Chapter 376 Ancient Giant!

"How is it possible? Why is it impossible?" Jiang Shang's eyes were cold, and a terrifying brilliance lingered all over his body. His long hair fluttered around, and his robes fluttered around. He looked like a terrifying demon god, and the whole world seemed to freeze!
"The god pattern turns!" The next moment, he spun the bone god pattern again, the terrifying power of Qi and blood roared, and the vision of the tomb-suppressing demon god's hand appeared in the void again. The giant hand that covered the sky was like casting molten iron, full of power Texture, there are countless mysterious and profound runes floating on the tombstone, which is so profound that it makes people tremble!
Obviously, it is impossible for him not to be angry with the opponent's unscrupulous attack before!

"Wait, stop! We can have a good talk!" Seeing that Jiang Shang was about to use the Tomb-Suppressing Demon God's Hand again, King Cheng's expression suddenly changed, his eyes flustered, and he hurriedly said to Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang's voice was full of indifference and murderous intent: "Talk? What do we have to talk about?"

"You are holding the second piece of iron, you must want to open the cave of Lei Daoist, but the second piece of iron is in the hands of the two of us. Only when the two pieces of iron come together can we form a key to open the cave of Thunder Road. Laneman’s cave, so we must cooperate!” Cheng Wang stared at Jiang Shang vigilantly, fearing that he would make another move!
The power of the tomb-suppressing demon god's hand is too terrifying, even they, as the peak powerhouses of the triple soul altar, are afraid of it!
"The first piece, the second piece of iron?" Jiang Shang squinted his eyes expressionlessly, but the lingering breath in his body did not fall. The power of the three absolutes is so powerful that it is very terrifying!
"That's right, if you want to open this cave, you must cooperate with the two of us, otherwise, unless you want to burn jade and stone together, everyone will get nothing!" King Xuan bit the bullet, glanced at Jiang Shang and said coldly.

Even though he fell into a disadvantage just now, he is still a powerhouse at the peak of the triple soul altar after all. He is confident that no matter how evil Jiang Shang is, it is impossible to do anything to him!

"You'd better keep your mouth shut, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill you!" Jiang Shang said coldly in vain, causing King Xuan's eyes to turn cold and his color suddenly changed!

"What did you say?" King Xuan's tall body once again burst out with terrifying Yin Qi, billowing like a tide, like a wind blowing away clouds, like a big wave washing the sand, the gloomy power covered the world, and he said angrily to Jiang Shang: "Don't think that you can be so presumptuous because you have the Three Absolute Physiques. You'd better figure out one thing. The gap in cultivation between you and me is like a gap. Don't really think that I'm afraid of you!"

"Then why don't you try again?" Jiang Shang's pitch-black eyes released a terrifying brilliance, and his hostility suddenly filled the world. Do it!
"You!" King Xuan's eyes were filled with astonishment, and then his expression was very ugly. He didn't expect that the other party's attitude was really so fierce. Could it be that he was really sure to fight two with one?

It is impossible for a mid-stage Gold Core, even if it is a three-jue body, this guy, is he crazy?

"King Xuan, shut up!" At this moment, King Cheng suddenly yelled at King Xuan, his stiff eyes flashed, and he said coldly to Jiang Shang: "Your Excellency, we have no intention of dying with you. Put away your arrogance!"

King Xuan was reprimanded, although he was a little unwilling and angry, but he still kept his mouth shut and did not speak anymore.

Obviously, he was a little scared in his heart. The physique of the taboo three unique physiques that shocked the ancients and the present made him jealous, and he dared not take it lightly!
"Hmph!" Seeing this, Jiang Shang finally snorted and withdrew his momentum. He glanced coldly at the two tall figures in front of him, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said slowly: "My name is Jiang Shang. What's your name?"

"My name is King Cheng, and he is King Xuan. Both of us are generals of the ancient dynasty, so this name has been used all the time!"

Seeing that Jiang Shang was finally willing to stop, King Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

To be honest, after the scene just now, he really doesn't want to confront Jiang Shang anymore. Such evildoers do have the capital to make the past stand out and look down on the world!
"King Cheng, King Xuan?" Jiang Shang murmured easily, his expression unchanged, and then he said lightly: "Since you two said that the first iron piece is with you, then there is no need for us to delay any more. Let’s go open the cave and talk about it! As for the distribution of treasures, let’s use our own means, how about it?”

What he said was quite straightforward, which made Cheng Wang and the two of them stunned for a moment, and then nodded solemnly.

Everyone is a sensible person, there is no need to talk about those empty words!It doesn't make sense, no matter what kind of treasure it is, it depends on the means!
"Let's go." King Cheng said softly, and the three of them immediately turned into radiant light, cut through the sky, and headed towards the depths of Linshan Mountain. After about half a stick of incense, they came to a cold pool, and the cold air condensed A series of freezing spots, like star spots in the sky, are dotted on the ice-cold pool surface, very beautiful.

And here is the Sunshine Lake, where Lei Daoren's cave dwelling is located!
"Take out the iron piece!" Cheng Wang's arm covered with green hair suddenly flashed, and a tiny spot of light appeared on his ferocious fingertips. It was the iron piece, shining with agility!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang didn't hesitate, waved his hand, and a piece of bronze iron surged out, and landed in the direction directly above the Sunlight Pool, where it merged with the other piece of iron, and the spiritual energy swayed, and suddenly condensed into a bright spot. Light waves, like colorful jaspers, slowly pressed down towards the Sunlight Pool!
"Peng!" In an instant, the entire pool of water began to stir crazily, rolling up and down, forming a huge vortex, and then, like a rumbling roar, came from the pool, getting bigger and louder... …

"Damn it, what's going on? What's in that pool?" Sensing that something terrifying was about to emerge from the bottom of the pool, King Xuan finally couldn't help cursing in a low voice, his expression becoming ugly.

Isn't this the cave of Lei Daoren?

Why?Why does it seem to be hiding some horrible monster? Damn it!
"Damn, what's that?" At this moment, Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly shrank, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but curse!
At this moment, he was condescending, and found two giant palms protruding from both sides of the pool. Each finger was as big as a giant pillar of a coiling dragon. , covering the sun's sight, it's huge!
And the so-called Burning Light Pool has long since disappeared without a trace, it is muddy and deep, and it has turned into a huge eye, which is frightening!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang's whole body trembled, and his expression suddenly changed. He thought of a famous race in the heavens!

The ancient giants... the Cyclops family!
(End of this chapter)

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