Chapter 665

I saw that it was a man wearing a robe of multicolored stars, his eyes were shining like shooting stars, Bai Zhi was slender, and his body was surrounded by dense formation patterns, with a total of 36 layers. They were all moving, causing everyone's pupils to shrink slightly.

What a horrible guy!

This is the feeling in everyone's heart at this moment, without any exception!
"It's him, the descendant of the Great Sect of the Formation Sect in the distant world. It is he who said that as long as he can gather five kinds of powerful ancient blood, he can help us open the Void Seal, step into the blood soul's stronghold, and seize the fetish! His name is Chen Lan!"

"I remember he was not Zhou Tiansanzhong? Why did he enter the fairyland in just a few days!? It's really unbelievable..."


The crowd below boiled a little, looking surprised.

They recognized the identity of this person. It was Chen Lan, the heir of the Great Sect of the Formation Sect in the distant world who had said that as long as they could get together five powerful ancient bloods, they would be able to help them open the Void Seal.

But, wasn't this guy Zhou Tian triple before?How come it's only been a few days, and he has stepped into the first level of the fairyland, it's incredible!
"I'm a step late, please forgive me."

Chen Lan glanced at everyone, laughed and said, "I don't know if you have all the ancient blood together?"

"Don't delay, take out the ancient blood." Bi Qilin echoed his words, and spread his palms, a ball of glistening ancient blood shone, but in a moment, the tranquility was suddenly overwhelmed. Breaking through, the vast sound of the golden and iron horse came out, and the blood released an incomparable fighting spirit, shaking the starry sky.

"Hiss, this is definitely the blood of a certain ancient warrior clan. It is extremely ancient and full of fighting spirit, just like a barbarian king in ancient times!" Someone gasped and trembled.

The ancient war clan was an extremely glorious ethnic group. Although it has declined in modern times, it has not diminished the arrogance of the galaxy and the sky and the earth.Therefore, this blood is definitely qualified as ancient blood, even better than that!
"Then take it all out."

The second prince of Yinpeng smiled indifferently, and looked at the third prince behind him, who directly took out a pile of black bones with no expression on his face, on which were clinging to the billowing evil spirit of the devil, howling like ghosts and wolves, but suddenly a silver ray Wrapped in flames, crazily refined, it turned into a ball of black magic liquid, releasing a cold aura, which made people feel chills uncontrollably.

"It turned out to be a pile of hell devil's bones. What he refined was devil liquid. It was so cold that I couldn't stop breathing, and I almost suffocated!" Someone said tremblingly.

Hell devils have always been a symbol of cold death, and no one in the lower realm dares to provoke them, because that indifferent group is too terrifying, it can be said to be inhumane and bloodthirsty!And the three princes of the Yinpeng family dared to do such a thing, it was really daring and shocking.

Jiang Shang also took out his spoils. It was a lump of black blood the size of a fist, with the phantom of the demon king emerging. The sky was full of dark clouds, accompanied by rolling demonic energy, which was extremely frightening.

This is naturally the blood of the unlucky Primordial Demon Tiger. Although it is only the size of a fist, it contains a heart-shattering demon nature. It can even project the past and present from it, and vaguely feel the horror of those Primordial Demon Kings, almost immortal !

The Copper Ant King also had a ball of crystal blood on his hand. That's right, it turned out to be the color of a colorful crystal, like a gem hanging in a brilliant gem, similar to a dreamy color, releasing amazing magic power.

There is also a ball of blood on the hand of the Dharma Protector of the Jialan Temple, Feng Yuan, which looks like azure ice crystals that have been frozen forever.

"The taboo body has the blood of that primordial demon ancestor devil tiger in its hand, it is really shocking primordial magical power, this inheritance is too terrifying!"

"That crystal-like blood should belong to some kind of holy spirit, right? It's such an extremely pure color!"

"I bet that thing is definitely the origin of the glacier behemoth. Although it is not a bloodline, it should be able to replace ancient blood without a doubt!"


In fact, those who can be present are basically the young generation of Tianjiao, or at least the first-level powerhouses of the fairyland, with strong eyesight, and they can see the origin of everyone's blood at a glance, which is a little amazed.

Because the origins of these bloods are indeed astonishing, some come from the ancient demon clan, some from the holy spirit clan, and even the legendary crystallization of the origin of the giant glacier beast, which is amazing enough that many people have probably never seen it in their entire lives!

"The five kinds of ancient blood have been gathered together, let's see if it meets your requirements!" The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan glanced at Chen Lan and said indifferently.

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing wrong with the blood."

But Chen Lan directly collected five kinds of ancient blood, threw it into the void, and cast spells in front of everyone.

I saw that the 36 dense array patterns around him condensed into a terrifying interweaving point in an instant, slowly enveloping all the ancient blood and imprinting it on the Milky Way, an illusion of an altar emerged unexpectedly, The fairy river blooms and leads to the depths of nothingness, which is amazing!

And just when the ancient blood was completely covered up, the appearance of the nothingness altar was finally solidified, as if it was cast with the light of blood, it actually portrayed the roaring picture of the ancient beast, the expression of hell devil was cold, like a man like a barbarian king Xiaotian, the primordial demon tiger with its feet on the sun, moon and stars... everything is displayed, as if it is a knowledge of the past and the present, linking the past, the present and the future.

"What a mysterious method!"

Even Jiang Shang, who was skeptical before, had to be convinced at this moment, because this method of seizing the sky is really amazing. It runs through the past and the present, links the past and the future, and sets up a void altar, leaving countless mottled traces of time , those were all ancient blood's dormant memories, yet they were all awakened!
"This altar can only exist for half a day, and the number of people who can pass through is a hundred people. No matter how you allocate it, I will go first!" Chen Lan left such a sentence, and even entered the altar directly, stepping forward on the Milky Way.

Naturally, the others would not stay longer. The three princes of the Yinpeng clan, Biqilin, Wusheng, Copper Ant King, and the two protectors of the Jialan Temple all went on the road one after another, and there were many followers behind them, or they were originally It's their subordinates, or the heroes from all over the world who take refuge in them and want to take the opportunity to go on the road!
"You bastard, do you want to go with us? Maybe it will be more beneficial to us." Xu Chongyun threw an olive branch at Jiang Shang, wanting to draw him into the group and strengthen his power.

Behind him are Lu Tiange and Pei Shaoqiu, both of whom are the most powerful ancestors of the three major families in Shencheng, the second level of the fairyland!
And if they can pull Jiang Shang and the little guy into the gang again, not to mention the rampant blood soul base camp, it will definitely be a terrifying alliance, extremely competitive!
(End of this chapter)

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