Chapter 670 The Peerless Sword in the Ocean!
"This area..."

However, the Copper Ant King unexpectedly stopped outside, staring at the depths of the black ocean with deep eyes, frowning, and remained silent, as if he felt something was wrong and was restless.

"It's really interesting that a majestic Immortal and Extreme Ancient Beast King is scared." The blood corpse laughed fiercely, with a mocking look on his decayed face, and the next moment, he turned into blood and rushed towards the black ocean In the depths, the speed is extremely fast, and the sky is full of blood!
"Hmph! You run pretty fast."

The Copper Ant King looked at the back of the blood corpse leaving, and let out a cold snort, his body released terrifying blood energy, surrounding the world, making people tremble.

"Ahead, don't you go in? There is a great opportunity in the depths, the strongest potion!" The glacier giant said rumblingly, with a joke, his voice was as shocking and deafening as a drum and thunder , and a layer of bone-chilling divine power is constantly spinning, as if freezing the entire world!

The eyes of the Copper Ant King swept infinite light, but remained silent and did not speak, staring at the black ocean in the distance, silent.


However, more and more heroes came one after another, smelling the fragrance of the strongest magic potion, rejoicing and excited, turning into divine light and plundering into the depths of the black ocean!Very fast!


Many people began to cross this strange black ocean, but they discovered in horror that the deeper they went to the boundless depths of this black ocean, the stronger the terrible pressure, even if there were many ancient powerhouses and several Even the young supreme couldn't bear it, so they had to turn back halfway and turn around.

"This area is really too mysterious. It has such terrible gravity. Is the strongest potion really hidden in such a place?" This is a decadent reality that makes people deeply worried.

"Wait, what do you see in the black sea? An ancient ship the size of a mountain? No one is driving it. Where did it come from? A ghost ship!?" Someone suddenly looked at the black sea and shouted, with a look of surprise.

"Is it necessary to step on that ancient ship to cross this black ocean and explore its mysteries?"

Someone put forward such a guess, and it was immediately confirmed by others. As long as you set foot on that ancient ship and set sail to sea, you will be completely free from the interference of the strange gravity, and you will be at your peak state at any time!
"There is not only one ancient ship, hurry up, let's fight for one!"

Xu Chongyun set his sights on a newly-appeared ancient ship, brought Jiang Shang and the other two down, instantly repelled many competitors, and occupied it strongly, and took the ancient ship to ride the wind and waves, rushing towards the dark sky like a shooting star. in the sea.

But this time, they finally surpassed the limit of their previous exploration and entered the depths of the ten thousand miles of ocean. Spreading like a pillar of black dragon air, it can be called shocking.

"My heart became more restless, as if something big was about to happen!" Suddenly, Lu Tiange made such a voice, which made everyone's mood sink and their expressions solemn.

Perhaps it was because of his practice of martial arts that Lu Tiange was much more sensitive to premonitions and prophets in this regard than others, so perhaps what he felt was true, something big was about to happen!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Suddenly there was a series of tremors in front of them, and they actually saw four terrifying black lights, which sank an ancient ship that was driving ahead in an instant, and three silver lights flew out in an instant. The prince, the evil spirit frightens the sky!

"The ancient ship was sunk. What are those four terrifying black lights? I seem to see the traces of the sword light. Could it be four peerless fierce swords?" Pei Shaoqiu said with trembling eyes.

Jiang Shang directly picked up the Bone God Rune and looked into the distance, and saw four peerless sharp edges, surrounded by layers of terrifying blood energy, even she felt exhausted, unable to see through the truth, and was even bitten back by a terrifying force , eyes quickly closed, but still bleeding.

"Those are four fierce swords with peerless sharpness. They are estimated to be at least at the top level of the heavenly rank. Someone is manipulating them!" Jiang Shang said with tears in his eyes.

"Someone is manipulating!?"

Before Xu Chongyun and the others had time to be surprised, they were shocked by a wave of divine power in vain!Extremely rampant!

I saw three shocking silver figures piercing the sky, galloping towards their ancient ship, and they all had an ancient bow and crossbow in their hands, which was made of rusty bronze, stained with extremely ancient stains. The traces of time, the copper arrow shot almost pierced Pei Shaoqiu, possessing the power of a powerful holy weapon, it is extremely frightening!

"It's the three of them, the three miscellaneous birds of the Yinpeng clan, they are trying to snatch our ancient ship, and let us get lost in this black ocean, sink and die miserably!" Xu Chongyun shouted ferociously.

"Get out of here, all of you, this ancient ship belongs to the three of us brothers from now on!"

Three terrifying figures flew over from the void, their voices were like ancient ferocious beasts roaring to the sky and the earth, and the silver demonic aura was flying, rippling with an extremely frightening evil aura, extremely terrifying.

"They still hold the wreckage of the ancient ship in their hands, which can ensure that they will not be affected by gravity for the time being." Lu Tiange noticed this detail.

"Then let the wreckage in their hands be crushed and buried in this black ocean!" But Jiang Shang turned into a bone giant, holding the Baiyu magic gun, and took the initiative to attack.

"court death!"

The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan let out a cold whistle, and quickly turned into a human form. Standing in the void, he rolled up the ancient bronze bow and crossbow in his hand, and shot out a shocking arrow of wind and thunder, which was powerful enough to wipe out a piece of land, mountains and rivers. Go to Jiang Shang!


Xu Chongyun and the others trembled from the side and issued a warning, because this arrow is indeed too terrifying. If it is shot directly, the body may be wiped out directly.

"Get out of here!"

However, Jiang Shang did give a cold shout, and cast Huang Tian's hand to directly blow him away, hitting the black clouds. This caused the eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan to change his expression, his expression was ferocious, and he launched a devastating divine power attack forward. Extremely terrible!
"Do it, these guys are too presumptuous!"

Xu Chongyun turned into a black tower giant spirit God Zhantian, the terrifying blood roared to the sky and the earth, the void shook, Lu Tiange and Pei Shaoqiu also used terrifying magic spells, the sky and the earth collapsed!

The strange sound of the ancient ship was heard, and another ancient ship approached. It turned out to be those ancient alien creatures. They stopped in the distance and watched the battle.

Not only them, other powerful people have also arrived, blood corpse, biqilin, Jialan temple guardian deity... only the copper ant king and glacier giant beast are missing!

Don't ask me why there is only one chapter, and don't ask me why I update it now. I rushed back to my hometown overnight after get off work today. I have to go to the grave tomorrow. I just arrived now. The road is too congested. Hey, I will make it up tomorrow. I am exhausted. !

(End of this chapter)

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