Great Demon

Chapter 52 Banquet

Chapter 52 Banquet
"Perhaps only a genius like you, Junior Brother Jiang, is able to ascend to Zhou Tian's realm. Looking at the history of our Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, the chance of achieving Zhou Tian is more than half for a genius who has comprehended two ways." Mu Xuanzhou said enviously.

Although it was only more than half the chance, it was still enough to make him jealous, because the chance of his success was not enough.

"Brother Pastor, don't underestimate yourself. If you don't even have confidence, how can you talk about going to heaven?" Jiang Shang said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

Although this is just a word of encouragement, is it not a truth?

If you don't even have confidence, it's tantamount to sealing off the last ray of hope, and it's all a joke to talk about ascending to Zhoutian.

And not all the great talents are amazingly talented, on the contrary, many of them are still mediocre. The most fundamental reason why they were able to ascend to Zhou Tian is because they did not give up.

They have always believed in themselves and never gave up. Only then did they find hope in a desperate situation and became the indomitable Zhou Tian powerhouses.So everything still depends on oneself, the most important thing is not to lose faith, otherwise, no matter how evil the talent is, it will be in vain.

"Don't talk about that, let's go in."

However, Mu Xuanzhou was obviously not moved. After shaking his head slightly, he led Jiang Shang into the mansion area of ​​Baicao Peak.

The entire area under the control of Baicao Peak is a huge mansion, which is divided into many courtyards. In this way, every disciple of Baicao Peak is allocated to an independent small courtyard, which is where they usually live .

Because Jiang Shang had already been here once before, he had already been assigned to a small courtyard, and the two separated at the gate of the mansion. Jiang Shang was going to go back to rest for a while.

In the evening, Mu Xuanzhou came to invite Jiang Shang to gather together. There were also many innate creatures from Baicao Peak who came together. Although there were some small accidents, I still went out to get together with them, and I became familiar with everyone, so I don't need to mention other things for the time being.


And for the next month, Jiang Shang spent in retreat, because he needed to heal his injuries, which also required enough time.It wasn't until more than a month later, when his injuries were healed, that Mu Xuanzhou found him again, and brought an exquisite invitation letter.

"This is the invitation letter from Junior Sister Li Lingyao of Chengxia Peak. She is going to hold a banquet tomorrow and would like to invite Junior Brother Jiang to attend." Mu Xuanzhou took out an invitation letter, giving people the feeling It was very pink, handed it to Jiang Shang's hand, and said with a smile.

"Li Lingyao? Who is she?" Jiang Shang asked suspiciously while flipping through the invitation letter.

"Impossible, you don't even know Junior Sister Li Lingyao?" Mu Xuanzhou showed a look of surprise, and then patiently explained: "She is the most talented young disciple of Chengxia Peak, only 20 years old , the way of the sword has reached perfection, and she practiced Wanjianjue, and successfully developed two sword qi cyclones, the future can be said to have a bright future."

"And the most important thing is that she is still a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure. No one can surpass her. Countless people in the outer sect are fascinated by her. She is the number one beauty in our sword sect. You don't know her, what a shame! ..." Mu Xuanzhou really shook his head.

Even if you say you don't know the powerful people in the sect, that's barely normal, but you don't know Li Lingyao, this is a bit unreasonable...

"Er..." Jiang skipped this topic with interest, and continued to ask doubtfully with the invitation letter: "Did she only ask me to go alone? Is there anyone else from our Baicao Peak?"

"It seems that you are the only junior brother." Mu Xuanzhou shook his head, and said with some self-deprecation: "This Li Lingyao seems to have a very high vision. Only top geniuses get the invitation letter. We don't seem to have the qualification for the time being."

Just like his talent, it is enough to rank in the top ten in Baicao Peak, but if you look at the entire Outer Sect, it can only be regarded as above-average at best, not in the opponent's eyes.

However, she does have high-sighted capital, because being able to condense two cyclones is a kind of affirmation of her talent, at least she is ranked in the top fifty of the Outer Sect, because currently there are two disciples of the Outer Sect, the entire Outer Sect There are only thirty Zong in total.

Coupled with some geniuses of other exercises, they are the real top existence of the Outer Sect, so it is best not to neglect easily.

With such thoughts slipping through his mind, Mu Xuanzhou followed suit and said: "I think you can still go and have a look, Junior Brother. First, you can make some friends, and second, you can leave some good impressions. In the future, you can do whatever you want. It can be done better."

"Thank you for the reminder, Brother Pastor, I will be on time for the appointment." Jiang Shang nodded after hearing the words.

He also knows that these people's sophistication is necessary, unless you have the ability to jump out of everything, otherwise you should manage your circle well, maybe it will give you a lot of help in the future.

"If that's the case, I'll take my leave when the invitation is delivered. I still have some things to talk about next time." Mu Xuanzhou smiled and left.

Jiang Shang also said hello and returned to his small courtyard with the invitation letter. It was marked on it as tomorrow night, so he still had time to prepare. First, he sorted out his appearance, and second, he could inquire about some news .

Find out what's going on with this banquet.


The next night.

In the center of the gathering area is a huge urban area, which is different from the area controlled by each peak. This is a completely open place, and it is also a lively meeting place.

And in this place, there is a place called Qingxin Pavilion, which has been packed up, and there are sixteen welcome guests standing in two rows outside the door, all of them are beautiful beauties, wrapped in tight clothes. The soft and beautiful curves can be said to be very eye-catching,

Many people in the distance are stopping to watch, but they are not qualified to approach, only the eyes reveal the color of longing.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd, a man wearing a water-blue robe walked out of the crowd and walked towards Qingxin Pavilion, and immediately someone exclaimed: "It's the first genius of Linglong Peak, Xiahou Tiansheng, I heard that his water The Tao has reached the consummation of the first entry, and he also has two sword qi cyclones... "

This person walked into the Qingxin Pavilion with a faint smile, which made the people watching from afar envious. This is a status symbol.

A moment later, a black-haired man rushed away from the crowd arrogantly, and walked towards Qingxin Pavilion proudly, and someone immediately called out his identity: "It's Wu Tuo, the first genius of Changhou Peak, and he also has Two sword qi whirlwinds, and I heard that the golden way he has comprehended has reached the ordinary level of perfection, I am afraid he is already preparing to attack the innate."

Then another person walked out of the crowd, and it turned out to be a woman...


(End of this chapter)

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