Chapter 759 Entering the Dragon's Nest

"Is that so, only the younger generation will be sent out, and the older generation of living fossil figures will not take action?" Tun Tianpeng's eyes flickered, still showing a cold light.

They had fought in the outer world before, so they had naturally heard of the name of the Yin-Yang God Dynasty, and knew its horror well.If those living fossils of the older generation really took action, the whole Xuanyuan would be turned upside down and blood would flow like a river.

"It's hard to say. After all, their current performance has made it clear that they want to clear the field for the coming of the fairy gate. If they always fail, there will be some old guys who can't sit still and break the rules." Cang Yuan couldn't calm down. analyzed.

"This is a troublesome matter..." Hei Ying and the others agreed with Cang Yuannan's point of view, frowning and looking gloomy.

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. After all, they can't risk the power of the world and openly stand on the opposite side of everyone. At most, it's just a little trick in private, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Jiang Shang didn't care. Why do you care, said calmly.


In this way, about three to five days later, several major forces in the southern land finally jointly opened the entrance to the Dragon Nest, in the long-abandoned Shenxia in the depths of the pure land, in a different space, hidden in the depths of the earth.

"This canyon is weird, and there is an ancient underground palace hidden." Many people were surprised when they entered.

They unexpectedly found a magnificent underground palace, stretching as far as the eye can see, revealing traces of extremely vicissitudes, the outside seems to be covered with a layer of dust, everything is full of traces of time.

"It's such a rich underground aura, which makes people feel comfortable." And the vicissitudes of the underground palace are filled with rich aura, like a sacred dragon lurking in the ground, bathing in it makes people feel relaxed and happy, and their pores relax.

"This is definitely the bedroom of an ancient earth king. For me and other earth attribute monks, it can be called a peerless pure land!" Black Eagle almost roared excitedly, his eyes excited.

This place is permeated with endless divine power of the earth. To him, it is a place where dragons soar into the sky, which is beyond words!

"Then you stay here first, after refining the huge divine power in the underground palace, come to find us, let's go deep first." Jiang Shang immediately made the best arrangement and acted separately.

"Yes, Lord Palace Master..." Black Eagle stayed in the underground palace to refine the boundless divine power of the earth, while Jiang Shang led the others to go deeper and pass through the fog.

The area of ​​this underground palace is indeed huge, and it is shrouded in mist and gray. The group of them traveled dozens of miles before they came to a cliff.

"Hiss, this is..." I saw a huge abyss canyon lying in front of me, like the blood of an ancient beast touching its mouth, and the bottom was as dark as ink, like a bottomless pit, filled with a terrifying atmosphere, which made people feel unconscious. Sinking into it, the heart is horrified.


But at the next moment, the surging dragon energy erupted like a tide, and countless gray dragons the size of arms appeared, hovering in the abyss canyon, like stars, the scene was full of shock and strangeness, which made people stare tongue-tied.

"It's here, below is the abandoned dragon's nest."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a majestic face spoke, his posture was heroic, and his momentum was full of momentum.It's a middle-to-late stage powerhouse of Immortal San, from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, representing the alliance of several major powers in the southern land!
"What, is this here? That abandoned real dragon's nest!" Many people screamed, their eyes filled with surprise and greed.

"I have a hunch that this is definitely the burial place of a certain ancient great man, and there is actually a real dragon's nest accompanying it, and there is probably some fairy treasure hidden in it!" An old man with a dragon's head and a cane appeared, his face wrinkled with excitement. Stretched out, the thin body was trembling, and the breath was surging.


On the side, a group of people gasped, and then many people's eyes became excited, as if seeing a naked beauty.

It's not that they have no brains and believe what others say, but that the scene before them is so shocking, idiots know that there is definitely something wrong, it depends on whether it is a blessing or a curse!
"Let's go, go down!"

The powerhouses of several major forces in the southern land took the lead and entered the abyss canyon without hesitation, heading for the dragon's nest.They had already been here once before, so naturally they knew that the entrance was not dangerous, and the others also understood the reason, so they followed without hesitation.

The abyss canyon is tens of thousands of meters deep. Walking along a vicissitudes of the ancient road, the ancient and barren atmosphere rushes towards you, as if you have returned to the ancient times.

"Below that, there is an ancient altar of time and space. I don't know where it leads. We were a little worried before, so we didn't dare to step on it." Walking on the road, an old monster from the Big Dipper Immortal Palace suddenly said, causing It got the attention of everyone present.

"Altar of Time?" Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, trying to figure out what the altar was and where it led.

"This is the inside of the abandoned dragon nest, something is wrong!"

And when everyone came to the bottom of the abyss canyon, amidst the misty and surging dragon energy, many people's expressions changed.

Because this place doesn't look like the inside of a real dragon's nest at all, nor does it look like the bottom of an abyss canyon. Instead, it looks like an ancient battlefield, and the air is full of shocking murderous aura.

"It doesn't matter, there is a gate there, maybe there are some treasures hidden inside, and that altar..." Many people rushed towards a huge and incomparable gate, because the dragon energy there was the most surging, like Big rivers are generally galloping and torrenting.

Of course, there were also quite a few people standing in the battlefield, their gazes sweeping towards the weird altar, their pupils flickering, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

"There are nine entrances around that can enter the gate of the palace, all of which are filled with dragon energy surging like the sea, which is amazing." Tun Tianpeng actually flew around the bottom of the abyss, and then returned to report to Jiang Shang.

"Nine, doesn't that mean everyone has to leave?" Jiang Shang suddenly had an ominous premonition and was a little uneasy.

"Boss, those guys have all gone in, should we follow?" Purple-eyed Dragon Bear saw that many people had left and went to the gate of the towering palace, he immediately felt a little itchy and asked.

"Wait a minute, go and see the altar."

Jiang Shang walked towards the gray altar, and found that there were many ancient characters on it, which were difficult to recognize, and were suspected to be ancient characters.

And around that altar, they were not the only ones around, Shisan, Little Jinpeng King, Ren Tianzhu, Xuanyuan Mingjing... many young supreme beings gathered here, frowning at those ancient texts, as if wanting to identifiable, but extremely difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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