Chapter 386 The Demon Emperor's Palace!

"Let the younger generation open this fairy treasure, regardless of life or death, can the powerful and powerful not make a move?"

"Isn't that why we also have a chance to get a share?"

"The silent beating of the heart is getting more and more intense. I'm afraid this Immortal Treasure is about to be opened!"


The dull sound of the beating heart kept echoing in the void, and the boiling magma looked extremely hot and coquettish, and it kept overflowing in all directions, like fresh blood, and the towering palace like an ancient mountain seemed to be about to leave at last. Volcanic bondage is coming soon!


The Zhou Tian powerhouse gathered here began to slowly not dare to retreat. Although some of them might be unwilling, it was impossible for them to resist, because this was the strength of the six major overlords, the two major academies, and even There are also the rules formulated jointly by Beiming Xiangong, no one dares to violate them!
And the rest of the golden elixir and soul altar powerhouses are gearing up, their eyes are extremely sharp, and they want to show their skills on this stage and seize the fairy treasure left by the monster clan powerhouses!

"What is that? Yaowen, it's my ancient Yaozu's writing!" And at this moment, the Flame Cangniu expert of the Vulcan Yaozu suddenly exclaimed, his eyes flashed with shock!The ancient demon script is so mysterious that few demon races can pass it on, but here is the ancient demon script. How is it possible...

At this moment, the entire palace, which is as tall as a mountain, has been freed from the shackles of the volcano, and at its foundation, there are countless twisted and mysterious characters. If there is no accident, it is the characters of the ancient monster race Very mysterious!
"Wait, I got it, this is the sleeping palace of the Great Monster Race Emperor!" At this moment, the strong man of the Dixuan Palace who had been silent all this time suddenly trembled in his eyes, showing a very excited look!
Emperor?Monster Race Great Emperor?
When the big men heard this term, they all turned pale. They all stared at the majestic ancient temple, watching carefully and carefully, their eyes flickering in shock, extremely shocked!

Whether it is for human beings or foreign forces, this title is a supreme title, extremely noble!Even in Xuanyuan Great World, there is still such a saying, that is, the emperor must be an immortal, but an immortal is not necessarily an emperor!

The meaning of this sentence is that only the top powerhouse among the immortals is qualified to be called the Great Emperor!
Ordinary immortals are not qualified to enjoy this title, which is evident from this!
Looking at today's Beiming Territory, those who are qualified and worthy of the title of Great Emperor, perhaps, only the old man Xuanwu is qualified. qualifications!
The strong body of the Vulcan monster clan was stiff, his eyes were fixed on the palace, his mouth was dry, and finally he said in a trembling voice: "It seems that it is really the palace of Emperor Fire Crow. I remembered that the layout of the palace around here is similar to What is described in the classics is generally the same!"

Emperor Fire Crow is the name of the Great Emperor of the Monster Race. Ten thousand years ago, he ruled the entire Xuanyuan Great World and was supreme!
"It turned out to be the bedroom of the great emperor, how could it be, isn't this the ruins of Wannian's overlord-level strength?" Those big figures were all shocked, their eyes radiated incredible colors, the emperor's bedroom, this is extraordinary!

"Don't talk about it, let those juniors play freely, you can't possibly want to break the contract now!" But at this time, the strong man of Beiming Immortal Palace suddenly said, which made everyone startled, and their eyes suddenly flickered. .

Could it be that this matter was premeditated by Asgard...

"Boom! Boom!" However, at this moment, the dull heartbeat sounded again in the majestic palace like an ancient mountain. The splendor of the sun is flowing, and the terrifying fire is pervading. The palace of the Fire Crow Emperor thousands of years ago is about to reappear in the world!

After that, the dull heartbeat sounded continuously, and the crater crater was filled with terrifying fire, burning the whole world with red flames!

The scorching hot and boundless magma is boiling, and it has even surpassed the boundaries of space, soaring into the sky, burning up the sky, and burning the void into crimson. Looking at the towering palace like an ancient mountain, it is wrapped in divine fire, and the momentum is shocking, and the years are flowing breath.


Finally, as if the last heartbeat sounded, the sound was like a torrent of bells, shaking the sky. In an instant, the Demon Emperor's bedroom slowly rose from the magma, shining brilliantly, making people burst into excitement!
"Look, that palace has broken the ban!" Someone exclaimed when they saw this scene.I saw the volcano shaking, like a majestic ancient palace rushing out of the crater, the terrifying divine fire lit up the entire ruins, like the sun, vast and incomparable, all the stars in the sky dimmed, it was extremely terrifying!
"Boom..." I saw a long river of thunder stepping out of the void, and the air of desolation was billowing. It was the thunder monster that quickly surged out and flew towards the palace!Even if Zhou Tian is not allowed to make a move, then he is confident that no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. The treasure of this palace must belong to his Thunder Demon!


Immediately, the other geniuses flew towards the palace without any hesitation, extremely fast, and in an instant, the sky was filled with endless brilliance, very bright!
"Looks like it's time for me to go out!" Seeing how lively the scene was, Jiang Shang couldn't help it anymore, a layer of terrifying brilliance suddenly appeared under his feet, the breath of bones was dense, and it was filled with the endless power of the three absolutes. The power is terrifying, and it shocked countless geniuses in an instant!
"Hiss, it's the power of the Three Absolutes, it's the evildoer of the Three Absolutes of the Vulcan Academy. I heard that although this person has just stepped into the middle stage of the Jindan Stage, he is a lawless person. Don't be afraid, it seems that it won't be long before Beiming Ancient City will have another top monster!" Someone suddenly couldn't help exclaiming.

"Three Absolute Physiques? Is it him?" Even Lei Yao couldn't help but pause, and turned around abruptly. The aura of desolation pierced through the sky, it was extremely terrifying, and his eyes burst into a fierce color.

"Very good, you still dare to appear in front of me?" Lei Yao looked at Jiang Shang and said coldly.

"What a joke, do you really think that I, Jiang Shang, will be afraid of you?" Jiang Shang was not afraid, confronted each other, and said with a sneer.

Although he is not yet the opponent's opponent, as long as he wants to escape, the opponent will not be able to keep him. This is the capital he is not afraid of. Since he can't keep him, what is there to be afraid of?
"Afraid? I don't need you to be afraid, because dead people don't need to know fear! Haha... After this treasure hunt in the palace, I will personally fight with you. At that time, I hope you will stop being a coward. !"

With a loud and arrogant laugh, Lei Yao quickly turned around and flew towards the majestic palace!
He actually, he actually challenged the three monsters to fight, which is really unbelievable and shocking... Isn't this a bully for a first-level soul altar against Jindan middle stage?

(End of this chapter)

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