Great Demon

Chapter 47 Dead Lake

Chapter 47 Dead Lake

Jiang Shang's Bone Nine Heavens Map has reached the fourth extreme, so his cultivation direction has changed, that is, to gather the sword light of Wanjian Jue with all his strength, and strive to reach the three hundred sword lights one step earlier.

Now he has done almost half of it. Among the three sword qi cyclones in his body, each has reached 45 sword lights. I believe that it will take another two or three years at most before he will be able to complete the accumulation of sword lights. The three hundred sword lights that have reached the limit of the day after tomorrow will be the time for him to continue to advance.

Jiang Shang and others walked on the road of trekking through mountains and rivers. After about half a day, they finally came to the entrance of a valley.

Looking from a distance from the entrance, one can vaguely see a large lake inside. The lake surface is smoky and exudes purple mist, and the entire lake surface is still boiling, which makes people have a very dreadful illusion.

"This is the dead lake in the night forest, and it is also the only area where dead flowers grow. Have you seen the center of dead lake? There is a small island there, and dead lake grows in that place." Bai Yuanjia said with a slightly dignified gaze.

It's not the first time he's been here, so he knows the danger here, and his face is full of dignified colors.

"Death Lake?" Jiang Shang looked at the big lake from afar, and turned his eyes to the many ghosts beside him. He couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face and said: "There are so many ghosts here, although they are all mixed with third and fourth grades, and every group The number is not very large, but it can’t stand such a high density, it’s like a group of ghosts after a short walk.”

"After all, picking the Death Flower is a level-five task, so it is naturally impossible to be so simple." Bai Yuanjia told Bai Qiaoxian: "Master, you should hide for a while, if you are entangled with your strength, it will be troublesome." It's going to be big."

Although Bai Qiaoxian is also the Acquired Ultimate, but there is only one sword qi whirlwind, and he is a walking immortal practicing qi, and the way of swordsmanship is still at the subtle level, so his strength is indeed weaker, that's why Bai Yuanjia said this.

On the other hand, Jiang Shang, although he is also the Acquired Ultimate, has 130 five sword lights, and also has two levels of perfection, which is naturally not comparable to Bai Qiaoxian.

Although Bai Qiaoxian was a bit reluctant, he still clearly distinguished the importance, and whispered to Jiang Shang: "Brother Jiang, I won't go there, you and Uncle Yuanjia should be careful."

"Hmm..." Jiang Shang nodded slightly, and said softly to Bai Yuanjia: "Brother Yuanjia, let's go there."

Bai Yuanjia followed and nodded, and the two of them headed towards the Dead Lake. The ghosts wandering around the entrance were just scattered and rare ghosts, and they were all around level three, so they didn't pose any threat to them. , but as they gradually deepened, the pressure began to increase a lot.

Groups of wandering ghosts discovered them, screaming ferociously and rushed towards them.

Jiang Shang is undoubtedly the most depressed one, because he wants to hide the power of the Bone God Rune, so he has no way to use his full strength, but the pressure is too great, which makes his whole body tense up, and then a A lot of anxiety.


After killing a third-level ghost with another sword, Jiang Shang finally couldn't help but said: "Brother Yuanjia, this is not the way to go, or I will lead these guys away, and you fly directly to the island Pick a few dead flowers and bring them back?"

"You lead me away?" Bai Yuanjia's expression changed slightly, he hesitated and said, "But there are so many third-level and fourth-level ghosts, brother Jiang, are you really okay?"

If Jiang Shang had already entered Xiantian, he would definitely not hesitate at this moment, but Jiang Shang now only has the acquired cultivation base, so it is really no problem to push all the third-level and fourth-level ghosts to him?
It's not that he didn't think about letting him lure Yinhun, but the problem is that Jiang Shang can't fly yet, and only his talent can fly to the island, so it's really impossible for him to lure Yinhun.Jiang Shang also knew this truth before taking the initiative to invite Ying, otherwise why would he take such a big risk?
"Brother Yuanjia, don't worry, I will leave the dead flower to you as the way to save my life freely." Jiang Shang was full of confidence, and scattered more than a hundred sword lights at once, attacking those ghosts at the same time to attract hatred. They go in circles.

Bai Yuanjia was still a decisive person, he didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately flew towards the small island in the center, ready to pick the death flower on the island.

In fact, with his strength and speed, it doesn't take much time just to pick a few dead flowers.

"Phew, it's finally time to let go and attack." After taking those ghosts some distance away, Jiang Shang finally exhaled sullenly and became excited.

Among the group of ghosts he led away, there were probably more than 30 third-level ghosts, and then there were four or five fourth-level ghosts. These were obviously a group of dangerous guys, but Jiang Shang did not have the slightest fear. The colors that are eager to try.

He came to the world of ghosts for nothing more than to cultivate, and all the tasks of the dead flowers are incidental. Isn't such a dangerous environment just suitable for him?

Anyway, after practicing the Bone Nine Heavens Map, his body is very abnormal, and these ghosts can't do anything to him.

"Punch me!" Jiang Shang's fist suddenly raised a circle of divine marks, and a third-level ghost was directly blown away. This is a completely different power from before.

Looking at the other side, Bai Yuanjia has already arrived at the island in the lake, where the Death Flower grows, and there are also ghosts chasing after him, so there is not much time left for him.I saw it quickly came to a bank in a corner, and several jet-black elegant spirit flowers were fluttering in the wind and growing between the cracks in the rocks.

The pitch-black flower is shaped like a moon arc, exuding a faint misty light.

"One, two..., unexpectedly there are four, that's enough." Bai Yuanjia swept his eyes and immediately became excited.

The three of them needed a total of three death flowers, and the output here was obviously enough. He immediately picked the three death flowers, and then flew towards the outside of the island without hesitation.After all, this is only what is needed for the mission. Although it is also considered a very rare spiritual herb, everyone still sticks to the rules and only picks the amount they need. Other disciples also need it to hand in the mission.

But now looking at Jiang Shang's side, it has become a dangerous situation.

It turned out that this kid was a little carried away, and he actually carried out a massacre in the Dead Lake, and then alarmed other powerful ghosts, at least one hundred and twenty, thirty third-level ghosts, and more than 20 fourth-level ghosts attacked him. The son drove him into a dangerous situation.

But fortunately, Bai Yuanjia seemed to have finished picking it. Jiang Shang, who saw this scene from a distance, immediately shook off those ghosts and withdrew quickly.

The biggest shortcoming of these guys is their territoriality. As long as they leave their living range, they will immediately stop chasing and killing the enemy. It is precisely because Jiang Shang knows this that he will take the initiative to ask Ying to lure the ghosts to leave, because these guys can't stop them at all. To live with him would be nothing more than a skin trauma.

Jiang Shang is not afraid of missing arms or legs, how could he be afraid of such a little skin trauma.

(End of this chapter)

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