Chapter 388 Ancient coffin, the heart of the emperor?
There are hundreds, nearly a thousand rays of light all over the sky, although that represents hundreds, nearly a thousand sky-level refining materials, but there are more people competing for it, the scene is chaotic, the rays of light are flying, and those sky-level refining materials are instantly destroyed Jiang Shang was speechless because he only snatched three glows, and they were all eleventh-level Heaven-rank refining materials, which were very valuable!

In the next moment, many lights surged towards the palace, and they wanted to completely open this majestic palace!

"Boom" But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the palace, as towering as an ancient mountain, swayed slightly in vain, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, which surprised many people, and smart people began to be vigilant stand up
"It seems something is not quite right..." Looking at the dazzling brilliance, Jiang Shang said with strange eyes.He has the memory of the demon ancestor in his mind, so he is naturally more vigilant about this situation!
be careful and live long!
"Those mysterious words seem to be getting brighter and brighter."

"Wait, what's going on? Those words seem to be alive, and the spiritual light is flashing, as if they are about to come out through the wall!"

The strange scene began to become more obvious. Those ancient demon texts on the palace were actually slightly shining at this moment, blooming with splendor, like mysterious auras, flying out with wings, flamboyant and phoenix dancing, extremely mysterious... The entire demon emperor's bedroom was filled with A surge of aura came out, and the powerful monster power was continuously condensed, covering it with a layer of dark clouds!
"No, this palace is really weird..." There was also a genius who found out that something was wrong, stepped back frantically, and immediately exited the palace area!
There was no need for them to shout, the others seemed to know that something was wrong, the fastest ones suddenly turned into a big cloud of blood with a 'Peng' sound, and their corpses lay on the spot!Everything happened so fast, it was heart-shattering!

"Damn it, what's going on, it's dangerous!"

"Go back, go back, the power is too terrifying, we can't resist it, run!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."


Everyone started backing away in horror, their expressions were terrified, and they were very frightened, for fear that they would be the ones who died next!
"Boom..." The next moment, countless horrifying brilliance rushed out of the palace. The power was terrifying and extremely horrifying. They rushed towards all directions and killed dozens of people in an instant. Dance, the scene is horrifying and heart-shattering!
"Damn it, what's going on? Why did such a terrifying brilliance appear?" In the void, the powerful businessman asked with an extremely ugly expression.

Just now, at least three or four geniuses of their business were wiped out by the terrifying brilliance and suffered heavy losses, which naturally made him feel very angry!You know, even if the merchant is one of the six overlord-level strengths, the family has a big business, but it can't stand such a toss!After all, as long as it is a genius, it is priceless and cannot be lost!

"Could it be... wait, look, what is that? An ancient coffin?" The strong Qianying clan was about to speak, but at the next moment, his eyes trembled suddenly, and he exclaimed.

I saw that the ancient door was only slightly open, but at this moment, it was completely opened at an unknown time, and the rays of light wrapped in divine fire came out, making everyone see the scenery clearly, which made people tremble!
I saw that the bodies of all the people who were killed by the bombardment were melted by the divine fire into drops of pure blood, containing powerful blood energy, and the blood was burning, and they all gathered beside an ancient coffin.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

A dull heartbeat sounded in the ancient coffin, trembling slightly, full of rhythm, shaking the soul, full of majestic breath, sweeping all directions.

"That is, is it the heart of the emperor?" The strong man in the void couldn't help but exclaimed dully.

Heart of the Great Emperor, is this really possible?
"Take it, take it at all costs, take it!" Immediately, a strong Zhou family shouted: "That is the heart of the Yaozu Great Emperor, a peerless treasure, with infinite value, if it can be obtained by our Zhou family, it is very possible, it can Create a great emperor again!"

"What? The Heart of the Great Emperor?" The strong man of the Zhou family roared and shook the world, causing everyone in front of the palace to freeze suddenly. After that, countless lights flickered wildly and rushed towards the ancient coffin!Extreme chaos!
Naturally, they are no strangers to the title of Great Emperor!
The heart of such a peerless and shocking person was born here. This is undoubtedly a shocking opportunity, and it must, must be snatched!

"Go away! The heart of the emperor, only a peerless person is eligible to win it. My Thunder Demon is a real dragon-level evildoer. Throughout the ages, this fetish is mine! Anyone who dares to fight with me will be killed without mercy!" !" A terrifying barren force suddenly rose from the void, piercing through the sky, extremely terrifying!But it was Lei Yao who rushed towards the ancient coffin crazily, with a ferocious expression on his face!
It is estimated that if anyone dares to stop him at this moment, there is no doubt that a life-and-death battle will inevitably break out!

Peerless treasure, the heart of the emperor!
Even if his Thunder Demon is a real dragon-level evildoer, it is absolutely impossible to resist that kind of temptation!The heart of the emperor, the meaning it represents, is amazing!

"Kill Unforgivable? Try it if you have the ability! Just a first-level soul altar, do you really think that you can defy the sky with some talent?" There are also triple-level soul altar powerhouses who have reached the top with madness, roaring wildly and responded!They are triple soul altar powerhouses, and at the same time, they are also top geniuses, even geniuses at the level of quasi-true dragons!
So if it is true, they are not necessarily weaker than Lei Yao.


Countless lights rushed towards the ancient coffin, and the scene was extremely chaotic at this moment, making people tremble and crazy!
But in this crazy and chaotic scene, there are actually a few people who chose to retreat. Among them, there are all the disciples of Beiming Immortal Palace, and there are also top-level geniuses such as Gai Jiuyou!

They seemed to know something, their eyes flashed with sarcasm, and they retreated without leaving a trace!

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the emperor's heart?" Jiang Shang, who saw this scene, his eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself.At the same time, his figure flickered slightly, and he also retreated backward!

It seemed that he had already smelled something, and he didn't dare to make fun of his own life anymore!

"Peng!" And at this moment, many geniuses and strong men had already rushed towards the ancient coffin at a high speed, and then they shot at the ancient coffin almost at the same time!

There were more than a dozen powerful hands with spiritual energy, grabbed the mysterious ancient coffin, and suddenly the terrifying power of spiritual light thundered, pierced through the sky, and howled the world!

While they were fighting for the ancient coffin, they were also fighting each other, and they didn't hold back at all!

"Kacha..." However, at the next moment, the ancient coffin seemed to be unable to bear it, and suddenly cracked, and then exploded with a bang.

A terrifying demonic aura surged into the sky in an instant, piercing through the sky, it was so shocking that everyone suddenly changed color!

(End of this chapter)

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