Chapter 742

Finally, the battle in the extraterrestrial starry sky will come to an end. The Unrivaled God King held the Immortal Execution Sword and broke the seal with Huang Tian, ​​killed two immortals, and the fourth and half saints were defeated. The sky was stained with blood, almost like a dream!
One person with two bodies, the main body and the dharma body, holding the broken Huangtian seal and Zhuxian sword, it can be said that he has the fighting power against the sky, even the supreme of the fourth and half saints can't compete, has an overwhelming advantage, and is close to the legendary limit Yes, it's scary!

There was another deafening sound, and the god king himself was attacking with the Zhuxian sword in his hand, with extreme power against the sky, roaring Xingyu, and almost knocked the Nielonghuang out of the domain. The scene looked amazing!

Even the Blood Dragon Pot was blown away, and the light spun sharply, as if it had reached a certain tolerable limit. The Nielonghuang screamed in pain, stained the starry sky with blood, and fled in embarrassment!


The Dharma Body of the Unrivaled God King also held Huang Tian's broken seal to strike, and the infinite extreme power was terrifying. It crushed the Lord of Reincarnation and beat him violently, causing his body to explode continuously, with dense cracks and blood flowing out!

In this battle, the Unrivaled King of Gods fought against the sky, and even beat the two immortals and four-half saints to their knees. The Dragon Emperor fled in embarrassment, not daring to approach. , and it is a road scar, which is difficult to heal, and the eternal knife is also dim.

"Hiss, is this the unrivaled god king? It's really terrifying, invincible!"

In the distance, everyone gasped, shocked by the scene in front of them, the unrivaled god king was really too strong, the two immortals and four half saints who beat him knelt down, and the sky burst!


At the end of the battle, the Nielonghuang was almost excluded from the decisive battle, but he was locked by an unrivaled divine king's aura and could not escape.

The two golden god kings smashed wildly around the lord of reincarnation. The extreme power of the gods is powerful, and the power of the god king is even more frightening.


Immortal Execution Sword and Huang Tian's broken seal fell, and the Eternal Sword wailed.


Finally, the Eternal Knife couldn't take it anymore, and abandoned Lue Fei, the Lord of Reincarnation as if eternally spiritual, causing the latter's eyes to freeze, and finally revealed a look of horror.

"Even the demigod soldiers of the extreme way have abandoned you, it seems that you have no chance!" The god king was indifferent and slashed!

At this moment, the overall situation has been decided, and this shocking decisive battle will come to an end.


"God King, please be merciful!"

However, at this moment, an old voice suddenly came from afar, extremely fast.

I saw that it was an old man with white hair and a childlike face, with deep eye sockets, wearing a tattered patched coir raincoat, with a fishing rod twirling behind his back, pitch black, very ordinary.

"This kind of's him, Daoist Yinlong!" The Great Elder stared fixedly at the old man, and suddenly spoke with a surprised expression.


"What? Daoist Silver Dragon?"

In the distance, everyone was boiling with horror, and recognized the old man.

Daoist Silver Dragon is said to be transformed from an ancient species - Silver Arowana, possessing the true blood of an ancient real dragon, almost reverting to his ancestors, perfect.

Moreover, this is a god-defying figure who has shocked the post-modern age. He once challenged the semi-sacred existence with the ultimate cultivation of the three immortals and beheaded him. This incident has turbulent for an entire era. feat.

He represents the most powerful Xuanyuan Dynasty, and he has made great achievements in the past and the present. He has a great background, and now he appears here, which makes people's hearts beat wildly, full of variables!

After all, this is a semi-holy king, basically invincible in the same realm, the Lord of Reincarnation and the Evil Dragon King are not comparable, if compared with the Unrivaled God King, it is really hard to say, whoever wins and who loses, only after fighting Know.

"What are you doing here, do you want to attack me too?" The God King himself said indifferently, turning his head back slowly.

"God King, don't get me wrong, old man, I just want to be a peacemaker, and I don't have any other intentions." Daoist Yinlong said quickly.

"Leave then, I can't stop!" the God King said directly.

"Don't get angry, please listen to me first. Of course, I'm just talking, old man. I won't interfere with what the God King wants to do." Daoist Silver Dragon spoke like this, his tone slow.

But at the next moment, he continued: "The old man knows that you, the king of the gods, have a great enmity with the lord of reincarnation, and you can't resolve it, so you don't mix it up. However, the evil dragon emperor is just a helper, and it is not a crime. Deeply, if he is made to pay enough price, will he be able to appease the anger in the heart of the God King?"

At this moment, another figure appeared in the void. It looked like a middle-aged man with seven ancient star swords on his back. He was very vague and had an extremely old aura.

"Old Ancestor!" The True Martial Sword Lord actually threw a salute at that figure, and spoke respectfully, which shocked everyone present again.

How can it be commonplace to be so respected by a third-ranked immortal, and most likely it is another holy land of the fourth immortal who is so terrifying that it comes from Beidou Immortal Palace!

"After all, one of the three major life-forbidden zones is involved. If two of them are shaken, the Divine Spirit Mountain will probably not sit idly by. At that time, the three major life-forbidden zones will all come out, and there may be chaos in Xuanyuan, so God King please think again! "His attitude was also very respectful, and he spoke to the God King.

"Forbidden zone of life?"

Xia Shenwang frowned when he heard the words, because he knew that what the other party said was true. The reason why the three life restricted areas existed naturally had its reasons. It had a profound foundation and its cards were against the sky.

Especially the incomparably mysterious mountain of gods, even though he has become the unrivaled king of gods against the sky, he still has some fears in his heart, and he doesn't want to start a war!
However, it was supposed to be a battle between him and the Lord of Reincarnation, but he was killed by the Nielonghuang with his demigod soldiers. If he wanted to join forces to kill him, it would be impossible to do so easily.

"God King, I made a big mistake this time, and I don't have much excuse. I am willing to pay enough to redeem my life, and I ask God King to forgive me and give me a chance!" Nielonghuang said decisively.

Another vicissitudes of figure appeared, the body was surrounded by infinite divine fire, the scorching void, the wings spread hundreds of miles huge, covering the sky and the sun, and the divine flame pierced through the stars. Jiang Shang was taken aback by that posture, as if he was a little familiar, I have seen it before, and then I was surprised: "Emperor Fire Crow?"

That's right, the person who came here was the Fire Crow Emperor. He came here on behalf of the Divine Spirit Mountain, and pleaded for the Nielong Emperor: "Please also ask the God King to let the Nie Dragon Emperor go. I am willing to pay some price in the restricted area of ​​my life. After that For ten thousand years, you will never be born!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar. They didn't expect that the restricted area of ​​life was so bold that they were planning to proclaim themselves ten thousand years. Could it be that they were not going to compete for the legendary peerless fairy gate?

"Also ask the king of God to think twice, and focus on peace."

Daojun Yinlong, Beidou Xiangong Xiansi and others pleaded with the God King together, as well as the Sky Demon King, Cang Xuantian, Jinlong King and others.

This battle is already shocking enough, they all spoke to the God King, representing almost all the top forces in Xuanyuan, if they really can't handle it well, if it breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it may really turn the world upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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