Great Demon

Chapter 65 Sea Clan Treasure Map?

Chapter 65 Sea Clan Treasure Map?

Lan Xuecheng, the branch of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, is in a luxurious palace.

Jiang Shang, Li Lingyao, Bei Xun Qianzhou, and Xi Da, the head of the branch, were gathering together in a harmonious atmosphere to talk freely.

I saw Li Lingyao took a sip of the spirit wine, and smiled at Xi Da: "I remember the last time I saw you, brother, when Lingyao started, at that time, you were the number one strongest in my peak. After entering the inner sect now, it must be even more powerful, right?"

It turned out that Xi Da was from Chengxia Peak, no wonder Li Lingyao knew him.

"I'm only at the early stage of Jindan, and I'm just like that, and Neizong is completely a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. With my current strength, I can't even rank up." Xi Da shook his head.

Jiang Shang was a little unbelievable, looked at Xi Da and asked suspiciously: "Senior brother, are you self-effacing? Just because you killed the two great gold elixir powerhouses in a flash, it is impossible for you not to be ranked in the inner sect. Bar?"

Bei Xunqianli also had a look of disbelief, Xi Da completely crushed the two strong Golden Cores, such a powerful person is not ranked in the inner sect of Jianzong, how could anyone believe such words?
"I'm really not humble!" Xi Da shook his head, and said formally: "The two mountain golden pills of the Beixun clan are not the same thing at all. They're all fine."

"Although my talent is good, but the training time is too short. Those guys in Neizong are not bad. In addition, the training time is far longer than mine. In a short time, it is very difficult for me to catch up with them." Xi Jinping Da said again: "There are countless evil geniuses in the Neizong. Compared with those guys, I am really nothing."

Only then did everyone understand the horror of the Neizong. Even the weakest disciple of the Neizong could easily crush the two golden elixirs. No wonder Xida was able to speak wildly of destroying the Beixun clan. It turned out that they were not the same thing.

Li Lingyao took a deep breath, looked at Xi Da and asked, "Lingyao has another question. If he has two sword vortices, what level does Neizong have?"

This is the reliance she has always been proud of, but if she enters the inner sect and loses everyone, to be honest, she may not be able to accept it.

"You can still rest assured that a genius with two sword qi vortices can be regarded as a first-class talent even in the Neizong of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger." Xi Da saw her thoughts, and said with a light smile: "Neizong There are probably more than 500 people now, but there are only two sword qi cyclones, or cultivation geniuses of the same level as them, but there are only about [-] or less, and almost everyone else only has one cyclone."

"How come there are so few?" Jiang Shang was puzzled, "There are so many people in the Outer Sect, how could the Inner Sect..."

It turns out that the outer sects almost have this number of geniuses at this level. Why are there still so many elite inner sects?

"Actually, the answer is very simple, personal character." Xi Da explained with a smile: "It doesn't mean that someone with a superior talent will definitely be able to enter the Golden Core, or fall in the middle, or the Taoist heart is too weak, or simply A Dou who can’t afford it, although it’s easy to enter the Golden Core, it’s not that simple.”

"People who can enter the inner sect, at least in terms of Taoism, have almost no problems." Xi Da concluded.

Only then did everyone understand, and a sense of enlightenment rose in their hearts. It turns out that talent is not everything. Only with an extremely firm heart towards the Tao, and only with continuous efforts on the road, can it be possible to surpass others and become stronger.

They then talked about other topics, and when the atmosphere was getting more and more high, Bei Xun Qianzhou suddenly took out an ancient map: "Brother Jiang Shang, this is the treasure map."

"Brother Qianzhou, this is..." Jiang Shang naturally frowned and wondered.

"If you hadn't rushed here, this ancient picture would have been lost for a long time, and I can't understand it, so I might as well give it to you. If someone unlocks its secret, it can be regarded as fulfilling my father's last wish. " Bei Xun Qianzhou handed it to Jiang Shang, with a sincere smile on his face: "Brother Jiang Shang, don't refuse."

Li Lingyao and Xi Da watched silently from the side, secretly thinking that they would be good at life.

Jiang Shang didn't know what mood he was in. He took the ancient picture and began to look at it slowly: "What kind of characters are these?"

There is a map on the ancient map, and there are many mysterious characters that he can't understand. Although Jiang still doesn't know its origin, he has a feeling in his heart that this ancient map is definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Brother Jiang doesn't know what characters this is?" Bei Xun Qianzhou said with some disappointment: "This is something my father got a long time ago, but he has never been able to find the origin of those characters, so I think it should be an ancient character." , or a foreign language.”

"Senior Brother Jiang, can you show me?" At this moment, Li Lingyao suddenly asked.

"Junior Sister Lingyao has researched on this?" Although Jiang Shang was a little surprised, he still handed Gu Tu over.Li Lingyao took the ancient picture and began to read it, and when she saw the mysterious characters, she frowned: "Is this, the characters of the Sea Clan?"

"Sea Clan?" Xi Da was startled when he heard the words: "You said the Endless Sea Clan a million miles away, how could their things appear in our Baizhou County?"

It turns out that just a million miles south of Baizhou County, at least a few states and counties away, there is a big deep sea called the endless deep sea. A force as strong as the Sky Splitting Sword Sect is still no match for that group of alien races.

The characters on the ancient map are actually the characters of the Sea Clan. Could it be that this ancient map records the treasures of the Sea Clan?
"This ancient picture seems to be a key that can open a treasure named Murloc. It seems to be located in a barren mountain?" Li Lingyao continued.

This barren mountain is a famous wasteland in Baizhou County, which is basically a place where birds don't shit.

"Congratulations to Brother Jiang Shang, this is an opportunity." Bei Xun Qianzhou congratulated with a smile.It is also a kind of comfort for him to be able to unravel the secret of this ancient picture.

Xi Da also smiled when he heard the words: "I seem to have heard of this murloc tribe. Although it is a small tribe in the sea tribe, it is still very large for us. Brother Jiang can get this kind of treasure, which is considered God's favor for you." Your favor."

Jiang Shang could only smile awkwardly. After all, it belonged to Bei Xun Qianzhou. Although he had already given it to him, he still felt very sorry.

As soon as he changed his mind, he said, "It just so happens that a few of you are witnesses. Otherwise, let's go and see together. Brother Qian Zhou will bring Uncle Qing with him. He is an innate extreme powerhouse, so he should be able to give us some help." .”

(End of this chapter)

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