Chapter 755

The five-color sacred tree is so tall that it stretches to the sky, with luxuriant branches and leaves. Only the old skin has been cracked, like pieces of huge dragon scales, very vigorous.

This sacred tree has grown for more than ten thousand years. If it is really counted, it is older than many peerless holy masters of the third fairy, and even half-sages of the fourth fairy.Witnessing historical changes, and even traces of ancient vicissitudes, it is awe-inspiring, like a living ancient god.

I saw its branches like a horned dragon, full of green leaves and yellow sand, crystal clear and bright, and there are three strange flowers of five colors growing on the branches, among which there are also fruits, the size of a baby's fist, hidden among the stamens, fragrant Tangy.

The fruit is not very big, the size of a baby's fist, surrounded by rays of light, crystal clear, as if carved from colorful gemstones, with sharp edges and corners, it looks like a peerless magic medicine.

This is one of the most ancient fetishes in the southern land, and its value seems to be against the sky. No one party can take it alone. They can only take it together, and share the magic medicine every ten thousand years to prolong life.

However, this time the situation is a bit different. Although the fruits on the Five Colors God Tree are already ripe, the heroes from all walks of life in the southern land tacitly did not mention them, but let the pure vitality of the fruits nourish them. Looking at the sacred stone.

Obviously, in their eyes, the ancient treasure dug out from the abandoned dragon's nest is far more important than a few fruits.

And under the colorful divine tree, the misty mist lingers like a fairy, the energy is like a rainbow, and the vitality is pure, overflowing continuously, nourishing the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Under the ancient tree, the sacred stone with thousands of holes is crystal clear and radiant, and it is actually swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, gathering divinity, which makes people a little surprised.

"This thing is definitely not simple. Even we have seen some clues. It is impossible for those old monsters to see through. What are they trying to do?" Jiang Shangjing stood in place and watched the stone for a long time before his eyes flickered. Talk to yourself, said.

"Master Xiong, I feel like my heart is about to jump out, I can't hold it down, it seems to be suppressed by the soul. Could it be that there is really a real dragon hidden there, or a dragon ball of the blood of a real dragon?" Purple Eyed Dragon Xiong clutched his chest tightly, his sturdy body was trembling, however, his huge eyes were shining with brilliance, he was very excited, said.

"I kind of understand what they mean. The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Monsters wants someone to wake up this sacred stone. Maybe dragon blood will be used."

Tun Tianpeng glanced at the purple-eyed dragon bear, and said, "Stupid bear, be smart and don't be used by some people."

Qin Yang and Cang Yuan couldn't look at each other. A light flashed in the latter's eyes, and he said slowly: "Actually, many people have noticed that there is something wrong with that stone. Because anyone with dragon blood, as long as they get close to that stone, Even a stone, you will feel a kind of trembling from the depths of your soul, as if there is a real dragon standing in front of you, and your instinct is suppressed."

"Actually, I think the Ten Thousand Monsters Holy Land is playing with fire. If a real dragon is released, let alone a few of us, it will be useless even if a half-holy king or an unrivaled god king comes in person. This world will be in catastrophe!" Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

The reason why real dragons are terrifying is that as long as they don't fall halfway, they can become [-]% ancient sages, and their leapfrog combat capabilities are astonishingly strong.

A real dragon of the first level of the fairyland can completely fight against the strong in the middle and late stages of the third fairyland, but if it is replaced by the second level of the fairyland, the half saints will have to bow their heads and walk around when they see them.

As for those real dragons in the third level of the fairyland, they can basically be said to be invincible in the lower realm, because there are almost no fairy five saints in the lower realm, but the real dragons of the third fairy can fight against the fifth fairy!

"But they are willing to take a gamble. If there is a dragon ball hidden in it, or dragon blood of the real dragon level, those are enough to make them a fortune. It is no problem to cultivate a real dragon body. Truly invincible, peering down on the same level." Sancai Shengzi said with a smile.

Jiang Shang and others were silent for a while when they heard the words. It seems that everyone is not a fool!However, this gamble is indeed a bit big. If a real dragon is really released, who can stop it?

"My friends, I'm sorry, please forgive me for interrupting me. This little friend, would you like to use your own dragon blood to moisten the sacred stone, no matter what the result is, I will give you a satisfactory reward "Suddenly, a thin sheep-headed old demon stepped forward, wanting to make a deal with the purple-eyed dragon bear.

Don't look at the ordinary appearance of this sheep-headed old monster, and even make people feel a little bully, but on closer inspection, he turned out to be a celestial three peerless holy lord powerhouse.

Obviously, he saw through that the purple-eyed dragon bear has the blood of the dragon clan, so he wanted to use his blood to try to see if he could arouse the reaction of the god stone and awaken the ancient divinity.

"Stinky Bird, the two bosses..." Although the purple-eyed Dragon Bear's head is not working well, he still remembers what Tun Tianpeng said before, and his eyes swept behind him. He wanted to ask Stinky Bird, and The opinions of the two bosses.

But this time, Tun Tianpeng and Hei Ying didn't speak, but tacitly turned their eyes to Jiang Shang, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"...Give it a try." Jiang Shang pondered for a while, but still thought he could give it a try.After all, even he himself has some thoughts about the divine stone, and it is impossible not to be tempted.

Qin Yang, Cang Yuannan, and Sancai Shengzi looked at each other, and didn't say much, because they really couldn't control these things, and there was no reason to stop them.

"Hey, are there any other people with the blood of the Dragon Clan here?" In the distance, many people made surprised voices. The brothers and sisters of Prince Xuanyuan, King Xiao Jinpeng, Ren Tianzhu, Thirteen... They were all very excited about what was about to happen. Things are of interest, eyes converge.


The purple-eyed dragon bear cut its wrist, and actually flowed out purple-gold blood, which contained divine power and pierced the eyes, and there were streaks of qi and blood beating like swimming dragons. The breath of dragon blood was extremely strong, like a melting pot. With a raging flame.

"What a rich dragon's blood. The purity of the dragon's blood in this bear's body has reached at least one-tenth, stronger than those guys before!"

Many people were surprised, because even if it was only one-tenth of the purity of dragon blood, in the lower realms, it is definitely an astonishing number, extremely rare.


Many people have performed the technique of God's Eye, piercing through the void, and gathering on the God Stone, as if they were curious about the reaction after the blood dripped down, and would they still get nothing?


However, just after the blood dripped down, the stinky, dingy stone began to glow.The blood penetrated quickly and was absorbed by the divine stone. The latter trembled slightly, releasing an unimaginable dragon's power, which was simply shocking.


The purple-eyed dragon bear was tall and heavy, but it was still thrown out by the divine power, and fell hard on a rock. The gravel was scattered everywhere, and its butt hurt, and it screamed: "Hey! Yo, Lord Xiong hurts me to death!"

"No, it's really useful. Is there something scary coming out?" Some people's eyelids twitched, and they took a few big steps back.

"No, it seems that the divinity still hasn't been awakened. The blood of the bear should not be pure enough." However, some people still frowned, seeing through the real situation.

Although it seems that dragon blood is indeed useful for that stone, the blood purity it requires is too high. Even [-]% dragon blood purity is not enough for him. High?

"Things are getting troublesome..."

Many old monsters in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Monsters frowned, because they felt that they had encountered a big trouble and it was very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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