Chapter 698


Having finally dealt with an enemy, Jiang Shang heaved a sigh of relief, recalled the Zhuxian Sword, and was out of breath.

It has to be said that his cultivation is still too weak, and after only controlling the Jade Sword for a while, he already felt exhausted and consumed a lot, which he did not expect!

It is worthy of being the supreme weapon in the legends, comparable to an unparalleled demigod weapon, and the required divine power supply is an astronomical figure, which makes it difficult for a peerless hero like him to bear it. From this, it can be seen that it is very terrifying!You have to make some progress!
"Rumble rumble..."

And at this time, Jiang Shang noticed that the black hole in the void had become even bigger, possessing a magical nature that could swallow even the sky and the earth, and the surrounding space was distorted, causing the void to continue to collapse!The horror is boundless.

"Damn it, its supply of divine power has not been cut off. Could it be that it is about to break out!?" Jiang Shang immediately changed his color, and immediately launched a terrifying attack. Trying to stop it, the divine pattern spun, and his mind was disturbed!



Perhaps his method worked, only to hear a crazy roar, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, coming from the depths of the terrifying black hole, it actually collapsed!If he hadn't been prepared, it would have turned into a cloud of blood mist at this moment.

"No! I was about to succeed, but you ruined my event and fell short. No! I will kill you and eat your flesh and blood!"

A terrifying icy corpse roared into the world, filled with the power of an endless god-king, toppling the sky and shooting down the stars. If his body hadn't been sealed, the world would have been blown apart. It was too much! Horror, unimaginable!

"It's him, the corpse of the god king turned into a phantom?" Jiang Shang was horrified, because he heard the origin of the voice, it was the ancient corpse that wanted to devour his blood, no, to be precise, It should be the incorporeal body formed by the evil thoughts of the god king's corpse with the help of the body.

He walks the world with this body, although it is not as good as the real corpse of the god king, but it is also very terrifying, comparable to Xiansan!


The icy and terrifying corpse aura soared into the sky, the black hole-like magic eye was defeated directly, and a hideous colossus squeezed out, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths!
Obviously, it was a real colossus, and its body could probably overcome the thousand-mile-high waves of the black ocean, covering the whole world, making everything dark and innocent, making Jiang Shang feel that his soul would leave his body and he could not control it. Scary to the extreme.

And this scene, like those supreme powerhouses in the myth, can shake the stars with their own power, chasing the stars and chasing the moon, the terrifying and surging corpse aura even spread to the entire ocean world, making it tremble!
I have to say that this scene is really terrifying. Just a corpse of a god king has reached such a terrifying level. Immortals and ordinary strongmen can't do it, only the queen of Immortals and Three Middle Schools!


Another loud roar sounded, accompanied by a strong and terrifying corpse aura, causing the world to begin to shatter, stars fell into the sea, and huge waves flooded the sky, submerging everything.

"Damn, this guy is simply crazy..."

Jiang Shang's expression at the moment was also a little horrified. He hesitated and released the picture of the Zhu Xian sword, hanging above his head, and millions of sword lights fell down, each of which was enough to penetrate the huge mountain. The combined power is infinite, sheltering the holy body, Just in case!
But even so, he has already used the Jade Immortal Sword Diagram to defend, and he still feels a little trembling, because the divine power in the opponent's body is indeed too strong, just like when he faced Xia Wushang in his heyday back then, Much stronger than the Immortal Three Peerless Holy Lords, they are not on the same level at all!

Perhaps, only a supreme existence of that level is qualified to make demigod soldiers feel afraid, even if that person is already dead, and this is already the second life, it's the same!
"Boom! Rumble..."

The huge, icy body stood upright, and the terrifying corpse aura surrounded it, like a star field shaking, or like a galaxy being blackened and falling down. This is boundless divine power.

Although it is just a phantom, it is too huge, allowing him to stare at the world and look down on everything. The green pupils are frighteningly cold, shaking people's hearts!

"It's all come to the last step. My body is about to be unsealed, but I have been sealed for 7 years of silence, but at the most critical moment, I was disturbed by you, and everything became empty, and it will continue for another thousand years. , I hate it!"

This is the voice of that evil thought that is extremely hateful. Yes, it is true when you think about it. It has been sealed for 7 years, and now it seems that it is about to escape and see the sun again, but it is disturbed by others. It's unimaginable to outsiders, and I hate it!
"Obviously the god kings of the past are dead, and everything should return to ashes and ashes to ashes, why not let him rest in peace?" Jiang Shang said like this.

"What do you understand? Back then, countless people attacked me in my previous life. I can't let them be so safe. I want to return, slaughter everything, and open up a new era!" The cold eyes of God King Shi Einian were extremely crazy, like a lunatic The laughter is chilling.

He even said that he would slaughter everything and open up a new era.What era was that?Is it full of blood and destruction?

Jiang Shang clenched his fists tightly, feeling that his choice was right. If such a dangerous guy is really released, many worlds will be destroyed, and people will be devastated!

"I detected your blood, and it turned out to be the legendary taboo body. It's really luck! It seems that this is God making up for it and sending me precious nourishment!" Transformed into what it was when we first saw it.

The ferocious and permeating decayed face, the snow-white teeth, the ghostly green light, the eyes like dead fish, the body has rotted, and it is all pieces of rotten flesh, with black stinky blood flowing, and the ghoul smell is strong scary!Heart palpitations!

Suddenly, a ferocious claw covered with green hairs struck at Jiang Shang, as if the power was enough to tear this universe apart, destroying it and destroying it, it was extremely frightening!


Jiang Shang's face suddenly changed, and he retreated crazily. You know, this is a corpse of a god king. If you only compare the real combat power, it is estimated that a few more him will not be able to do it. The difference in realm is too much.

The next moment, without hesitation, he unleashed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and sang in harmony with the sword picture hanging above his head, bursting out with unparalleled divine light, ready to face the enemy.Fortunately, he still has demigod soldiers to protect him, so everything is not too bad.


A muffled groan sounded, and the evil claws of the god king's corpse were repelled by the sword energy, and black blood gushed out from the ferocious carrion, which looked extremely terrifying!
"Supreme weapon, demigod weapon, I didn't expect you, a small ant, to possess such a treasure..." The originally extremely powerful god king corpse evil thought was also afraid, because he knew the horror of such weapons, even if The opponent is just an ant, and it is difficult to deal with.

"What? Are you afraid? Your thoughts are too vicious and shouldn't exist in this world, so let me save you and settle the score with you!" Ye Fan said, sacrificing himself.

(End of this chapter)

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