zai Cold Crystal.

"Huh!" After a while, Jin Dabao exhaled lightly, raised his head, trembling with excitement on his face, and said to Jiang Shang: "Brother Jiang, these ten-thousand-year-old cold crystals weigh a total of 12 Yu Jin, according to the market price, 30 yuan for 8208 kilograms of liquid is 900 million yuan. I decide, and I will give you a total of [-] million yuan. What do you think of this price, Brother Jiang? ?”

When he spoke, his lips were trembling, such a large amount of primordial fluid was enough to make anyone's heart tremble!
"Hiss, 900 million yuan liquid?" Hei Ying took a deep breath and fell into a sluggish state. Such an astonishing figure has already made him speechless.

"Okay, let's do it like this, please trouble Brother Jin." Jiang Shang was naturally not dissatisfied, and nodded with a smile.

These ten-thousand-year cold crystals were originally obtained by him for nothing, so it doesn't matter if there are more or less, anyway, this wealth is already huge, 900 million yuan, and this is the first time he has so many fluids.

After a while, Jiang Shang and Hei Ying walked out of the Seven Star Pavilion.

"My lord, we are really rich now. Thirty-nine million liquids. I have practiced Black Eagle for so long, and this is the first time I have seen so many liquids!" Black Eagle seemed to be still excited, and turned towards Jiang Shang excitedly said.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Shang shook his head, and said flatly: "Thirty-nine million yuan sounds like a lot, but think about it, how much is your Diyuan ancient clock worth, how much is my Thunder Tribulation Sword worth? How much is that sacred crown of the Yang family worth?"

"Any piece of heaven-rank magic weapon is worth more than tens of millions of yuan liquid, so the little yuan liquid in our hands is far from being rich!"

Jiang Shang's words made Black Eagle startled, yes, 900 million yuan, although it sounds like a lot, but thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same.The higher the cultivation level, the less valuable the primordial liquid is!
"Let's go, look around and see if you can find any treasures."

Jiang Shang's voice has gone away. There is a huge Taobao market in Xicheng District, and he is going to go around to see if he can find treasures.

Hei Ying suddenly woke up, and naturally followed immediately.

After a while, they came to a huge market place. Except for the main road in the middle, the left and right sides were full of monks or stalls set up by foreigners. Here, you need to have good eyesight to buy things. Maybe you will buy a A treasure, and there are more possibilities, you will buy a useless waste, in short, this is a place to find treasures.

"Here we are, let's go in and have a look."

Jiang Shang and the two came here, followed by entering, and began to look at it casually.

The stalls set up by these monks or foreign races have all kinds of treasures, magic weapons, potions, puppets, spirit beasts... It is eye-opening and dazzling.

However, most of the treasures here are trash or low-grade. The two of them looked along the way, basically, they found nothing that caught the eye, which was a little disappointing.

Seeing this scene, Black Eagle suddenly pointed to the front, a very majestic black building, and said, "My lord, why don't we go and have a look? I heard that the level of treasures inside is higher than that outside, and the lowest price is the lowest." Starting with 10 yuan liquid, maybe we can find some treasures in it, maybe."

"Is there such a thing? Let's go in and have a look." Jiang Shang naturally became interested, nodded, and the two walked towards the black building.

That black building has doors in four directions, southeast, northwest, and you can enter from any side!
(End of this chapter)

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