Great Demon

Chapter 68 Disagreement

Chapter 68 Disagreement
"I brought those two people back." The aging murloc said indifferently in front of more than a dozen Jindan experts.

"Thank you, Feo." A stooped old murloc with lightning-like eyes and a powerful aura exuded from his body said excitedly, "We have been waiting for nearly a thousand years, and we finally have Humans have come in, we can finally leave this ghost place!"

The faces of the other strong murlocs were equally excited, and one of them couldn't help but said eagerly: "Hurry up and tell them to break into the Thunder Pond, as long as they can pass through the Thunder Pond, they can get the key to unlock the seal, and then we can go out gone."

They have been imprisoned here for nearly a thousand years, so naturally they don't want to go out all the time.

"I'm afraid this matter has to be slowed down." However, the old murloc Fio frowned slightly when he heard this, and said, "The strength of those two humans is too weak, and they are only in the realm of the day after tomorrow, so if you think about them now Passing through Thunder Pond, I'm afraid it's a bit unrealistic."

"What? Acquired realm?" All murlocs were stunned, their expressions extremely ugly.

Although the Lei Chi test is not difficult, it is still impossible to pass the test in the acquired state.

"There is only one way now, and that is to let them accept the inheritance. Only when they accept the inheritance can their strength grow rapidly and help us escape from this sealed place!" Feio said again.

"What, accept the inheritance? No way!" But as soon as this remark came out, strong people immediately objected: "Human beings are not qualified to accept our inheritance!"

To them, human beings are alien races, how could they be eligible to accept the inheritance?
"Feo, this is not right. They are foreigners, how can we let them accept my family's inheritance?" The old murloc who spoke before couldn't help but speak now.

Fio looked a little ugly when he heard the words, glanced at the strong murlocs, and said in a cold voice: "Could it be that these hundreds of years of seals haven't made you realize the reality? We are poor people who have been sealed. If we If you can’t get out, what’s the use of having an inheritance?”

Sealed wretch?

Those strong murlocs showed humiliation on their faces, but there were still strong ones who firmly disagreed: "No, this is absolutely not possible. Foreign races are not qualified to accept the inheritance."

"Why can't we wait any longer? Anyway, we have been sealed for so many years, why should we care about waiting for decades. I suggest that the two humans be imprisoned, and then let them practice in the tribe, as long as they Cultivate to the innate limit, or the golden core state, and then let them go to the Thunder Pond, wouldn't it be enough?" Some experts also suggested.

"That's right, this method works!"

"Just imprison them and let them cultivate by themselves. Anyway, we have so many Jindan experts, and we are not afraid that we will not be able to suppress the two of them."

"Elder Ninth is really resourceful, this is a very good proposal!"


Immediately, most of the powerhouses agreed, obviously they approved of this proposal.

"Prisoner, are you idiots?" But Feo sneered, as if looking at a group of idiots: "You have to understand that the initiative is not in our hands, but in the hands of those two humans. If If the other party is resentful and unwilling to help us sincerely, do you want to stay in this ghost place forever?"

"Feo, what did you say..." The strong man who made the suggestion immediately said angrily: "It's just two acquired ants, how dare they resist our will?"

"Fart, who do you think you are? Are you a fairy?" Fio spat, sneered and mocked: "This is our only chance to get out of here, if it is destroyed because of you, I, Fio, will definitely let You regret it!"

This was already a naked threat, and the strong murloc immediately said angrily: "How dare you threaten me..."

Anyway, he is also a strong man in the early stage of Jindan, how could he be threatened by an innate, a blue light flew out of his mouth, and the trident emerged with powerful water system fluctuations, and stabbed fiercely at Feo.

"You are courting death!"

Fio's expression became angry, and the trident came out of his hand. One circle was thunder, and the other circle was waves. The two kinds of Tao merged into the trident, and the power was astonishingly terrifying, and it suddenly bombarded towards the opponent.

As expected of an existence with two kinds of Tao, even if the realm is only the innate limit, it is not weak in the face of the strong Jindan.


"What do you two want to do?"

But at this moment, a more terrifying aura erupted, and accompanied by a terrifying roar, a huge trident appeared, shining like a gem, easily defeating the two attacks, making all the powerful people terrified and awe-inspiring .

"Master Patriarch!" All murloc powerhouses respectfully said.

Then there was a fluctuation in the sky, and ripples gradually appeared in the space. A murloc exuding a terrifying aura slowly appeared in the sky. Looking at the two of Feo, he said coldly, "Is it because I won't show up again, you guys?" Are you ready to turn the world upside down?"

This is a Jindan late stage powerhouse!
"Lord patriarch, it was Fio who provoked me..." The strong man wanted to defend himself, but the murloc patriarch yelled angrily, "Shut up, I made you talk?"

A powerful coercion came head-on, scaring the strong man from talking nonsense, and the other strong men were also silent, but Fio looked calmer, and slowly said to the murloc patriarch: "Those two people Humanity is our only hope, Lord Patriarch, and we cannot be stuck here forever."

The murloc patriarch stared at Fio with no expression on his face and said coldly, "Go and bring those two humans here."

"Master Patriarch..." Fio was slightly startled.

The murloc patriarch interrupted him coldly: "Do as I say!"

"Yes, I understand." Fio took a deep breath and walked out of the palace.


Still in that cave, Jiang Shang and the two were slightly surprised when they heard Feiao's words: "Patriarch?"

Although they were mentally prepared in advance, they didn't expect to be such a big shot. The patriarch of the tidal murloc clan should at least be a strong Jindan realm, right?Things have become a little troublesome.

"Keep your mouth shut later, I will try my best to fight for you, now go with me to see the patriarch." Feio said something inexplicably, followed Jiang Shang and Jiang Shang out of the cave, slowly towards Go to that palace.

Because Feo was watching from the side, the two of them naturally did not dare to move rashly. After a while, a huge statue appeared in front of them, which was a ferocious three-eyed murloc.Although it's just a statue, it exudes a trembling aura.

"This is..." Jiang Shang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Feio glanced at Jiang Shang, then looked at the statue respectfully, and said in awe-inspiring tone, "This is the statue of the ancestor Fitz! He is a powerful man standing upright!"

As soon as the words fell, he urged again: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go." The palace where the strong murlocs gather is just ahead!

(End of this chapter)

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