Great Demon

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
The contest on the ring stage was very exciting, but some people didn't pay attention to it. For example, Yan Tong was secretly observing Jiang Shang. After the third contest was over, he suddenly said to a companion next to him: "Mu Han, Go and try that Jiang Shang."

"Ah, what?" The young man named Mu Han was taken aback, and said hesitantly, "Senior Brother Yan Tong, I am not his opponent."

"I know you are not his opponent, I just asked you to try him." Yan Tong's eyes flashed, and his voice was a little cold: "Ji Zizhen is just a low-level genius, even if you beat him with one blow, it's nothing. He is considered the best among the third-rate geniuses, even if he loses, it won't be too ugly."

Ji Zizhen is just the worst third-rate genius, and he can easily defeat him with one blow, so Jiang Shang's previous record did not scare him.

"Okay, I'll try it." Mu Han nodded and said.

He is not a low-level guy like Ji Zizhen, so even if he loses, it shouldn't be too ugly.

After thinking about it, he revealed a trace of firmness, stepped forward with a sudden step, and walked towards the center ring, like a gust of wind, he arrived on the ring in an instant.What he has comprehended is the way of wind, which has reached the limit of perfection for the first time, and is very close to the usual perfection.

"Mu Han, do you have any friends who are willing to compete?" Mu Han slightly cupped his hands.

He didn't challenge Jiang Shang immediately, because he wanted to give himself a buffer. It doesn't matter if he fights another game first. Anyway, there is still a lot of time, so don't worry.

"How did Mu Han get ahead? He is an outstanding third-rate genius, and few people at the same level are his opponents." The genius disciples of the Outer Sect basically surrendered to each other, and Mu Han's reputation is also very big, so there were people immediately. asked suspiciously.

Logically speaking, a genius of this level shouldn't be playing so early.

Third-rate geniuses are not sure, while second-rate geniuses are unwilling to lose their identity, so it is rare that no one responds. Mu Han himself was slightly taken aback, and then he looked at Jiang Shang and said: "Your name is Jiang Shang, come up and talk to me." I compete?"

"Brother Jiang, is he going to challenge you?" Bai Qiaoxian was taken aback, a little surprised.

"Challenge me?" Jiang Shang was also a little surprised, he cast his eyes on Mu Han and said softly, "You really want to challenge me? You are not my opponent."

It was just telling the truth, but it made Mu Han feel a kind of insult, and then he saw his eyes slightly cold and said: "I don't know something about the heights of the sky and the earth, do you think you can be defiant with a little talent? Get out of here if you have the ability , I will break your bones one by one!"

This was the most normal reaction for a genius to be insulted, but he regretted it after he finished speaking, because he was not Jiang Shang's opponent at all.

"Get rid of me? Just rely on you?" Jiang Shang's expression turned cold in vain.

He was a little sorry before, after all, he said the wrong thing, but now fuck me, let's see what you are capable of.He jumped onto the ring all at once, took out his Fei Demon Sword, and said to Mu Lengeng solemnly: "One sword, if you can still stand after one sword, I'll take your head off and kick it for you."

a sword?

"Damn, this guy is crazy, does he know what he's talking about?"

"Whether he's bragging or not, just looking at his arrogance, I'm going to beat Mu Han by a few blocks!"


The atmosphere at the scene was immediately ignited, and there were rumbling voices, even Li Lingyao couldn't help saying: "This guy is really arrogant, even if he is a genius who has comprehended two ways, it is impossible for him to defeat Mu with a single sword." Cold."

She is also very aware of Mu Han's strength, even if she, a second-rate genius, takes the fight, it will take hundreds of moves to decide the outcome, one sword?That is completely impossible.

Even Mu Han smiled instead of anger, looked at Jiang Shang like a fool and said, "I thought it was someone else, but I didn't expect it to be a fool. Are you here to pretend to be crazy? I'm standing here today, I Let's see how you beat me with a sword."

After finishing speaking, a layer of glazed light gushed out from his body, which was obviously some kind of extremely powerful defensive secret method.

Although he talked about hype, he was still very cautious in his heart, and he had already used his strongest defense. He didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

As for Jiang Shang, who was too lazy to speak, he put his right hand on the hilt of the Fei Demon Sword, and a faint light appeared on the sword body. This is a powerful magic weapon of the highest rank, and it traveled all over the world with Nuoyan back then. Its power was not needed at all. question.

When he said that he defeated the enemy with one sword, it was because he was full of confidence in himself. His strength was comparable to innate perfection. Even if he only used half of it, it was enough to defeat the opponent with one sword.

next moment.

Suddenly a gust of wind rose from under his feet, and the spiritual energy hovered like a storm, increasing his speed to the extreme, and a phantom was pulled out of his body, and the powerful sword light gathered on the tip of the sword, and shot straight at the enemy. The sword stabbed fiercely.

"Hmph!" Mu Leng snorted, the secret technique had been raised to the limit, and it seemed that he was preparing to resist.

What he is best at is defense. If he is allowed to use all his strength, even the innate mid-stage creatures can't break through. Is he stronger than the innate mid-stage creatures?I, Mu Han, will definitely win this competition.

Just when he was triumphant and ridiculed Jiang Shang's stupidity in his heart, his expression suddenly changed, and then a trace of paleness appeared.

Because the glazed light he was so proud of was like paper in front of the opponent's sword. It was easily smashed into pieces and drove straight in. The sword has hit his chest hard.

"What, no!"


Mu Han only felt as if he was hit by a heavy hammer, he was completely unstoppable and was blown away. Fortunately, he was still wearing a human-level high-grade body protection magic weapon, but there was still a long gap in it.As for the body-protecting aura, it was as fragile as porcelain and easily shattered. Mu Han spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down, breaking through the magic circle on the edge of the ring.

I only heard the chaotic sound of "ping, ping, ping, pong, pong", and I don't know how many tables were knocked over. I was covered with wine, vegetables and meals, and the jade bowls and plates were broken all over the floor.

Fortunately, it was because he had a magic weapon to protect his body, otherwise his life might have been lost, but even so, he was seriously injured, and the eyes he looked at Jiang Shang were full of fear.

"how can that be……"

The arena was quiet, and many people were already dumbfounded. No one expected this scene. With just one strike, Mu Han was simply defeated and seriously injured. The difference in strength was obvious, and he was not at the same level at all.

This is simply too perverted, right?
Even a top-notch genius at Yan Tong's level would not be able to achieve this level. Could it be that this kid's strength has completely surpassed them?
(End of this chapter)

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