Chapter 731 Nine Rivers Dragon King
The dome is unbounded, a big hand full of reincarnation divine power protrudes down from the sky, and shoots towards Jiang Shang. Not only does the black eagle's expression change, but even Jiang Shang himself is terrified at the moment, feeling the infinite pressure coming. Call it horror!
"It's over, the king of the first battle can't be stopped anymore, all the strong members of the Xia family are involved, and the rest are powerless, and the forbidden body will be killed!" Someone murmured in horror, as if seeing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood The scene will overturn everything!

That terrifying big hand fell down the sky, countless ancient mountains were crushed into pieces, the sky collapsed and the earth sank, the earth had already begun to sink, and it seemed that it was about to sink!

"My lord, hurry up and let me stop him for you!"

Hei Ying suddenly let out a loud roar, and was about to jump over Jiang Shang to take the fatal blow, but was pulled back by the latter, and said fiercely: "Get out of here, are you treating me as if I don't exist?"

"It's really a deep master-servant relationship. It's a pity that you both have to die today, and no one can escape!"

A voice full of sneers sounded, piercing the void, and the power of Yin-Yang emerged. Indeed, the Yin-Yang Sect Immortal San made a move, and the entire sky exploded. A Yin-Yang spear pierced down and attacked the black eagle. appalling!

But at this moment, a brilliant divine power suddenly emerged, striking across the sky, not only stopped the Yin-Yang spear, but also blocked the divine power of the first battle king, annihilated in the void, making people stunned!

Immortal San of the Yin-Yang God Sect let out a muffled snort, his whole body convulsed with divine power, and he quickly backed away, a gleam of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he returned to the top of the sky, standing side by side with the first battle king!

"Who dares to stop me? Don't you take my Yin-Yang Sect and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation in your eyes?" Tian Qiong shouted angrily, it was the voice of the Yin-Yang Sect Immortal San!

"Oh, you dare to talk to me like that, you have become much more courageous!"

An indifferent sneer sounded, and a terrifying figure appeared at the end of the sky. The void moved for it, and the sky became dizzy... This is definitely a terrifying figure. After the third middle school!

He was wearing ancient sages armor, a Kowloon snake silver helmet on his head, and stars on his feet. He was dressed in seven colors, and his whole body was radiant and clean. However, the void around him turned out to be distorted, and the traces of the avenue were spun wildly. It was really shocking. people!
Even if he just stood there, it made people feel hairy and unable to control themselves.His supernatural power can even sweep across the world, soaring with arrogance, he has the potential to look down on the nine heavens and ten earths.

"It's you, Dragon King of Jiuchuan."

The indifferent words of the first battle king sounded again, but this time, it seemed that even he was shocked, and the emotions in the words were clearly heard!
"Damn it, why did he come here too? Isn't it said that he is shutting down life and death to attack Xiansi?" The Yin-Yang God Sect Xiansan muttered to himself, his body trembling slightly, his eyes were full of horror, even a little fear!
"What? It turned out to be the Dragon King of Jiuchuan. That is the legendary overlord of the Three Immortals. He once beheaded two Immortals by himself. It shocked the world. No one dared to kill him." The onlookers were also completely surprised. I didn't expect to attract such a legendary figure, it was shocking.

"What are you doing here? Although I know that you are stronger than me, you can't be the opponent of the Lord of Reincarnation. Don't make mistakes!"

A shout came from the void, causing everyone's eyelids to twitch and their hearts to tremble.The king of the first battle actually conceded defeat, so ashamed, how terrifying is this?Are you invincible under Immortal Four?
"Have you forgotten? Xia Shenwang has a great favor with me, and the Lord of Reincarnation once hated me and cut off one of my heads. This is a bloody feud, and I have never forgotten it!"

The Jiuchuan Dragon King, who was wearing the ancient sage armor, shouted loudly, with a deep coldness in his tone, which made the face of the first battle king change immediately, thinking of the grievances and grievances in the past, even more ancient times.

The body of the Dragon King of Jiuchuan is a different kind of fairy beast - Hydra, who was also a hero against the sky in Xuanyuan, and existed longer than him. The lord of reincarnation in the sea of ​​reincarnation followed him, beheaded one of the nine heads of the Dragon King of Jiuchuan, and refined the magic medicine.

However, this grievance was really too long ago, so long that he almost forgot it. If the Dragon King of Jiuchuan hadn't brought it up now, maybe he really couldn't remember it.

As for King Xia's great kindness with it, this was also a matter that was widely circulated back then. Although he was not clear about the details, it really existed, there is no doubt about it.


The Dragon King of Jiuchuan suddenly made a move, and a ferocious snake's head rushed out from behind, probing the moon like a black dragon slashing across, containing unparalleled divine power, tearing apart the universe, and darting towards the Immortal San of the Yin-Yang Sect, giving him an extremely terrifying shock of divine power , pierced it, and a drop of blood spilled out, annihilating the void.


A yin and yang divine light shot out from the blood drop, and it flew for a long distance before stopping, turning into a human form, coughing up blood continuously, with disheveled hair, originally covered in light, but now it dimmed, and the halo faded away.

"Jiuchuan Dragon King, don't go too far!" the Immortal San of the Yin-Yang Sect said ferociously, covered in blood.

"Excessive? It seems that the punishment for you is not enough!" Jiuchuan Dragon King hooked the corner of his mouth, showing an extremely indifferent color. With a flick of his finger, an infinite demon force moved forward, sweeping away everything in the void, straight Sweeping towards the Immortal San San of the Yin-Yang Sect, it was even more ferocious!
"Please help me, the king of the first battle!"

The Immortal San of the Yin-Yang Sect had all his hair standing on end, his scalp was numb, he couldn't stand the fierce power, and shouted for help, hoping that the king of the first battle could save him!


At the next moment, a vast and infinite divine power of reincarnation erupted, and the Dragon King of Jiuchuan was stopped by the King of the First Battle, who said coldly: "Since you insist on making a move, then fight with me first, in fact, it was a long time ago , I just wanted to fight you once, but unfortunately, I never had the chance!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head towards Immortal San of the Yin-Yang God Sect, and said: "The two boys will be handed over to you and must be killed, otherwise, it will be a great disaster for future generations!"

"I understand, just leave it to me, I will definitely let them survive on the spot!" The Yin-Yang God Sect Immortal San nodded fiercely, full of evil spirits.

He is very clear about what the other party is afraid of. The potential of these two juniors is too amazing, enough to be close to or comparable to the divine body, and the future will be extremely terrifying.


Jiang Shang and Hei Ying looked at each other, and they both saw the crazy factor in each other's eyes.

If it is the first battle king, the opponent is a strong in the middle stage of the Third Immortal, who is almost a master, they naturally think that they are invincible, and they can only run away!

However, this is just an ordinary Xiansan, and he is still not in the peak state, so what qualifications do he have to be so arrogant in front of them?It's just courting death, overreaching!

(End of this chapter)

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