Great Demon

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
`"Although the thunder here is very dangerous, it is a good place to practice. Junior sisters can find a suitable area and stay there to hone their strength. After I pass the thunder pool test, I will immediately I went to find you." Jiang Shang said.

"If that's the case, you have to be more careful!" Li Lingyao nodded after hesitating for a long time.

The reality has already crushed her confidence. If she moves forward, she may not be able to withstand the thunderous bombardment. When the time comes, she loses her wife and loses her army, which is not the ending she wants!

"Don't worry, it's fine." After Jiang Shang nodded, he continued to go deep.

As the distance continued to deepen, the power of the thunder became more terrifying. The thunder balls were like boulders, containing powerful and terrifying power. If they were hit by them head-on, even the innate late-stage strong would probably not be able to escape The fate of the fallen.

But Jiang Shang is fearless because he is stronger.

After comprehending the third way, his strength is already comparable to that of a Jindan early-stage strongman, and these thunder balls naturally cannot threaten him.But as he got deeper, the pressure finally started to become apparent.

The last 1000 meters of the Leichi God Ladder!


The thunder power in the sky condensed restlessly and turned into a huge thunder dragon, which came to kill Jiang Shang with its teeth and claws.

"Damn it, Bone God Rune!" Feeling the strong threat, Jiang Shang finally couldn't help changing his face. The Bone God Rune was fully fired, and his body was filled with terrifying power. Follow Thunder Dragon to kill.

"Roar!" The thunder dragon seemed to sense the danger, and immediately spewed out a thunderbolt from its mouth, attacking Jiang Shang violently like a beam of light.

Two formidable forces in the sky immediately set off an extremely terrifying turmoil. The aftermath spread in all directions, causing ripples in the space wherever they went, trembling visibly with the naked eye, apparently unable to bear the pressure.

Jiang Shang took this opportunity to step back, and only then did he have the opportunity to observe the enemy carefully.

It turned out that above the sky in the last section of the sky, the dense thunderstorms had already disappeared. The thunder dragon was the only creature here, and it was probably the last test for this thunder pond.

He can already see that at the end of the divine ladder is a vast sea of ​​thunder, and right in the center of that sea of ​​thunder, there is a huge dark key. If there is no accident, the key is The key to unlocking the seal of this world.

As for the Lei Zhenguo that Fitz needed, he seemed to have seen it too.

The entire Thunder God Sea is in the shape of a spiral, the key to unlock the seal is in the center, and Lei Zhenguo is at the highest point of the spiral, where all the thunders gather, exuding a terrifying aura.

Both the key and Lei Zhenguo are the goals of his visit this time, so he must defeat this Thunder Dragon before he can move forward and step onto the Thunder God Sea.

Jiang Shang drew out the Fei Demon Sword, looking at Thunder Dragon with a resolute expression on his face, he said provocatively, "Come on!"

This is the first battle for him to comprehend the way of thunder, and the strength of the enemy is also very strong, at least comparable to that of the early Jindan strongman. There is no doubt that this will be a hard battle.


The thunder dragon seemed to be enraged, and the thunder aurora burst out from the scales all over his body, as if with the breath of destroying the mountains, he came straight towards Jiang Shang, and blocked him without even giving him a chance to evade. All the directions she could avoid.

"Humph!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and three hundred sword lights burst out from his body, incorporating the power of the three kinds of Tao.

Although it is only in the Houtian realm, with only three hundred sword lights, due to the increase of Youdao, the power is still extremely terrifying. There was a dense, astonishing roar.

"Eat my sword again!" Of course Jiang Shang would not think that he just defeated the opponent in this way, only to see him slamming his long sword, using the secret technique of sword light enchantment, and slashing forward with another sword. .

A bright sword light pierced the sky, accompanied by faint white bones, endless sword energy, and bright thunder, as if it was a sword swung from outside the sky, bombarding fiercely!


Thunder Dragon let out an angry roar, this continuous attack had severely damaged it, but it couldn't just admit defeat like this.I saw his figure flashing in place, like a bolt of lightning, his speed was extremely fast, his huge body was crushing towards Jiang Shang, without giving him a chance to react, he was crushing and bumping towards him!
"Pfft!" A terrifying force came from the front, hitting his body directly, the blood in his body suddenly rolled and surged, and Jiang Shang was knocked so that he spurted blood and flew out.

Fortunately, his strength is astonishing, and he majors in first-class body training of gods and demons, and his kung fu is the tenth-level holy scriptures. I suffered a big loss, but I was injured but not hurt much.

This is also the horror of the body training of gods and demons. The physical strength is indeed so strong that it is abnormal!

However, although he was not injured this time, the other party obviously didn't want to let him go like this. A light suddenly appeared on his tail, and a beam of thunder burst out in an instant. The terrifying power rushed towards Jiang Shang, which made him unable to bear it. Zhu immediately changed his face.

"What a tough guy!" Jiang Shang couldn't help but swear, and controlled Jian Guang to resist again.

The two sides then launched a protracted battle. The thunder dragon no longer attacked at all, but hides despicably in the distance to kite Jiang Shang. The toughness is amazing, but it can't stop this infinite consumption.

Obviously he has fallen into a disadvantage.If he doesn't think of a way to break through the predicament, he may be defeated in this battle!
"We can't procrastinate any longer!" She understood that the battle had reached a critical moment, and she must not procrastinate any longer, and then she saw a fierce light flash in his eyes, and all the power in her body was activated: "Since I can't fight a protracted war with you, Then I will attack you with all my might!"

As long as he can attack the thunder dragon with all his strength, even if he can't die, he can still find an opportunity to break through the barriers and step into the sea of ​​thunder.

"Bone God Rune, explode for me!" After having a plan in his mind, Jiang Shang unleashed all his strength, and the Bone God Rune exploded crazily. His body began to soar and transformed into a nine-foot giant. Punch hard.


Containing Jiang Shang's most powerful punch, he crushed the thunder dragon mightily, the power was simply terrifying and astonishing.

(End of this chapter)

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