Chapter 715
In the distance, those people seemed to have discovered Xia Yuande's traces, and they pointed at him unscrupulously, laughing, and one of them said mockingly: "Look, it seems to be Xia Yuande's uncle, but that's it, it's just like that." A shrinking turtle!"


"What did you say? Don't take it too far!"

A man rushed out from the edge of the hanging island. He was Xia Yuande's own son. Seeing his father being humiliated, he became emotional and couldn't bear it!It even rushed out of the hanging island.

"Mu'er, come back..."

Xia Yuande's face immediately changed, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.Because his parent and child had already rushed out and were exposed to the eyes of the enemy, he could only grit his teeth and rush forward to protect the parent and child!Keep him unharmed!

"Tsk tsk, is the tortoise finally willing to come out?"

The people outside the Hanging Island sneered, they actually surrounded Xia Yuande and the two, with sarcasm in their eyes, they said: "You are Xia Dang's cousin? You are so weak, it's really not good, it's too far away."


Xia Yuande's expression was livid, and he scolded, his knuckles turned white from being pinched, but he held back after all, and did not choose to make a move.

Because he is not a fool, he knows that there must be someone in the dark, and it is that kind of super scary old monster, the elders of all major forces, just waiting for him to make a move, so as to test the Xia family's reality, and never let them get what they want !
"You..." But his parents and sons were so angry that they couldn't swallow this breath, but his strength was really not good, only Zhou Tianyi was heavy, he was powerless!
"Looking at you like this, you are quite unconvinced. How about it, don't say we bully you, let the weakest one of us fight against you." A leader wearing a crown spoke disdainfully, and sent out It can be called contempt for a Jindan to successfully fight.

"How dare you despise me like this!" Xia Yuande and his son's eyes were red, their fists were clenched tightly, and they strode forward without hesitation. He really couldn't bear to be despised like this, and felt ashamed of his ancestors!

Thinking back to the ancestors before the god king disappeared, guarding the whole clan with his own strength, the world respects them all, who dares to bully them like this in the whole world?

Now, it was really unbearable for him to fall into such a situation and be humiliated in this way.

"Do you still have my father in your eyes? Come back to me!"

Xia Yuande roared angrily, he didn't want his parents and children to go up to die, the person opposite should be the phantasmagorized clone of some old monster, although only Jindan is perfect, but it is definitely not weaker than Zhou Tian Er and San Chong!


Xia Yuande's parents and son bit their lips, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their eyes were red, but in the end he chose to retreat and obey his father's words, and did not disobey!
"You actually flinched. You really are a bunch of cowards. In the past, people said how great the Xia family is. In my opinion, it's nothing like bullshit. Isn't it just that there was a Xia Wushang? I don't think the name of Dacheng God King is worthy of the name. He is far worse than the old Palace Master of our Sun God Palace..."


Those people danced even more joyously, and they actually said such rebellious words, every word punished their hearts!Extremely infuriating!

Suddenly, a divine light flashed across the sky, and a black sword full of unmatched evil energy stabbed horizontally, and the man who uttered the mad words was violently nailed to the ground with a sword, blood spattered everywhere, stained red!

"What are you, how dare you humiliate the God King?" On the horizon, an indifferent figure galloped towards him, carrying a tsunami-like strong wind all over his body, surrounded by divine patterns, and his aura soared to the sky, shaking the whole world The storm, the hurricane howling.

"Who, don't want to live anymore? How dare you act wildly in front of our major forces and seek death?" Someone immediately shouted and glared at the person coming.

"You dare to take action against our people, you really took the courage of the gods, today, don't even think about leaving, you have to pay homage to the dead with your blood!" There were still people who spoke like this, full of evil spirits.

Obviously, these people are used to being superior in daily life, how can anyone tolerate them daring to attack them?
"Kill him! Sacrifice with his blood!" There were at least a dozen people surrounded by people, each with cold eyes, armed with ancient soldiers, the sharp point was already aimed at him, trying to penetrate the person who offended them, Blood stained the sky!

However, only a cold snort was heard, and that person was born like a demon god, full of murderous aura, roaring with divine patterns, and millions of sword qi fell from the black sword in his hand, raging across the world, directly strangling those people completely, hurry up To incredible!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

The dozens of people who attacked all had their eyes wide open, their faces were terrified, their skulls soared into the sky, and blood spurted out. Even if someone tried to stop them, they all turned into corpses!

"Is it really killed?"

In the rear, the pupils of those who did not surround themselves shrank, and they all felt a creepy feeling, and they backed away crazily.

"It's really interesting that a few ants in the Zhoutian realm dare to talk about the god king. They don't know how to live or die!" The voice of the person finally exploded in everyone's ears. Everyone showed up!

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our Samsara Sea, Wolf God Mountain, and Sun God Palace?"

An old monster came out from the darkness, its aura was extremely powerful, its body was filled with the brilliance of reincarnation, and its icy eyes showed the power of nirvana.
Obviously, from his words, it can already be heard that the main forces besieging Xia Family's Hanging Island this time are the three major forces, Samsara Sea, Wolf God Mountain, and Sun God Palace!

This is one of the three major restricted areas of life, and there is also a union of two superpowers, what a big battle!



But at this moment, there was a loud noise in the void, and one after another divine lines vibrated out of the sky, distorting the void, like the skin of an ancient fierce beast was made into a big drum, the wheels rumbled, and a giant hand slammed into the sky Protruding out, probing towards the Holy Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, it is extremely terrifying!
"you dare?"

The Holy Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation was furious. In this realm, he was already infinitely close to the war king of the sect, and his strength was as high as the sky, so he was naturally unruly!
With a puff, a large piece of divine power spewed out from his mouth, which contained the will to return. It was extremely trembling, and there was a spiral reincarnation cone in it, which could penetrate a person's soul and shoot towards the person's giant hand. Head on, the scene is horrifying!

However, the scene where everyone thought the giant hand was going to be pierced did not appear, and the reincarnation cone was shattered directly, cracked every inch of it, and all collapsed into the void, which is too amazing!
"Get off me!"


Jiang Shang swept it away with a slap, and even fanned it away. The latter was severely suppressed on a mountain, and the whole mountain collapsed. Sensation, couldn't help drinking, struggling violently.

(End of this chapter)

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