Chapter 737 Supreme Battle

Outside the territory, there is a dead silence and coldness, with broken weapons and huge bones floating, all exuding an ancient vicissitudes of life, to prove that they once existed.

This place has remained unchanged since ancient times, cold and dead, except for the traces of the great war, there is nothing.

The main body of the reincarnation is slender, wearing a black armor that emits a faint light, holding the eternal knife in his thick hand, gray hair shawl, and a reincarnation crystal suddenly condensed between his eyebrows. Impenetrable!

And his body just stood in the void, surrounded by the terrifying power of reincarnation, like a divine mansion that existed forever, the stars in the lead gray eyes are still, creating the world, chaos and turbulence!

And Xia Shenwang also confronted him, his body was filled with the power of the infinite god king, piercing through the sky, piercing through the sky, and the scene of Huang Tian appeared in the void above his head, and it had reached the acme of the five dao lines. describe.

Dacheng God King, the reason why it is called Dacheng, is because it has surpassed the half-step realm and reached the half-step level.

The god body of the first level of the fairyland is called a half-step, and the second level of the fairyland is naturally called a great achievement.

After all, the divine body is an extremely terrifying physique, not to mention that Xia Shenwang was called the strongest back then, and everyone in the same generation was pierced by him, so he naturally possesses the fighting power against the sky, and can fight across levels , Rebellious killing, just like Jiang Shang now.

Just imagine, Jiang Shang is now only Zhou Tian's ultimate cultivation base,
You can try your best to fight off a fairy three, but if you wait until you get to the second fairy, who can be the enemy?Anyway, there is no one for Xiansan, and Xiansi...I guess we can only watch it later!

The Lord of Reincarnation and Xia Shenwang have both come to the depths of the outside world and confront each other indifferently. This will be a peerless battle.

"Xia Wushang, there is another Taoist brother coming today, and he seems to want to ask you for advice." The Lord of Reincarnation suddenly spoke like this, with a sneer, the content of the words made everyone present change color, this...

"Shameless!" Jiang Shang, Xia Dang and others scolded at the same time, clenched their fists tightly, they didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, and they were worried.

After all, it was said by a celestial saint himself, that anyone would have a numb scalp, cold from the head to the soles of the feet.How can a person who is qualified to be a Taoist brother by him be an ordinary person, at least he is also a semi-sacred figure who has stepped into the fourth fairy like him, it is really shameless!

"You are shameless enough to find someone to fight with me," Xia Shenwang said lightly, but he didn't care! ?
But at the next moment, the void outside the territory was completely silent, but Xia Shenwang suddenly opened and closed his eyes, shooting a dazzling light, mocking: "Forget it, since you are so afraid of me, then I will give you a chance to ask for help, no matter who it is , today, I will take it all together!"

Immediately, countless people were in an uproar. The Dacheng God King fought against the two immortals and four and a half saints alone. What a majestic spirit this is, it is too amazing, and everyone feels trembling.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, the king of the first battle burst out laughing, extremely piercing!
As soon as the Dacheng God King came out, everyone in the Xia family seemed to see hope. However, the lord of reincarnation took part in good fortune and invited a hero to fight with him.The fourth and half saints of the immortals, and there are still two, completely invincible in the world!Even the Dacheng God King can't stop it!

Therefore, his laughter at this moment is completely unscrupulous, and he has no scruples about knowing that the god king Xia Wushang will fall.

"I'll kill you!" Xia Dang couldn't bear it anymore, lost his mind, and killed the first battle king.

"Stop for me!"

However, the Dragon King of Jiuchuan stopped him, and said with a stern look: "Stay here and watch... This battle, no matter the outcome, I will personally take action and take his life! Let him pay the price !"

"It's just you? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications yet. My lord has already set your sights on you. If you want to take your remaining eight-headed medicine, you'd better ask for blessings. Don't have no one to accompany you on the road to the underworld, hahaha! "The king of the first battle was completely fearless and said wildly.

In his opinion, the Lord of Reincarnation who invites another hero can be said to be the winner. Dacheng God King must die, and there is no possibility of any accidents.


Suddenly, the void was completely silent, and a terrifying force shot up into the sky, which was suffocating, making them almost limp on the ground, their bodies trembling non-stop, as if they had come to the end!
It was an indescribable super terrifying divine power, the fourth and half saint of the fairy, it made everyone suffocate, even the peerless holy master of the third fairy was hard to stop, his body was stiff, trembling uncontrollably, he had to step back a little The distance is better.

"Supreme battle, begins..."

Someone spat out these few words with difficulty, and suddenly found that the dead void had been shattered, and Xia Shenwang punched out, like the yellow sky above, surging with immeasurable light!Almost miraculous.

The lord of reincarnation flashed in the void, and disappeared in the void outside the territory. He crossed to another star universe in an instant, holding the eternal knife in his hand, exuding the aura of the extreme way, standing in the cold and dead void, ruthlessly said: "The one holding the Yellow Sky Seal At that time, you couldn't even beat me, but now that the Huang Tian Seal is broken, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

From his body surrounded by black armor, streaks of fairy light slowly sputtered out, containing the divine power of reincarnation, and unexpectedly the demigod soldier in his hand—the Eternal Knife, was slashing towards the starry sky, and it was about to kill when it came up
"Your nonsense is a bit too much, I don't bother to talk to you!"

Xia Shenwang didn't have the slightest timidity, instead, he formed an imaginary big seal in his hand, yellow and orange, bright with fairy light, like thousands of wisps of divine light, exuding extreme power in a very horrifying way, which is shocking. be surprised.

what is this?
Isn't Huang Tianyin already broken?
It's unbelievable that just an illusory weapon can possess such terrifying divine power and exude an extreme aura!


There was a vast yellow sky above King Xia God's head, filled with the ultimate five Dao patterns, which turned into a ray of light, holding the illusory Yellow Sky Seal, and rushed forward like a terrifying real body, it was extremely terrifying!
"Damn it, what's going on, how could it be so powerful?" Even the Lord of Reincarnation changed color a little. He didn't expect that Xia Shenwang, who had lost Huang Tianyin, would be so powerful in attacking, which was somewhat beyond his expectation. He was inexplicably uneasy.

But at the next moment, he still abandoned all distracting thoughts, swung the Eternal Knife, and with a wave of his arm, the stars in the entire universe shook, the battlefield outside the territory collapsed, and he hit King Xia, which was also extremely terrifying!
He swung the big stick in rotation, shook his arms, the sun and the moon shook together, the star field trembled, collapsed the entire battlefield outside the field, and hit the Great Sage of Kunzhou, which was extremely terrifying.

"Is this the true strength of Dacheng God King and Immortal Fourth and Half Saint? This is really terrifying, at least ten times more violent than before!" In the distance, almost everyone's scalp was numb, and they even felt cold from the Tianling Terrace to the soles of their feet. , A layer of small bumps appeared on the body, trembling involuntarily.

Even the only few Xiansan present changed their expressions, and they were extremely quiet. Obviously, they were completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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