Chapter 374
"After this retreat, my strength can be regarded as much stronger. After a little adjustment, I can go to the Sunlight Lake to have a look. According to the records on the iron sheet, the semi-finished magic weapon, the Thunder Chariot, seems to be sealed in the That's the right place." Jiang Shang murmured softly.

What he was referring to was the iron plate he had obtained in the Polar Star Sword Palace, on which a message was recorded.

It turned out that the holder of the iron plate was actually the last batch of strong men who entered the Jixing Sword Palace, and he was also a two-level Zhoutian strong man named Lei Dao Ren.

This person from Lei Dao is extremely obsessed with the way of refining weapons, and he also created a powerful magic weapon called Thunder Car, which is amazingly powerful. Since then, he has devoted himself to researching this way, determined to create the most powerful thunder car , persisted.

It's a pity that his wish was shattered when he entered the Jixing Sword Palace, but he was unwilling to lose his thunder chariot, so he kept this iron piece and waited for someone with a destiny.

Outside the Polar Star Sword Palace, probably somewhere in the Northern Nether Region, he sealed an incomplete thunder cart for later use. As long as someone who is destined can hold this piece of iron, he can go to take out the thunder cart. The car, according to the content on the iron sheet, continues to be strengthened.

If he can fully realize his vision, his thunder car is even expected to transcend the realm of heaven.

This is also the reason why he sold the Thunder Tribulation Sword. As his cultivation continued to grow, the Thunder Tribulation Sword was already showing signs of weakness, so he thought of changing the attack weapon. This Thunder Chariot is undoubtedly a good one. choose.

Of course, all of this is just fantasy now, and only when you really get it, you will know whether it is suitable or not.

In this way, about half a month later, Jiang Shang left the academy, left the ancient city of Beiming, and flew all the way to the south.

The Sunlight Pool where the thunder car was sealed is located somewhere on the edge of the southern part of the Northern Nether Territory!

And just after he left, such a scene was unfolding in a certain Lingshan cave in the inner city of Beiming Ancient City.

I saw a cyan egg beating slightly in the layer upon layer of red flames filled with spiritual light, as if it was a human heartbeat, gentle and regular, but it was beating extremely slowly, as if, at any time, It is possible to disappear, which makes people frown and makes people tremble.

And on the side of the red flame, there were three figures watching this scene, and then they frowned.

"It still doesn't work, the green luan's egg is too badly injured, it can't hatch at all!" A middle-aged man with long hair frowned.His age seems to be about 30 years old, but he gives people an unusual vicissitudes of life, with an amazing aura, and he is actually a double-layer Zhoutian powerhouse.

"I'll try again." Another enchanting beautiful woman showed no expression on her face, she waved her hand and released two beams of light, which wrapped two monsters, unconscious and drowsy.

One is a crimson spirit bird about the size of a mountain. This monster is called a phoenix bird, and it has the blood of a thin phoenix. It seems that it probably has a Zhoutian cultivation base.The other blue-colored strange python circled around several times. I don't know its name, but it seems that it also has the thin blood of the Phoenix, and it has a cultivation level of [-]st stage Zhoutian.

"These two monsters have the blood of the phoenix. Although they are very thin, they should be useful!" the enchanting beautiful woman said coldly.

The next moment, a silver thread surged out, and it instantly turned into a silver cord of nearly a hundred feet long, wrapping the two monsters at once, and then the silver light flickered violently, refining them on the spot. It turns out to be amazing!

The two mountain-like monsters had long since died. They were quickly refined and shrunk by the silver light, and finally turned into two drops of crystal clear blood, with an astonishing aura.

"Go!" The enchanting beautiful woman waved her hand lightly, and the two drops of blood automatically floated towards Qingluan's egg, very slowly and carefully.Seeing this scene, the long-haired middle-aged man, and the last one all stared intently, and couldn't help short of breath.

At the next moment, those two drops of crystal clear blood merged into the green egg, and a faint buzzing sound sounded. Immediately, a tyrannical flame aura gushed out, very active, making the three enchanting beauties look happy at the same time.

"It works!" the enchanting beautiful woman said excitedly.

But at this moment, the tyrannical flame aura quickly dimmed, the aura fell back, and it returned to the previous weak state, which made the three of them startled for a moment, and then became helpless.

"It doesn't seem to work, the green luan's egg is too badly injured, it can't hatch at all!" the long-haired middle-aged man said again.

"I heard that a piece of Thunder Phoenix Tree appeared in the outer city. It is the treasure of the Phoenix family. It should be able to restore the green luan's egg." At this time, the enchanting beautiful woman said lightly.This matter was widely spread, and it naturally entered their ears, and there was nowhere to hide.

"The Thunder Phoenix Tree? Do you know who has it? If it's such a treasure, maybe it can really hatch the green luan's egg." The long-haired middle-aged man said happily.

"I heard that it is in the hands of a Jindan junior, a student of Vulcan Academy..."

The enchanting beautiful woman was about to elaborate, but was interrupted by an indifferent voice: "Leave this matter to me. The boy you mentioned has an old relationship with me. I will go talk to him."

Looking at the owner of the indifferent voice, it was a purple figure half as tall as a man, with a harpoon strapped to his back, three eyes on his forehead, and a terrifying aura all over his body.

"Old with you?"

The enchanting beautiful woman was startled when she heard the words, and said coldly: "If this is the case, then this matter will be easier to handle. You go and talk to that junior in person. Our Beiming Palace is bound to get this thing. If you want to come to him It should also be interesting."

"This matter is of great importance. You must take it to heart. You must take back the cut Thunder Phoenix Tree. If you can hatch a green luan, it will be an existence comparable to an immortal in the future. It is of great significance and must not be missed. !” said the middle-aged man with long hair.

"I know what to do, I don't need you to teach me." Fitz said indifferently.

Although he was calm on the surface, he still had a wry smile in his heart. He and Jiang Shang had a very close friendship, but he really didn't know how to speak about this kind of thing, so he had no choice but to do so.

But this matter, he can only bite the bullet and take it, because he knows Jiang Shang's unruly character, if other people go over to talk, the two sides are likely to fail to reach an agreement, or even form an enemy, of course he doesn't want to see it things.

So he can only go through this matter himself!

(End of this chapter)

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