Chapter 691 The Ruined Buddhist Temple

After an almost dreamlike confrontation, the void trembled and the starry sky was shattered, Jiang Shang finally got his wish and reunited the weapons of the ancient supreme powerhouse. What an arrogance to be named Zhu Xian!
"Leave, this battle is over!" Many super terrifying powerhouses disappeared, and Jiang Shang also turned and left.

Beyond the distant starry sky, there was a tranquility at first.

After a while, the place began to boil, perhaps because of the departure of the superpowers, they didn't feel so oppressed anymore, and they breathed a sigh of relief and recalled the past.

There is no doubt that whether it is a body comparable to a half-step god king, or the reunion of a half-god soldier, it is a huge event for many people, almost dreamlike, impossible to imagine, and never witnessed , is destined to shock the world!
"The three Tianjiao of the Yinpeng clan are all wiped out. They dominate the distant world, but they can't match the edge of the peerless heroes. This scene is too shocking!"

"The Copper Ant King, who claimed to be invincible in the realm of Xian Er, was actually defeated by a junior. The ultimate body of the sky rank comparable to a half-step god king, and the reunion of the weapons of the ancient supreme power...all of this , maybe they are all pointing in one direction, that is the forbidden body, most likely it will become invincible in the lower realm, look down on the world!"


An almost dreamy duel has come to an end!
However, this incident did not end. The news spread far and wide, and countless people were discussing it.

This was originally a joint plunder of all powerful men, but it never occurred to him that this incident was just an introduction, which led to a peerless hero, whose aura pierced the mountains and rivers, and shook the world!
After all, the results of this battle were astonishing. The reunion of a group of unparalleled demigod soldiers made many people unable to calm down. The same is true, and the whole world is shocked.

"The potential of the forbidden body of the human race is really terrifying. It reminds me of the overlord of the dark age! He already has an invincible prototype!"

"A peerless man with an aptitude against the sky, he got the best performance in this battle, sweeping away many people, it's too shocking!"

The impact of this battle is too huge, even the most remote places in the world of gods are involved, and even spread outside this world, more people are shocked!

This is a land of dead silence and cold starry sky. Black stars are constantly passing through the void, and strands of chaotic breath are intertwined. This place is like a pure land before the Great Destruction, and no one can disturb its tranquility and darkness. The boundless world of the world is silent and makes people tremble.

"Is this right here? The ancient Buddha demon is sleeping, and I don't know what amazing secrets are hidden!" Jiang Shang appeared in this void, glanced at the star universe, and murmured.

The ancient Buddhas and demons mean the existence of almost myths. They are the top few people in the heavens and the world. They possess the vast power of picking up the stars and chasing the moon, as well as infinite divine power, shaking all directions!
And they were sleeping in this inexplicable place, which aroused Jiang Shang's interest. It just so happened that his strength increased greatly and his confidence surged, so he came here, wanting to explore, what secrets are hidden in this starry sky! ?


"Hey, what is that... a star gate?"

Jiang Shangyi stood in the void and looked around, suddenly his eyes were attracted by one place, and he found an ancient dim star gate.

I saw that the entrance of the dim star gate has no specific manifestation of divine power, and can only vaguely feel some fluctuations, like the power of space, which is muddled and leads to the depths of the void, very weak!

"Go in and take a look?" Jiang Shang hesitated for a moment, but decided to enter the star gate to take a look, then crossed out and stepped out of the star gate with one foot, as if a mysterious wave surrounded it, leading him Came to a new world!
It turned out to be the end of a piece of ruins, and only a dilapidated small temple still existed. The bronze lamp flickers a little bit of brilliance.

Looking at the outside of the dilapidated small temple, there is a dead old tree, but its origin is unclear, because the trunk is hollow and the outer skin is rotten. It can be said that it is completely unrecognizable!If it weren't for the existence of a few dead branches that have not yet decayed, perhaps it would have dissipated long ago and would no longer exist in the world!

"Didn't you say that this is the place where ancient Buddhas and demons sleep? Why is there such a small temple at the end? This place is too mysterious!" Jiang Shang couldn't hide his surprise, staring fixedly at the ancient dead tree , and the stone Buddha and copper lamps in the temple.

His eyes had extraordinary insight, and he could see through at a glance that the dead branch was actually some kind of divine material, and the stone Buddha and copper lamp were actually some kind of weapons with great magic power, which contained trembling waves. , but the brilliance is restrained, it is difficult for outsiders to find out!
If it wasn't for his mysterious cultivation technique, which caused his insight to far surpass his peers, most likely, he wouldn't have discovered the mystery... Godly materials and weapons with great mana, there are such precious treasures here, which makes people feel surprise!

"Go over and have a look... What a thick Buddha power!"

Jiang Shang couldn't wait to walk forward, but the distance of less than 50 meters seemed extremely long and procrastinated at this moment. A thick Buddha power shrouded the void, preventing him from moving forward, disrupting the road ahead, and even Even the dead ancient tree has disappeared!
This is an ancient divine material with spiritual wisdom. It seems to have sensed Jiang Shang's intentions and escaped into the void, not wanting him to succeed!Jiang Shang was stunned!

"I'm afraid this divine material is frighteningly old, at least over 20 years old! It's amazing that he has given birth to spiritual wisdom!" There was silence in front of the ancient temple, Jiang Shang shook his head with a wry smile, and continued on his way.

"There is still a copper plaque, but it seems to have been broken, hey, there is still writing on it?"

Jiang Shang finally passed through the barrier of Buddha's power and came to the front of the dilapidated small temple. He looked up and found a rusty and mottled plaque, but it seemed to have been split into two pieces, but the words carved on it could still be read In the Qing Dynasty, dragons and phoenixes are entangled, and the Buddha's light is so rational that it can be vaguely recognized.

"Jia, Jialan Buddhist Temple?" That word is a very ancient Buddhist text. Fortunately, Jiang Shang has the memory of the demon ancestor, and there is a printed record, so he read those words.

"This turned out to be a Buddhist temple. It is said that those who are qualified to build a Buddhist temple must at least be at the level of the fourth and half saints. They are called ancient and modern Buddhas. They are qualified to enter the legendary Buddha Mountain Pure Land and understand the true meaning!" Jiang Shang The rumor of the ancient Buddhist scriptures sounded, and he said in surprise.

The pure land of Foshan is a pilgrimage site for Buddhist practice in mythology. There are the most powerful Buddhas in the past and present. Bodhisattvas, sages, and countless Arhats and gods sit cross-legged on the heavens and form a world of their own. , it can be seen that it is a very scary world!

Generally speaking, only those who have cultivated to the fourth and half saints are eligible to step into the Pure Land and set up a Buddhist temple. From then on, they are called Buddha. Others include Arhats, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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