Chapter 400
"Get out of here! Court death!"

When the man saw Jiang Shang and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, his eyes were ruthless, and a ferocious look appeared on his face. The next moment, he pointed towards the dark red gourd, and immediately, the terrifying white-scaled fire poured into it. Agitated, the latter bloomed into a terrifying scene!

"Chick! Chick! Chick..."

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of terrifying white-scale light beams shot out from the dark red gourd frantically, and that beam was as thick as an ancient tree hugged by two people, and the white-scale fire was icy cold. , but hot, burning human bones, burning human souls, the power is extremely terrifying!
This is really a terrifying scene. Countless beams of light pierced through the sky and blasted towards the earth. The dark red ground was pierced through, making one's heart tremble!

"Damn, what is this?" Jiang Shang couldn't help yelling, a crazy aura surged all over his body, the bone god pattern in his body turned wildly, and came out through his body, and with the help of the three absolute powers, they jointly forged a layer Layer upon layer of defense, impenetrable!Amazing defense!

But even so, when those light beams bombarded him and bombarded him, he vomited blood and shook for a while!
The strength of the opponent is comparable to that of Zhou Tian, ​​and he also possesses such a powerful magic weapon. This battle, he can no longer be as easy as before!If you are not careful, you may lose, or even lose your life!Extremely dangerous!
"No, I have to rush out. If I am trapped like this again, I will definitely lose this battle!"

Jiang Shang quickly analyzed the battle situation, and then a terrifying vision rose behind him. The giant hand covering the sky appeared again, the tombstone suppressed, and two terrifying visions blasted forward. He wanted to kill a bloody road!
"Want to run? Do you think it's possible?" The man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his sinister eyes were full of ferocity, and in vain, the terrifying light beams all over the sky disappeared, and all of them condensed into a white scale of light, seductive Soul, extremely gloomy, swept towards Jiang Shang's tall body, trying to imprison him.

Jiang Shang's face suddenly changed, and his heart became alert. A brilliant bronze light appeared in the palm of his right hand, but it was the bronze short sword that swelled wildly. Cut off the light!The power is amazing!
The bronze dagger and the dark red gourd are magic weapons of the same level, so they should be able to stop their power!



The light in the void trembled slightly, and there was a deafening roar. The bronze short sword was indeed strong, but the light of white scales emitted by the dark red gourd was stronger than it!

This sword was directly pierced by the light of the white scales, and the remaining power was like a terrifying mysterious light piercing the sky. The dark red is dazzling, like a sword, it swept Jiang Shang up at once, and with a 'swish', it was collected in the dark red gourd. The mouth of the gourd was closed, and he was actually locked inside!
Standing in the void, the dark red gourd exuding rolling magic power fell into the void with a 'swish' sound and returned to the palm of the man.

"Hehe." The man dragged the gourd with a sneer, and murmured proudly: "What kind of evildoer with three unique bodies, what kind of ancient forbidden body, in front of me, Zhou Xuan, they are still a waste, and they are still accepted by me. stand up?"

His dark red gourd is not an ordinary heaven-rank magic weapon, but a middle-grade heaven-rank magic weapon. Although the difference is only one word, the power is quite different!
In this way, how can Jiang Shang be undefeated?

"The magic weapon in my hand is one of the two main bodies of the blood gourd. If the two things are put together, it will be a middle-grade magic weapon of the heavenly rank. Even if it is separated, it will be the peak of the lower rank of the heavenly rank. How can Wei Neng, a mid-stage Gold Core, be able to resist it?"

The man sneered and shook the tainted blood gourd. He wanted the tainted blood divine light to show its power, refining Jiang Shang into tainted blood, and fell on the spot!
"Boom!" But at this moment, the blood-stained gourd shook violently, causing his hand to tremble and almost fell from his hand!
"What, he can still struggle?" There was a trace of surprise in the man's eyes, but after that, he still shook down, and whispered with a sneer: "It's okay, this treasure is the top magic weapon of the lower rank of the heavens, and I will give it a try." I don't believe it anymore, just a triad body, can it be possible to destroy him?"

Looking at Jiang Shang in the blood-tainted gourd, he is currently surrounded by the turbulent bone light, and the surroundings are full of horror, the dark red blood-stained light, the power is astonishing, extremely terrifying!
There is no doubt that he has fallen into a very dangerous situation, but he is calmer than ever. I saw him standing in the center of the terrifying tainted blood divine light, looking for a place that could serve as a breakthrough point. The next moment, he There was a burst of brilliance in his eyes, and he took out a ferocious chariot!

Shoot God Thunder Car!

It is this powerful magic weapon!


The soul of Thunder Roar let out a deafening roar, the terrifying power shook the sky, even the blood-stained divine light that was originally crazy, at this moment, actually retreated slightly, they were afraid, it can be called horror!
"That's right there, smash him!" Just as Jiang Shang roared, a terrifying beam of light condensed on the huge spikes on the upper half of the God of Thunder Chariot, and the thunder rolled like a shock. The long river of stars suddenly bombarded towards the weak point of the blood gourd, annihilating everything, and the blood's divine light collapsed wildly!


The dirty blood gourd trembled in that man's hand, but in vain, it shattered violently in his hand, causing his palm to be drenched in blood and seriously injured!
"Ah, no, how is it possible..." The man suddenly let out a scream, and he was backlashed, and his consciousness was in a trance for a while!
And Jiang Shang, who escaped from the predicament, naturally did not hesitate at all when he saw this scene. He swung the bronze short sword in his hand fiercely, cutting through the void and the sky, killing him with one blow, without any mercy!

That person didn't even have time to react, he was stabbed in the vitals by this sword, his soul was broken, and there was no possibility of surviving!
"Cough's finally over." Coughing blood, Jiang Shang's eyes were calm, he carved the fifth ginger character, turned around and sank into the depths of the barren land.This battle was his most serious injury. Perhaps, he had to hide and recuperate for a period of time, and he could no longer come out for activities.

Of the top ten masters of the Zhou family, five of them died and five remained, and among those five, three were not to be feared, while the remaining two were very difficult!

Because those two are the pinnacles of the triple soul altar, they are by no means weaker than the people he killed before!
And this battle, if it wasn't due to luck, he might not be able to win, so the remaining two people are indeed very difficult!
Of course, there is not only bad news at this moment, but also good news at the same time, that is his state of will, he has already felt it, and he is about to break through. The strength will rise to a higher level, and the strength will be stronger, which is naturally good news!

(End of this chapter)

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