Chapter 719
The blood rained down, and the white bones were almost shattered. Two Holy Master-level powerhouses had already been slaughtered. Although this method of death was very unseemly, it made everyone's hearts tremble and their eyes shrank.

The void is surrounded by surging infinite divine power, and the sky is full of monster power. There is a peak duel between Sirius and the old holy lord of the Sun God Palace, and there is also a powerful battle between Bi Qilin and the old war king of Samsara Hai. This is the most peak level of battle. Now there are a few more people--the Headless Horseman of the Xia Family and the Third Immortal of the Wolf God Mountain, which is shocking!

Shino was silent, no one dared to speak, because they were all frightened by this scene, their bodies trembled, and their hearts were a little cold.

They haven't seen such a terrible scene for a long time. I remember that the last time was in Beiming, where two great emperors fought to death, and the blood of the Holy Lord stained the sky...

"Hurry up and kill them, those old guys should be here soon, if you can kill one, it's one!" Suddenly, Patriarch Bai Guang spoke fiercely, the content of the words made everyone's heart tremble!
"Damn it, a bloody battle is really going to happen! That's an existence at the level of a Holy Master..." Someone murmured in horror, turned around and fled immediately.

Obviously, such a level of bloodshed is no longer what they are qualified to watch.

The super old monsters of the three major forces are about to come, and the long-bearable ancient family will also come back. At that time, the needle point will be against the wheat, the sun, the moon, and the stars will all be shot down, half of the world will be sunk, and no one can stop it!
"Then let's do it!" Jiang Shang didn't say much after hearing the words, and walked directly towards the enemy. There were still five left, three of which were ordinary immortals, and two of them were extreme immortals, so he was going to find a soft persimmon Start, kill one counts as one!
"What are you? How dare you speak so brazenly?"

"Do you think the taboo body can be unscrupulous? Even if the god body appears, he would not dare to say such a thing!"

"The Xia family is about to become a thing of the past! Their backbone has disappeared, what are you? You dare to force yourself to be the leader of a down-and-out family, and you don't know how to advance or retreat!"

Those five Immortal Master level powerhouses were stern, their faces full of indifference and ruthlessness.

"A broken family? Do you have the guts to say it again?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came from the Xuankong Island of the Xia family, a pair of golden eyes appeared in the clouds, like golden cups, and like a cosmic vortex, a bright and peaceful figure appeared in people's field of vision, everyone The pupils shrank violently!

"Xia, Xia, Xia Tiandang..." Many people's expressions changed. They didn't expect him to actually walk out of Xia's house. You know, that is a divine body that has reached the level of immortality!Already qualified to be called the half-step god king, he can be called invincible by the younger generation!

Xia Tiandang was indifferent and didn't talk much, but his eyes were full of strong murderous intent, and he stabbed out with a sword, returning to the basics, simple and natural, without that kind of vision rising into the sky, only a little bit of golden light surrounded , but it made everyone present change color.

"No! Let's shoot together, we must block him!"

One of the five immortals roared and released his power with all his strength, trying to block the incoming sword reasonably, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations!

A sword!
It's just a sword!

The golden holy sword tore through the earth and the stars, the clanging sound shook the heavens and the earth, and blood burst out!Then there was a piercing scream, which made everyone tremble!

"Whether the Xia family is down or not, it's not up to you, a bug like you. Let the White Wolf King come, I want to settle with him a little bit!" The golden holy sword in Xia Dang's hand pierced the man's body, killing him. He was crucified high in the void, dripping with blood, dripping blood, and his words made people palpitate.

What kind of character is the White Wolf King?That is the most powerful Immortal San on Wolf God Mountain. He never bowed his head in front of Xuanwu Emperor. He has a terrifying and ruthless temper, and holds grudges. Almost no one dares to talk to him like that!
However, the divine body Xia Dang actually said that he challenged an extremely terrifying third fairy king, and bluntly said that he wanted to settle with him. This scene was really shocking, and everyone was stunned!

"This guy's progress is really ridiculously fast. Has he reached the change of returning to the original?" Jiang Shang talked to himself, as if he was describing a trivial matter, but in the ears of everyone, the feeling was different. Different, like a stormy sea!
How strong and heaven-defying would it be to be called a return to the original by him?This can no longer be described as terrifying, the divine body is against the sky, and the immortal three peerless holy masters are all terrified!

"Senior Bai Guang, let's do it too!" But at the next moment, Jiang Shang also chose to make a move, and picked out a Xian Er who was sluggish at the moment, a very ordinary Xian Er, who raised his hand with a sword and a handle The Immortal Execution Sword burst out like black light, and the head of the second-level holy lord of the Immortals exploded, leaving his corpse on the spot.

"Hey, did you see that? With one move, he was only at the third level of Zhou Tian, ​​and he also killed a strong Holy Lord with a single sword. How is this possible? Is it because I am dazzled?" Take a breath, unbelievable.

What is the Holy Lord powerhouse?It is the kind of super terrifying old monster who has lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years. After the baptism of extremely cruel years, the absolute peak figures of the major superpowers, the second level of the fairyland, that is the power of the Holy Lord!
However, this kind of super terrifying strongman was actually slaughtered by a junior of Zhou Tiansanzhong with a single sword. No one would want this to be true. It was too dreamy and unbelievable!

"You are still the same as before..." Even Xia Dang couldn't help but speak like this.

"As always, what?" Jiang Shang asked.

"Pervert!" Xia Dang spit out these two words indifferently, turned around and bowed slightly to Patriarch Bai Guang, and saluted, "Senior Bai Guang."

"Don't be too polite..." Patriarch Bai Guang waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are right, this kid is really perverted, not only me, but even the Great Elder thinks so!"


Two black lines popped out of Jiang Shang's forehead, he shook his head helplessly, and said: "There are only three people left, let's divide them up one by one, let's keep them all!"

"You... you all heard it, you can't hesitate anymore, rush out!"

The remaining three were all terrified, but one of them couldn't help roaring, he couldn't bear it, and wanted to fight for the last time!
The next moment, the body of the Immortal Er Ultimate Holy Lord was burning with raging flames. It turned out to be the legendary real fire of the sun. Although it was not the most complete peak form, it was also terrifying. The scorching temperature seemed to melt the void , turned into a red light and flew across the void, making Jiang Shang and others frown!

"Forget it, stop chasing, that guy is willing to burn the sun's true fire essence, even if we chase after him, we won't be able to stop him!" Jiang Shang said.

(End of this chapter)

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