Chapter 675

"Damn it, my position is too embarrassing, and I have completely lost the opportunity to snatch it!" Looking at the shocking battles that broke out one after another, Jiang Shang muttered angrily to himself, very entangled.

Because the northern region he is in at the moment, the location is really too embarrassing, it is too far away from the two drops of the strongest magic potion, and the peerless fierce sword has already flown back, gathered together, and is about to be captured by the copper ant king ...

and many more!

Jiang Shang suddenly thought of something, and quickly swept his eyes to the sky, only to see that in the depths of the black stars, there was an array with extremely dim light, floating there quietly, not gathering with the fierce sword, other Man, seems to have forgotten too!

"The sword diagram..."

Jiang Shang rushed forward without hesitation, stepped on the sky, and reached out to grab the sword picture.

That is the supreme treasure that can control the fierce sword. In the mouth of the other party, it is more important than the fierce sword. It was once the real funeral object of the Supreme, and its value is inestimable!
"Damn it, there's still that map... Hurry up! Stop him!" The entire starry sky suddenly rioted, shaking like no other!


I saw that three-eyed demon toad, a strong foreign creature, uttered a deafening roar, shaking the world, and a destructive force erupted from his mouth, and the endless demonic brilliance attacked Jiang Shang, destroying it!

Lu Tiange also attacked him like a landslide and a tsunami. It was an incomparably terrifying light of Confucianism and Taoism, forming a true virtuous spirit and containing infinite light.

There was also Xu Chongyun who had turned into the giant spirit god of the black tower. He seemed to want to attack Jiang Shang, but in the end he hesitated, gave up with a sigh, and turned around to plunder the other side's fierce sword.

At this moment, the three princes of the Yinpeng clan had already repelled Bi Qilin, took away the drop of the strongest magic potion, and crossed away.

Although Bi Qilin is indeed very strong as a heterogeneous unicorn, even stronger than each of the three princes of the Yinpeng clan, but he is still weaker and weaker. I am extremely unwilling to buy the strongest magic potion!
However, now that everyone has lost the strongest magic potion, naturally they can only fight for the four peerless fierce swords and sword diagrams. They are originally a whole and combined into a demigod weapon. Being divided up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get together again!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

The Copper Ant King who took the lead in the attack became the target of public criticism, and many Taoist powers bombarded him fiercely, causing his huge and resolute body to stagnate suddenly.

Some blood flowed out of the void, and the atmosphere that was about to sweep away all the fierce swords seemed to have been affected, temporarily changing its trajectory, only taking away two of the four fierce swords, and then without hesitation Turn around and go, escape into the void!
"Dirty old thing..."

The others roared angrily, but they didn't pursue, they turned around and rushed towards the other two fierce swords.


"Who dares to fight with me again, I will kill him!"

The ten-thousand-year-old blood corpse holding the copper bell roared, and a strong light erupted from the decayed body, which made the sky tremble and the black ocean flowed upstream!

Everyone was horrified to feel that a trembling power on it broke the limit and exploded, making others feel a suffocating pressure.The pupils that coincided with each other shrank, and their expressions changed drastically!
"Damn it, this old thing actually took the last half step and became the ultimate strongman of Xian'er!"

Many people opened their mouths with livid faces, but they didn't expect the other party to break through at this time, took the last half step, and became the ultimate existence of Xian Er!
"Come here!" The ten-thousand-year-old blood corpse directly hit the copper bell in his hand, turning into a terrifying Xeon sword, intercepting the peerless fierce sword closest to him, and pulling it aside!
The eyes of the others went crazy immediately, but they still forcibly restrained themselves, allowing the Wannian blood corpse to leave with the spoils without stopping.

After all, the opponent has stepped into the extreme of Immortal Er, coupled with the copper bell and fierce sword, it is impossible for them to stop them, and they may even be counter-killed, so they can't take risks!
And the rest of the people, Feng Yuan, the supreme guardian of the Jialan Temple, Xu Chongyun, the ancestor of the Xu family in the city of God, and the ancient beast black dragon from the dark sea outside the territory... They all surrounded the last fierce sword, with fierce momentum and turbulent power, The atmosphere froze to the extreme!One touch!
"Do you really think I can't kill you? Get lost!"

At this moment, a violent shout shook the sky, and everyone saw two identical giants, holding a terrifying pitch-black gun and a fierce sword condensed with divine power, and killing the three-eyed magic toad through the black stars. Going away, the world is in turmoil, the clouds are pierced and cracked, and it will be destroyed!
The light of the divine spear and fierce sword actually opened up a path of destruction, black and white harmony, divine power to transform into a dragon, and even a palm that covers the sky parallel to the tombstone. Under the feet is an endless land of bones, piercing through the three-eyed magic toad. Huge body, strangling and destroying!


Endless and terrifying power directly tore it to shreds. The majestic second-level hero of the world was smashed into nothingness, and even the blood was smashed clean at once, making the eyes of others shrink, which is extremely horrifying!

"The Dao body...isn't it unbelievable that this junior can kill the Holy Master!?" Everyone said dully.

Although the ancient powerhouse and the young supreme are tied together, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the latter is still at a disadvantage. After all, the cultivation base is too weak and the background is not good enough.

However, at this moment, Jiang Shang slaughtered a strong immortal, which made everyone else in the room unbelievable, feeling like a dream!

"I think you once fought side by side with me, I will give you a chance, turn around, or die!" Jiang Shang held the Baiyu sharp gun again, standing in the void, turning into a bone giant, and the Taoist body was also at his side, The peerless sharp edge in his hand was aimed at Lu Tiange, his expression was indifferent, and he was about to explode!
Lu Tiange's expression froze, as if he felt a great humiliation, but he still gritted his teeth and turned around, choosing to turn around and walk away!
Although he left like this, it may mean that he will gain nothing from this trip, but it is better to not get the treasure than to lose his life here!

After all, behind him is a big family that needs to be protected, so he doesn't have the courage to bet with Jiang Shang that he is bluffing at the moment, but in fact he is powerless to kill any more!

"Huh!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and finally put away his strongest state. Dao body darted towards the sword picture and held it in his hand. However, his face changed instantly, because Dao body's hand He was injured!

"What a terrifying sword aura."

Jiang Shang hurried over with his real body, stretched out his hand to hold the corner of the sword picture, and suddenly felt a terrifying sword aura attacking, it was the kind of extremely terrifying sword aura, unrivaled and sharp!
It was a sharp edge that could split the world, even his real body's physical strength was unstoppable. Many openings were cut at once, and the white blood flowed out, which could not be stopped at all!Can't stop!

"It seems that we can only use divine power to seal it up first, and then slowly adapt to it later!" Jiang Shang put him away, crossed the void and left!

(End of this chapter)

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