Chapter 721: The Immortal Three Great War!

How unimaginable is the scene where the eight immortals and three peerless holy masters are together, everyone is suffocated, this is simply a desperate scene, there is no hope at all.

"The Xia family, I'm afraid it's about to end..." Someone said to himself with horrified eyes, and couldn't help turning around and leaving.He wants to escape from this desperate area, the farther the better, because if there is a real war, the sun, moon and stars will collapse, half of the world will be sunk, no one can hold it!

The Eight Immortals and Three Peerless Holy Masters did not restrain their coercion, their divine power spread out, roaring violently, they were simply invincible, forcing everyone to kneel down, their expressions were extremely cold and ruthless!

"Come out in full force? Yes, you are very good!" Xia Dang finally couldn't help but speak, his eyes were as hot as a golden cup, his body was surrounded by real dragons, colorful phoenixes, white tigers, and basalt, his eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly.

Although he is only at the level of an immortal, he has a divine physique, and now he is a half-step god king, so he is naturally qualified to speak like this.After all, if he fights alone, he is not afraid of any fairy three on the other side, and has unlimited potential!

However, the Eight Immortals and the Three Peerless Holy Masters stood outside the void, and they didn't seem to hear Xia Tiandang's words, their faces were as cold as ice, and they ignored it directly, which made people angry!
"It's such a big gesture. Why, you really think that you have the winning ticket, and you don't bother to say anything?" Patriarch Bai Guang stepped forward indifferently, and said.

"Don't you think you still have a chance to come back? I know that some of you haven't shown up yet, but how many of you can there be? Can you be on par with us?"

Finally, one of the three immortal sages spoke. He came from the sea of ​​reincarnation, and he was the strongest king of the first battle in the sea of ​​reincarnation. Be sure, don't take Patriarch Bai Guang and others seriously!

"It's really too strong, the weak eat the strong..."

Everyone in the distance trembled a little, yes, even if the Xia family and Bei Ming had some trump cards, they would not be able to fight against the eight peerless holy masters. There are really too many people, which makes people feel desperate!
"Damn..." Xia Dang looked very cold, even clenched his fists tightly, his bones trembling, showing his current mood, boundless and incomparable anger!
"Since you all regard us as ants, it seems that I should ask you for advice, to see how powerful you are." A majestic voice sounded in the sky, from the depths of the Xia family's hanging island, there is a god The light emerged, and Huang Tian was on top, causing everyone's eyes to shrink.

It was an incomparably majestic tall figure, stepping on the void, although the pace was very slow, but the vague and ingenious rhythm gave people an unimaginable shocking force!Surprised!
I saw him with shoulder-length black hair, long robes, and majestic yellow sky in his brows, ups and downs, like a king walking on the earth, majestic and imposing!

And this person, he is the head of the Xia family.

The once peak Immortal Second Holy Lord, and now the current Immortal Third Peerless Holy Lord, he has already broken through. He is Xia Zhenyun!

"I don't know who it is. It turns out that the tortoise has been the head of the Xia family for 100 years! Hehe, since you want to ask me for advice, of course I won't refuse. Let's go, go to the sky!" The King of War laughed, very mockingly, he is the strongest King of War in Samsara Sea, so naturally he is not afraid of all challenges!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

After that, there was no unnecessary nonsense at all. The battle between the two of them broke out. They fought from the void to the outside world, forming a circle of terrifying extinction domain. The momentum was horrifying, and no one dared to approach it!

"I have heard for a long time that the king of reincarnation sea battle is powerful and can fight the sky thoroughly, but I don't believe it, old man, and I want to ask you a few tricks!"

Another figure descended with a terrifying aura. It actually came out of the Xia family's cemetery. Its body was terribly decayed, like dead wood without any moisture.It is probably a super scary old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years, the kind with half of its feet buried in the ground, so strong and terrifying!
"Hiss, Xia Moxie, you're still not dead yet?" There was a fairy three peerless holy master in the enemy gasped, as if seeing some incredible figure, said in horror.

"What? Xia Moxie? Isn't he the peerless Holy Lord of the Xia family thousands of years ago? It is said that he died in the dark age. How did he survive until now?"

Many people were shocked. A person who should have fallen ten thousand years ago was found to be alive. What could be more astonishing than this?No more, it is enough to explain the background and horror of the ancient family!
"Hmph! You are only one person, you can't turn the sky! I'll show you a few tricks to see what you can do." The reincarnation sea battle king invited by Xia Moxie was the second battle in the reincarnation sea. Wang Qiang has terrifying combat power and is extremely conceited, so he is not afraid at all!
"Two immortals and three peerless holy masters have been invited to fight away, but there are still six people left. Six peerless holy masters are strong. Just hearing this number makes people despair!"

Even though people have seen the background of the Xia family, they still have no confidence in it. There are still six peerless holy masters left. This number is really too shocking. It makes people dare not face it, almost despairing!

"Shasha, Shasha..."

Suddenly, there was the sound of leaves being blown, and an old locust tree appeared strangely in the void. The bark was cracked, and it looked like mottled old scales. crystal clear.

"White Wolf King, we should forget about some things. I haven't forgotten the thing you participated in back then!" Under the old locust tree, an old guy walked slowly, with a smile on his face, but his words Sharp but pointed at the White Wolf King.

One of his eye sockets was hollow, as if he was blind, but the other eye was as deep as a black hole, and his aura was blazing and scary!

"Hiss, it's him, the Holy Lord of the Beiming Holy Land. He has long heard that Beiming has a grudge with the Wolf God Mountain. He wants to liquidate it!" Many people recognized the old man's origin and said in horror.

"So what if you haven't forgotten? Old Xuanwu didn't kill me, so what are you? You don't deserve it!"

However, the White Wolf King's disposition is ruthless and terrifying, without the slightest fear at all. He fought against the old man of prophecy as soon as he came up, and fought from the void to the outside world. All of them were amazing collisions of the strongest divine power, and the murderous intent was too strong!
"I look down on you from the bottom of my heart. I hide my head and show my tail, and add insult to injury. Qinggu King, Shuangshi Laodao, do you really think that you are hiding well, and we can't see through?" Patriarch Bai Guang also stepped out, facing the two quilts. The figure shrouded in mist sneered.

Everyone was shocked, what?Those two people turned out to be King Qinggu and Taoist Shuangshi, and they even got involved!

(End of this chapter)

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