Chapter 678

At this moment, the void burst into thunder, accompanied by countless lights, showing extremely terrifying divine power, piercing through the sky, tearing apart the universe, and it was extremely terrifying.

As the undisputed young supreme powerhouse in the distant world, the eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan is indeed extremely powerful in battle, surpassing his other two brothers, and even reaching the level of being close to a god, which is shocking.

However, there is a saying just like what Bi Qilin said, that is, the three brothers really rely too much on external forces, and they place too much emphasis on the supernatural power of Fighting Dragon Map they display, which leads them to gradually go astray and their future is cut off!

After all, if they don't even have the confidence to fight the fairy road alone, it proves that they have lost. As young supreme beings, they should be sharp and fearless. They can be called cowards. Jiang Shang didn't take them seriously!


The next moment, Jiang Shangyi stood in the void and let out a cold snort, but his body remained motionless, his expression extremely calm, and he waited until the golden wings were half a foot away from the skull, then he slowly raised his right palm, ruthlessly Cut it down hard!


There was a clanging sound like metal colliding from the dome of the day, and the golden wings were repelled directly, which made the eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan change his face, and retreated crazily for tens of feet, and then his expression became ferocious again.

I saw that he displayed a terrifying demon power again, making his whole body become a flash of light, and launched a terrorist attack around Jiang Shang.
It was as if there were thousands of silver lights assassinating the sky, circling frantically to besiege Jiang Shang in the center, and the golden wings released immeasurable light, turning into an ancient golden spear, piercing the sky, tearing apart the sky. The universe rushed towards Jiang Shang again, which was extremely astonishing.

"I said before, you won't be able to get on the stage at all, no!" The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan was full of self-confidence again, sarcastically mocking like this, with a mocking tone.

"is it?"

But just when he thought that Tianpeng was so fast that Jiang Shang would not be able to catch him, suddenly, an indifferent mockery exploded in his ears, and a bone-like palm hit his head hard. The impact made his body tremble violently, his silver wings fluttered, and he suddenly felt terrible pain, his head was almost exploded!

"No, it's impossible..."

The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan screamed and moved his body across, but there was a white figure that was faster than him.

I saw Jiang Shang sneered, and smashed down with his fist the size of a millstone, which directly broke the bone on his back, and was thrown away again. The unstoppable blood flowed from the wound, dyeing the void red.

"You only have this strength? What a disappointment!" Jiang Shang's extremely terrifying attack suddenly stopped in the void and mocked.

Although the eldest prince of the Yinpeng family has the blood of the ancient god Tianpeng, it stands to reason that his physical body should be extremely terrifying and tyrannical, and it is impossible to be breached, let alone injured or collapsed.

But the facts are beyond everyone's expectations. Although the physical body of the eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan is strong, Jiang Shang's physical body is even more terrifying. Just one punch broke the opponent's bones. This is simply appalling. That Bi Qilin was a little scared.

He asked himself, even with the strength of his physical body, most likely he would not be able to withstand Jiang Shang's punch, at least he would be beaten black and blue, and even his skin was bruised...

"How, how is this possible?"

"Just one punch, broke the big brother's bones!?"

The second and third princes of the Yinpeng family were also cold and their scalps were numb, thinking that this could not be true.

You know, their eldest brother, the eldest prince of the Yinpeng family, has at least reached the level of physical strength close to the top-rank of the heavens, but he was still interrupted. Could it be that the other party wanted to defy the sky?
"No, I don't believe it. You can't be my opponent. I want to suppress you with ancient and secret techniques!" The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan roared. Although the flesh and bones on his back were exposed, he still didn't lose The faith of the first battle burst out with infinite light, and the silver light pierced the sky and the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, come on!" Jiang Shang said with a smile on his lips.

He felt the opponent's surging fighting spirit, but it also stimulated his thoughts a little bit, surrounded by divine lines, bones soaring into the sky, standing on the nine heavens, like a god!

"I will kill you, Tianpeng will come to the world!"

The eldest prince of the Tianpeng clan let out a roar, and boundless light erupted behind him, unexpectedly manifesting a kingdom, like a fairyland, and also a pure land that can make people realize Taoism, a golden Tianpeng the size of a mountain and river rushed out, soaring straight to the ninth heaven !
It turned out to be Tianpeng, who had become an ancient god in ancient times. Turning over, the sun, moon, stars, and chaotic universe would all collapse. However, this was just a one-ten-thousandth phantom of him, but it was also extremely powerful and ravaged the heavens. !

"Tomb Slayer Demon God Hand!"

Jiang Shang felt a strong threat, his expression was dignified, and he didn't talk about keeping his hands. He took out his most powerful supernatural power, and the big hand that covered the sky was parallel to the tombstone, and poured it all into the Baiyu magic gun in his hand. The horse is surging, piercing Cangyu!

The golden Tianpeng phantom was pierced directly, shaking the eldest prince Yinpeng to pieces, his soul began to shatter, overflowing with blood, staining the void red.

"No, it's impossible... Puff!" The eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan looked dull, unable to restrain the backlash in his body, and spurted blood wildly.

"Impossible? Why is it impossible? What other means do you have? Just use it, and I will take it!" Jiang Shang put away the most powerful background vision, thinking that some are overqualified.

"No, it's impossible, I don't believe..."

However, the eldest prince of the Yinpeng clan was already in despair. That was really his most powerful secret technique just now, even the peak of Xianyi could be slaughtered easily, but Jiang Shang was so unbearable to destroy it. To him, It was an extremely heavy blow!
"Let me go, I can give you everything you want!"

But at the next moment, he suddenly put away his grief and resentment, and chose to bow his head. Although this was a kind of humiliation, it was very realistic that he could save his life.Between going forward bravely and bowing his head, he chose the latter, and lowered his proud head!

"The strongest potion, I know you haven't used it yet, so hand it over." Jiang Shang squinted his eyes in surprise, but he calmly asked for the potion!
"Okay, the strongest potion, I'll give you...death!"

But the other party was trying to compromise, and the moment Li Ao let go, he launched the most powerful and terrifying attack in his life. His whole body was cracked and dazzling, and he wanted to shed the body of a silver peng, summoning the soul of the ancestor Tianpeng to descend, Destroy everything!
"Since you insist on this, then don't blame me for being cruel!" Jiang Shang had expected this to be the case, stepped forward first, and launched a peerless attack with Bai Yu's gun in his hand. The terrifying light of the gun flooded the whole world, Endless strangulation completely dyed everything red!
"No, I'm not willing..." This is a desperate roar, which represents the fall of a peerless hero, becoming a pile of dry bones on the road to immortality, cutting off the way forward. This ending is indeed too tragic!

(End of this chapter)

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