Chapter 748 Qishan Fairy Gate Conference
"That is to say, this so-called Qishan Immortal Sect Conference is completely internal, aiming at our cultivation geniuses in Xuanyuan Realm to compete for two places that can enter the Immortal Sect." Jiang Shang understood so and opened his mouth.

"That's pretty much what it means."

The God King nodded, and said again: "However, even if you win in the end, you still can't take it lightly, because if you are not sure, someone will jump out to challenge you. If you fail, it will be embarrassing."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, and then said again: "The time I agreed with those old guys is about a year later, because according to our joint calculation, the day when the fairy gate of myth will descend should be within a year." After half a year, the floating difference will not exceed three months."

"One year..." Jiang Shang clenched his fists tightly when he heard the words. He knew that time was running out. Within a year, he had to reach the first level of the Immortal Realm, otherwise, it would be a pity to miss this unique opportunity.

Xia Dang, Sirius Guteng and the others also had twinkling eyes and ambitions. They were all focused on this peerless opportunity. They finally waited until this moment and knew the almost exact arrival time, which was very exciting.

Not long after, there was a heated discussion in Xuanyuan, almost boiling, because a half-sage king walked out of the capital and raised the matter of competing for the quota of the fairy gate in the Qishan Conference.

This is undoubtedly a super shocking news, which shocked the people of the world and stirred up wind and clouds.

Because if you really want to count it, this seems to be the first time since the opening of the magnificent world that the entire young generation of Xuanyuan has the opportunity to compete for the place in the legendary mythical fairy gate. This kind of grand event must be a sensation and the scene is shocking.

Previously, the Unrivaled God King was born, and ruthlessly wiped out the Yin-Yang Sect and Wolf God Mountain. The Sea of ​​Samsara, one of the three life-forbidden areas, was also destroyed. The only Sun Palace that survived was also scared to death. It took an unimaginably huge price to stop this grievance, so that the God King didn't have to bring up the old matter again, and it was considered to be the end of this matter.

Now, the sensational Qishan Conference followed, covering up all the influences that happened before, which was a bit unexpected.

And just half a month later, the definite news finally came out that the Qishan Conference was scheduled to be held in March next year.

At that time, all Immortal Ones in Xuanyuanyi Realm can participate in the battle, and the competition for the number of Immortal Sects will start together, shocking the world!

According to the legend, the mythical fairy gate is really against the sky, and it has the possibility of transforming into the ancient great sage, and now it is a big deal to compete for its admission spot.

"One year, and the last year, I will definitely be able to do it!" Jiang Shang firmly believes that he will be able to do it, and enter the fairyland within one year!

The holding of the Qishan Xianmen Conference is definitely an extremely grand event. How to organize it and how to start it must be very particular.

Because this matter is really important, involving nearly a thousand worlds around, if some unruly people come out and take away the younger generation in their Xuanyuan Realm, there is no place to cry.

In the end, after discussing with the major forces in Xuanyuan, they decided to jointly reject the four immortals and the four half-sages, and guard the Qishan Conference!

This is an extremely safe approach, because it also includes a demi-holy king and the unrivaled god king of the human race.Not only that, these four heroic masters will also be blessed by demigod soldiers, not afraid of any accidents, enough to make those miscreants do their duty!
Looking at the Hanging Island again, Jiang Shangzheng sealed himself in an ancient pure land, nourishing the Dao body with many elixir and primordial liquid, which consumed a lot every day, but he didn't care at all.

After all, at his current state, there is no shortage of ordinary elixir and primordial liquid, and only magic medicine is hard to come by, but he can get the assistance of the Xia family, and he is almost not short of anything.

The Dao body, which was almost broken, suffered unparalleled damage in the previous battle, but because of his immeasurable accumulation, it slowly recovered, crystal clear, divine light shone, and reshaped itself.

These days, he has been recuperating the dharma body, and he is also enlightening at the same time. The "Two Great Sages" written by one of the seven most powerful sages in ancient times is indeed mysterious and obscure, and it is unparalleled in depth. The principle of how to make the primordial spirit stronger will make the Taoist body stronger, which is beyond words!

The dao body that was on the verge of being broken was finally rescued, sitting cross-legged on the illusory ripple platform like a true god, the whole body bloomed with brilliance, illuminating the sky. Unfathomable.

There was also a strong divine light sputtering out, the visions of the avenues and principles possessed by the main body paralleled, the giant hands covering the sky and the tombstones were in the sky, the yellow sky was above, the bones of the earth were under the feet, ups and downs... All these things unexpectedly They all converged and slaughtered together to form three divine rings, surrounding them.

I don't know if it's because of breaking and then standing or because of other reasons, but Jiang Shang's comprehension of Dao has become loose again, standing on the middle stage of the second step is completely firm, and he is moving towards Dzogchen.


Behind that body came out a light and shadow, strong and tall, but extremely misty, three radiant divine rings emerged behind his head, turning into a light of immortal divine power, accompanied by visions, rolling and moving.


In the end, the light and shadow flashed fiercely, and swept into the body of Dao who was sitting cross-legged, and the latter also returned to the body, surrounded by divine power, breath surging, and slowly opened his eyes.

"The Primordial Spirit has always been my obstacle, a weak point, but I didn't expect that this time, it would inexplicably transform and become stronger, catching up with those peerless heroes. It is indeed the legendary testimony of the seven strongest saints in ancient times. Dao skills, the connotation of the mighty power, is broad and profound!" He couldn't help but be surprised.

The breakthrough in Yuanshen is a great surprise to him, because this has always been his weakness, a kind of constraint, but now it has been solved, and his strength has become stronger. Naturally, it is impossible not to be happy!
"It's less than a year before the Qishan Conference, I don't have much time, I have to go out and act quickly." He said to himself.

After speaking, he brushed off the dust on his body and stood up, walking out of the pure land step by step. The outside world was a low pinnacle. When he looked over, there were no magnificent waterfalls, no magnificent mountains, no magnificent palaces, only three thatched cottages. Two, the weeds are in harmony.

"Come out?" On the weedy lonely peak, a middle-aged man opened his eyes and looked down.

"This junior has seen the God King."

Jiang Shang immediately saluted that person, because that middle-aged man was none other than Xia Shenwang.

"Go, your time is running out, I hope you don't regret to miss it." Xia Shenwang said with eyes like torches and divine brilliance.

"I won't miss it, for sure!" Jiang Shang clenched his fists tightly, firmly believing that he would be able to create a miracle and step into the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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