Chapter 711 Closing

Fengtian Tu Yuanshen's cold scolding gave people an extremely cold and ruthless feeling, which made people tremble and couldn't control themselves.


However, what responded to him was a mocking cold snort. Jiang Shang actually made a direct move like this. The Immortal Execution Sword in his palm flew straight out, like a divine light, reaching to the eyebrows of the old man in the thick fog. The speed was extremely fast. , the latter didn't even react yet!


There was a piercing scream, and the old man in the thick fog was directly broken, his body exploded and turned into a bloody mist, but there was still a ray of divine light darting out of it, the speed was extremely fast, it was the thick fog The primordial spirit of the old man in the fog!

"Want to run?"

Jiang Shang showed a mocking sneer, he didn't care about the other party's behavior at all, he waved his hand and threw out the Zhuxian Sword, and attacked the other party like a world-destroying black light, the soul was torn apart, and his body and spirit disappeared!

" really dare to ignore my words!?"

Fengtian Tu Yuanshen was furious, terrifying divine power resounded in the void, yin and yang mingled together, turmoiled the sky, and trembled extremely.

For so many years, since he was one of the four great gods and came to rule the world, almost no one dared to disobey his will. He never thought that he would be ignored by others today.
"very good……"

Fengtian Tuyuan trembled with air, and said solemnly: "Except for the other three divine bodies of the same level as mine, you are the only one who dares to offend me so much over the years. I remember, the real body will kill you!"

His body looks a little weak, even a little white like jade, giving people the impression of a frail person, but at this moment, his expression is extremely terrifying, even a little ferocious, which is contrary to his temperament and makes people feel chills.

"Kill me? It's up to you?" Jiang Shangwen just sneered, and didn't care about it. He waved the Zhuxian sword in his hand and slashed away. Kill them all together!
"you wanna die……"

Fengtian Tu Yuanshen was furious, but he was helplessly just a wisp of Yuanshen. Even if he forced himself a few times, he still couldn't stop Jiang Shang's terrifying divine power. His skull was pierced directly, and he was raised high. Unfortunately, no blood fell down. Some deterrent is always missing!

"You wait for me..." He could only spit out these words, but he couldn't hold on any longer and disappeared completely.


"Am I not mistaken? Fengtiantu's primordial spirit was picked and killed?"

"This person is really too strong. He doesn't even pay attention to the yin and yang body. Could it be that he really wants to defy the sky?"

"Something has happened, something has happened. The Yin-Yang Sect has killed eight powerhouses in the fairyland in a row, and even Fengtiantu's primordial spirit has been picked and killed. This is going to start a big war!"


The world of Kuangfenghe has completely boiled at this moment, countless people are in an uproar, and there is a lot of noise!
After all, what happened here is too surprising, and now the four great divine bodies have already become popular, and they can fight against the peerless holy masters, which are enough to rival the ancient sages, but they were ignored by people, and a strand of their soul was forced to kill. It's just going against the sky!

"After today, no matter who he is, he will definitely shock the world, and there will be a battle with the Yin-Yang God Body, discussing life and death! It's amazing!"

Many people are peeking at his essence, wanting to see through his true face, because if this is really an unknown person, then it is really too terrifying, making them unbelievable.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he scanned the past one by one. Everyone lowered his head where his eyes passed, and no one wanted to look at him, even the Samsara Sea Battle King. He seemed to be a little shaken, and his mind was confused.

In all fairness, even with his strength and identity, he is still unwilling to offend a god body that has become popular, because that is completely courting death and making life difficult for him. After all, the aptitude of the god body is too against the sky. Compare!

But it is such a terrifying figure, but someone can ignore the majesty of the other party and kill a wisp of his soul, which makes him a little frightened.

Isn't this a super scary old monster, he's free, come out to tease them for fun, right?Otherwise, if you are a normal person, you shouldn't be so unwise!So impulsive!


Suddenly, a divine light flickered in the sky, and a star gate across the void was opened, but it turned out that Duan Lingyun and Ao Xin were about to leave. They laughed at Chu Yunxiao behind them, and said, "Nephew, let's go, this yin and yang God has taught blood mold for eight lifetimes, after that, I guess there will be a good show to watch!"

"But, that uncle..." Chu Yunxiao looked a little shy, and seemed to be thinking about Jiang Shang who helped him.

"Huh, why isn't it here?" But at the next moment, he found that the other party was no longer there, and the Dao body that was confronting Samsara Sea Warrior also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, which was surprising.

"Let's go, let's go..." However, Ao Xin smiled mysteriously at him, and forcibly threw him into the star gate, and then crossed the void, and the three disappeared directly.

On this day, the battle report of the Battle of Kuangfenggu was spread all over the world, shocking the world, it can be called horrifying.

Originally, this was supposed to be an apprentice battle between the Yin-Yang God Body and the Seven-Star Warrior Body, but because the methods of the Yin-Yang God Sect were too despicable, they took out an ultimate weapon of heaven rank, trying to bully others, and finally led to a super terrifying The mysterious strong man slaughtered the eight immortal powers of the Yin-Yang Sect, and even picked and killed the Yin-Yang God Body—a ray of soul from Fengtiantu, which shocked the world.

Just like what Duan Lingyun said, the Yin-Yang God Sect was really a bloody mold in eight lifetimes, and they were slaughtered by eight immortals. What kind of concept is that?It is simply an extremely painful loss, because even if you look at the entire upper echelon of the Yin-Yang Sect, there are probably only a dozen or so experts in the fairyland, but now more than half of them have been slaughtered, which is unimaginable.

"This is another terrifying guy who dares to play against the Yin-Yang God Sect, and is not afraid of the Yin-Yang God Body. It's a good show!" This is the consensus of many people, looking forward to the battle between the mysterious strong man and the Yin-Yang God Sect It is so exciting to start a shocking duel with the yin and yang gods!
"Who do you think he is? To be able to possess such terrifying combat power, he is definitely not some unknown person. Could it be that the other three monsters with divine bodies are pretending to be?"

"This is impossible. The four great gods are all arrogant people. It is impossible to have such deliberately hidden behavior. I was thinking that the fairy gate in the myth is about to come, and the geniuses from other distant worlds are rushing to Xuanyuan. Will it be possible? Could it be that they have arrived and just can't get used to it?"

"It should be like this. The fairy gate in the myth involves too much, at least hundreds of worlds around it. It's hard to imagine how many terrifying characters will come. In a short time, Xuanyuan may not be able to calm down!"


(End of this chapter)

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