Chapter 668 Crossing, Black Ocean!
"It turns out that there is the blood of the ancient god Tianpeng in the body. When the ancient blood recovers and returns to the ancestors in the future, it may be able to reproduce the demeanor of Tianpeng and stand side by side with the real dragon and the colorful phoenix!"

The meteorite giant opened its mouth with deep eyes, revealing the roots of the three princes of the Yinpeng clan. It turned out that they had the blood of Tianpeng in their bodies that could fight real dragons. There are probably only three or five in the world, which is extremely rare.

"Tianpeng, Yinpeng, could it be that their lineage is the descendant left by the ancient god Tianpeng in the lower realm? If it is true, it is really too amazing." Someone couldn't help but murmured.


The three princes of the Yinpeng clan were roaring, controlling Tianpeng Bolongtu to defend against the coming of a terrible attack. The demonic aura roared to the sky, causing the whole world to be in turmoil. A terrifying force is intertwined and intertwined, and no one can do anything to anyone!
"Do you want to continue? Don't force us to use the secret technique, we will lose both!" The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan looked extremely cold, staring at the giant meteorite, and said ruthlessly.

"Secret technique? Give it a try. It's been a long time since I've been active, and I want to exercise today!" The meteorite giant opened its mouth and spit out black divine power that stretched across the world, turning into a series of unmatched super-powerful horses, and fell from the sky. , to suppress in the direction of the three princes of the Yinpeng clan, it was extremely terrifying, and the sky fell apart!

"Too much deceit! Second and third, go all out!"

The three princes of the Yinpeng clan went crazy, hysterical, and extremely ferocious. The three terrifying existences released the power of the sky, which was irrigated on the Dragon Fighting Picture above their heads. Little by little, it was about to condense into substance, emitting a blazing light, and the evil spirit soared into the sky, as if the shadow of the ancient god Tianpeng appeared!

"This is your own choice. Even if Xianer is the ultimate, he is not qualified to bully the three of us brothers. When the great world comes, none of us will be afraid!" The most taciturn third prince of the Yinpeng clan also spoke, extremely cold , Clanking, resounding!
"Rumble rumble..."

There was a turbulent roar in the void, and the Yinpeng divine power that belonged to the three sides of Bolongtu merged into one crazily, forming an incomparably huge black shadow, covering the sky with its wings, soaring ninety thousand miles, but Fighting the real dragon turned out to be a dark image of Tianpeng.

The monstrous aura of the pitch-black image of Tianpeng was nearly ten thousand feet deep, tearing apart the starry sky and shaking everything. Many ancient beasts and creatures of various races suffered disasters, turned into mud mist, and dyed the void red.

"These three juniors are really terrifying. Their talents are against the sky. In addition, this secret technique at the moment is enough to fight against Xianer's ultimate meteorite monster. It is really unimaginable and surprising." This is all The ancient strong man's thoughts at this moment were complicated and sighing.

Because even the giant meteorite beast as strong as Xianer's ultimate was still stopped by the three of them, and encountered a lot of trouble. Fighting with the dark image of Tianpeng, the two sides kept sweeping out terrifying The air of desolation and the demonic light collided with clangs, and they trembled extremely.

"It seems that the giant meteorite beast can't do anything to them. The image of the pitch-black Tianpeng also has the ultimate power of Immortal Er, and the outcome is unpredictable." go.

"Hey, why are they... so it is like this, do they need huge original demon power to maintain it?"

Each of the three princes of the Yinpeng family has a majestic demonic power gushing out from them at this moment, forming streams of air, pouring madly at Bolongtu, as if only in this way can it maintain its existence, and the forehead is full of beads of sweat, and his face flushed, as if in great pain.

"How about, let's go first. I suspect that we are not being deceived, but that the blood soul is hidden in this area." Xu Chongyun said suddenly.

"What do you mean..." Lu Tiange frowned, thinking, "We still have a large part of this depleted area, and we haven't had time to explore it yet. It's too early to say that we've been cheated. !"

"Let's go, there are probably quite a few people who think the same as us, and some old friends have already left."

Pei Shaoqiu scanned the surroundings, and found that the two protectors of the Jialan Temple—Feng Yuan and Feng Ke, and the alien species of the unicorn family in the fairy world—Bi Qilin, had disappeared long ago.

They were the only ones left, and the Copper Ant King was still watching the battle. In such a short time, they could all be said to be far behind.


But at this moment, suddenly, around the battlefield that had already been shattered, there was another ferocious roar, accompanied by a terrifying roar, which attracted people's attention!

It was the big python with a star wrapped around it just now, which was attacked by a rotting corpse. The latter was furious, and the two sides launched a fierce battle. Many ancient beasts and various creatures around were affected. Turned into war powder, palpitating, frightened and far away!

"That's at least a blood corpse that has been enlightened for thousands of years. You can see that the blood energy floating around him has almost condensed into dao patterns. He clearly wants to take advantage of the ancient beast's unpreparedness to devour it and kill it to absorb its origin. Take the last half step!"

Xu Chongyun paused when he said this, and said solemnly: "If he succeeds, maybe he is another existence of the ultimate immortal. Damn it, he hid it so deeply before, and now he can't help but show up."

"Let's go, I found a special road, the biqilin and the two Dharma Guardians of the Jialan Temple walked that road one after another, maybe they discovered something, maybe. "Jiang Shang pointed to a hidden road in Yuan Kong, and the others nodded and chased after him.

Soon, they came under another void, and felt an unparalleled fragrance. Even Jiang Shang felt that the smell was very familiar, as if, as if...

"This is the fragrance of the strongest potion. It's really hidden in this area. Wait, what is that? A black sea?"

Before the ancestors of the three major families in Shencheng could be happy in the future, they suddenly discovered that there was an endless black sea in front of them, floating on this icy and dead area. There is even more terrifying energy spreading over the sea, like a pillar of black dragon energy, which can be called shocking.

"They're all here, the alien unicorn, the two protectors of the Jialan Temple, and a few ancient beasts..." Jiang Shang couldn't help squinting his eyes and frowned.

Just now a ten-thousand-year-old blood corpse jumped out, and several terrifying competitors jumped out, including an ancient beast with a shark head, and the legendary three-eyed demon toad that grew in the dark sea of ​​the dead. ...

Their faces are extremely ferocious, with sharp teeth and fangs, deep eyes radiating a cold light, and their bodies exuding terrifying divine auras. It is estimated that they have at least the second-level combat power of the fairyland!Tough!

(End of this chapter)

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