Great Demon

Chapter 79 Undercurrent

Chapter 79 Undercurrent
"There is another thing, that is, when you go out to practice, Lei Yunfeng sends out an invitation letter, inviting all the heads of the Outer Sect to go to Leiyun Peak to celebrate the ten thousand years of grandson's birthday." Heng Zizhou suddenly said formally: "This matter is related to a powerful sect, so we must not be sloppy, Jiang Shang, I decided to send you to Leiyun Peak to represent our Baicao Peak to participate in the birthday banquet .”

Jiang Shang can be said to be the number one disciple of Baicao Peak, and only by sending him there can they show their importance. After all, it is related to a powerful and powerful sect, even they dare not be careless in the slightest.

However, Jiang Shang was puzzled when he heard the words: "The powerful and strong? How come there are also powerful and strong in the outer sect, aren't they all in the inner sect?"

He always thought that the powerful and powerful were all in the inner sect, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Who said that only the Neizong can have powerful people?" Heng Zizhou shook his head when he heard the words: "Although generally speaking, after someone becomes a powerful person, they will choose to go to the Neizong, but there are always exceptions to everything. Yes, if they have feelings for the Outer Sect and want to stay in the Outer Sect, the Zongmen will certainly not object, anyway, the Inner Sect and the Outer Sect are the same, there is no difference for them."

"And at their level and status, it is no exaggeration to say that they can do whatever they want in the sect."

Elder Zhou Qiguang nodded, and continued with a smile: "Now our Outer Sect has three powerful experts, namely the ancestor Sunqiu of Leiyunfeng, the ancestor Luomen of Haoranfeng, and the iron master of Chengxiafeng. Mother-in-law and ancestor."

"Three top peaks?" Jiang Shang asked with a flash of his eyes.

These three peaks are the most powerful three peaks of the Outer Sect. For thousands of years, they have taken turns occupying the first, second and third. Even the other upper peaks are far from them.

"That's right, it's the three top peaks!" Zhou Qiguang nodded, and said with a sigh: "The disciples of the three top peaks can all get advice from powerful experts, and they also have a lot of resources. Can't compete at all."

In fact, this is a cycle of advantages. Their ranking is extremely high, and they naturally get more resources, which can also attract more talents.

On the other hand, the other peaks are weaker than the three top peaks in all aspects, so how can they still compete?

"Ancestor Sun achieved Zhou Tian 3000 years ago. He is the youngest Zhou Tian expert in the sect. According to the practice, his lifespan this time must be very lively. The qualifying rounds are almost the same!" Li Huaxiong's eyes flickered suddenly, and he reminded with a smile.

The reminder in his words is very obvious, Jiang Shang naturally remembered it in his heart.

"Neizong doesn't need to think about it for the time being, but Jiang Shang, you still have to prepare. You are now at the top of the list of top ten rising stars. Maybe someone with jealousy will trouble you." Heng Zizhou said.

Jiang Shang heard the words and asked in confusion: "Top Ten New Stars? What is that?"

"The so-called top ten new stars are the top ten disciples of the Outer Sect who have the most potential and strength, but they correspond to the acquired ones, and the innate ranks are the five strong ones." Heng Zizhou explained.

"Do you still remember Yan Tong who had conflicts with you? He is the fourth-ranked genius among the top ten new stars!" Elder Zhou Qiguang said from the side.

"Is Yan Tong the fourth?" Jiang Shang was a little surprised,

In all fairness, Yan Tong's talent is very good, and his strength is also very strong. If he doesn't use his hidden strength, whether he can beat him is another matter.He knew very well that the reason why he was ranked first was because he possessed two talents.

"That's right, the Outer Sect has five first-class geniuses, and he can only be ranked third, and there are two people above him who are suppressing him." Heng Zizhou said with a smile, "Although those boys are all You are an arrogant character, but they seem to be very convinced by you, because they all know that once your Tao breaks through again, none of them will be your opponent. The ranking of the top ten new stars still focuses more on Be talented."

Baicao Peak was able to pick up such an evildoer as Jiang Shang, these old guys were really excited from the bottom of their hearts.

"There are still less than three years before the grand banquet begins. During these three years, you will stay in the peak. Prepare well. The reputation of our Baicao Peak depends on you!" Heng Zizhou concluded at the end. road.

Jiang Shang nodded when he heard the words, and said to the three with a smile: "Please rest assured that there are two elders at the top of the peak, I will not weaken the name of Baicao Peak."

With his current ability, this matter is really really not difficult.


Bawang Peak, in a certain palace.

Fan Yingao sat on a chair, with elders on his left and right hands. These people were the power class of Bawangfeng, who could decide everything about Bawangfeng.

"According to the information from our people, that boy has returned to Baicao Peak. This boy is a great threat to our peak. What do you elders think should be done?" Fan Yin glanced at everyone, with a gloomy expressionless face. road.

An elder hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "I think this Jiang Shang's climate is over, and the higher-ups have already paid attention to it. Shouldn't we, should we stop?"

As soon as the words came out, someone immediately echoed: "Elder Ninth is right, this kid's talent is too monstrous, if he grows up and hates us in his heart, then the loss outweighs the gain, I think it's better to give up. "

"Give up? Have you forgotten what happened before? The Bawang team once desperately attacked him. Do you think this matter can be left alone? In my opinion, it is better to just keep doing it and find a chance to completely obliterate him. Such a big The hidden dangers must not be tolerated!" Some people objected.

It turned out that the survivor of Bawang's team had already returned to Bawang Peak, but because he was afraid of being punished, the whole process was embellished and the fact of being massacred was erased.

"What about you?" Fan Yin's eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced at the elders who didn't speak. The elders looked at each other, and finally an aging old man said slowly: "I don't know what you mean, Mr. Peak Master... "

"What do I mean?" Fan Yin smiled suddenly, and said in a sullen tone, "If such a big hidden danger is not eliminated, won't you sleep and eat in peace?"

"En..." The old man's turbid eyes flickered, and a ruthless look suddenly appeared: "Since Lord Peak Master is so determined, the old man has a suggestion here!"

"Great Elder, please tell me!" Fan Yin said happily.

"Three years later, Grandfather Sun's birthday banquet will be held. At that time, thousands of peaks will gather together and compete with each other. Please tell me, Mr. Peak Master, if something unexpected happens to him at that time..." The old man said gloomyly, The sound was like a cold wind blowing through the heart, making everyone change color.

Only Fan Yin's eyes flashed, and he shot a fierce light and said: "That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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