Chapter 705 The Powers Gather


Suddenly, in the distance, the momentum was monstrous, and the terrifying ghost energy rose into the sky, shaking the world, but it was a ghost god who came across the world and illuminated the sky.

"It's him, Duan Lingyun, who is hailed as the new generation of God of Underworld!"

Everyone exclaimed, the person who came was Duan Lingyun, second only to those peerless heroes. He was hailed as a new generation of underworld god. Now he has the first level of the fairyland, comparable to the second immortal, and his strength is terrifying. Standing in the clouds, he came here to watch the battle.

"This is a terrifying genius who has risen in recent years. He is second only to those peerless talents. He is said to have a deep friendship with Chu Zhongtian. This is probably because of Chu Yunxiao's pressure!"


Between the heaven and the earth, infinite divine power swayed the gust of wind, and many divine lights came from all directions, all of which were powerful forces with astonishing origins. They rushed into the bullfight and caused a sensation!

"People from Sun God Palace, Wolf God Mountain, Yin-Yang God Sect, Zhenwu Holy Land... are all here, and the leaders are all fairyland elders, or young supreme beings, none of them are weak. This far-reaching duel that attracted worldwide attention, They couldn't sit still!"

"It's natural. Although this battle is just a battle between the apprentices of the Yin-Yang God Body and the Seven-Star Battle Body, there is a deeper grievance in it. It is related to the Xia family and the Samsara Sea. I don't know what will happen!"


There was a great deal of discussion among the people.


In the distance, there was a terrifying roar that suppressed the sky. It turned out that a man with a strong figure appeared riding a golden dragon. Although the golden dragon was just a surge of breath, it was shocking enough, like a god, standing for nine days !

"It's Ao Xin, the number one holy son of the Beiming Holy Land back then, and now he has also entered the fairyland level, ranking among the ancestors of the Holy Land!"

"I heard that the place where he broke through was in the extreme north, which caused extreme changes in the world. The glaciers were evaporated, the sea flowed against the current, and even an ancient beast of the second level of immortality was slaughtered. It is shocking!"

"Roar! Roar!"

Another terrifying beast howled to suppress the sky, and in the distance, a fierce beast covering the sky and the sun appeared, with two heads and four tails, and one eye was scarlet. The claws are even more powerful enough to tear apart the sky, and a chariot is pulled behind it, stopping on the clouds, making people tremble.

"It's a peerless hero from the Cang family of the ancient family——Cang Jie!" Everyone was horrified, they didn't expect such evildoers from the southern land to come, they were very surprised.

At the same time, the holy son of the three-color holy land appeared in another direction. He looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. He was a little thin and weak, and his appearance was very delicate.The most distinctive feature is his pair of eyes, which are very bright, as clear as lake water, and have a natural taste.

This is a person who is like a clear spring in the mountains, it is difficult to make people feel disgusted, it is very strange.

"The Sancai Son is here too. It is said that this is an anomalous number related to the ancient times!" Someone exclaimed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

More powerful aura erupted, and the void seemed to become a turbulent ocean, oscillating thousands of times and piercing through the stars. Many old monsters at the fairyland level appeared, like thousands of ancient sacred mountains being pressed down, unparalleled and terrifying. About to suffocate!

"There are so many terrifying existences here, and the involvement is too wide!" Many people changed their colors. They didn't expect it to be so lively today, with so many ancient strongmen coming, it was frightening!

And at this time, a bright aurora suddenly came from a distance, surrounded by endless seven stars, and even reached the level of five stars showing reality, surpassing many sages with seven-star combat bodies, which is surprising.

"Here it is, it's Chu Yunxiao! His aura is so powerful that he has even entered the second level of Zhou Tian!" Someone exclaimed.

It was a handsome young man, at most in his 20s, his eyes shone with divine brilliance, and every inch of his skin was jumping with the power of the seven stars, making him as bright as the Big Dipper, powerful and extremely powerful. amazing!
"Don't panic, big nephew, uncle is here to help you, there is nothing to be afraid of! Even if you stabbed the sky down today, uncle will carry it for you!" Duan Lingyun laughed and said, releasing a terrible dark energy from his whole body, Shaking the sky, unparalleled and frightening.

"Some people's hands and feet are always not so clean. It's not embarrassing to think about attacking the juniors." Ao Xin spoke while riding on the golden dragon, sweeping his eyes towards a dark corner, mocking with a sneer.


There was no sound coming back from that dark corner, but a terrifying aura appeared, which made the scalp tingle and the bottom of the heart feel cold. All the people around there changed their colors and ran away crazily, for fear of being affected. Suffer an indiscriminate disaster!
"It's a strong man from the Sea of ​​Samsara, this divine power is amazing, it's terrifying!" After a while, those who escaped spoke, sweating profusely.

"Aren't you two going too far? Today's battle has nothing to do with you. They are the protagonists. Don't get the wrong position!" An ancient celebrity from the Yin-Yang Sect stood up and parted the battle with his hands. Pointing at Luo Jie and Chu Yunxiao, he said indifferently.

"Ha ha……"

Duan Lingyun couldn't deny it, smiled mockingly, and retreated to the side with Ao Xin, and said: "Come on, big nephew, let them old people look at it, what kind of genius that the Yin-Yang God sect has not seen for tens of thousands of years?" , second only to the divine body, you are a scumbag in front of you, don't lose your master's prestige!"

"Presumptuous, what are you, you dare to speak so brazenly!"

"Don't think that you can be unscrupulous once you step into the fairyland. If you really anger our Yin-Yang God Sect, you will regret it!"

The terrifying powerhouses of the Yin-Yang Sect shouted and scolded one after another, their eyebrows turned cold and their eyes were cold, all showing terrifying murderous intent, trembling the sky.

"Uncle Duan is still as arrogant as ever!" Na Chu Yunxiao shyly said to himself.


Suddenly, a terrifying seven-star divine power rose from behind him, and the phantom of the Big Dipper standing in the sky appeared in ancient times, making his body glow with unimaginable light. The elephant rushed up to the sky, pierced through the sky, and set off a terrifying shock like a tsunami, which is horrifying!
"However, there is one thing that my Uncle Duan said is right. A genius who has not been born for tens of thousands of years in the Yin Yang God Sect is a scum in front of me! If you were not born a period of time before me, I would definitely let you Know, what is the horror of the seven-star battle body! Break the sky!"

When he said this, the faces of all the people present changed a little. Ao Xin and Duan Lingyun laughed and nodded. , but his expression was livid, extremely ugly!
"I'll make you pay the price, just based on your words, today!"

Luo Jie fixed his eyes on Chu Yunxiao, his body trembled, and he was extremely furious. Terrible divine power surged from behind him, reversing yin and yang, and collapsing all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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