Great Demon

Chapter 81 Ready to go

Chapter 81 Ready to go
"Zihan stay here, the others can go." Li Huaxiong glanced at everyone, and said calmly.

After those innate disciples heard the words, they immediately got up and left with complicated expressions. As for what just happened, it is destined to be deeply imprinted in their hearts.The gap between the two sides is like heaven and earth, and the equivalent is completely different treatment, which is the cruelty and cruelty of reality.

"Master..." After everyone left, Zhou Zihan looked away and said, "Thank you for your suggestion..."

But before he could finish his words, Li Huaxiong directly interrupted with a wave of his hand: "You know I don't like to hear such nonsense, I came here to ask you for something."

"Master, please tell me." Zhou Zihan said immediately.

Li Huaxiong nodded slightly, looked at Zhou Zihan and said, "I have won an opportunity for you. This time, Grandfather Sun's Wanzai Shouyuan banquet, you and Jiang Shang will go to Leiyun Peak together to represent me at Baicao Peak. Birthday feast."

Zhou Zihan was taken aback for a moment, then revealed a hint of surprise, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master, this disciple will not let you down."

Although he seldom showed it before, how could a cultivator not yearn for such a top event?

"I've already done what I should do for you. Cherish it yourself. The peak master will lead the team and set off in person in three days. Before that, prepare yourself." Li Huaxiong glanced at Zhou Zihan again, and then disappeared into a gust of wind. not see.

Zhou Zihan was still excited, but after a while, a trace of complexity appeared on his face, obviously thinking of other things.


Looking at Jiang Shang's cave, Jiang Shang is sitting cross-legged in the training room, with a layer of shining crystal stones under his feet, his body is still soaked in the primordial liquid, and the whole body emits a faint light.

But at this time, a small thunderbolt suddenly appeared, and many sharp auras shot out from his body, and sword lights rushed out of his body, hovering as if extremely violent, and looking at its color carefully, it turned out that The silver color is trying to emerge, but another powerful force is pressing it firmly, and the situation has become so stalemate.

Finally, the situation was slowly brought under control, the silver of those sword lights gradually disappeared, and Jiang Shang also opened his eyes.

"It's almost unstoppable. This is really... Everyone else is eager to advance, so why do I have to work hard to suppress it?" Jiang Shang murmured with a bit of confusion on his face.

It turned out that his Wanjian Jue has reached the acquired limit, and he has been involuntarily breaking through the realm many times, but his Dao has not yet reached the goal in his heart, so he can only keep his cultivation under pressure to prevent him from advancing.

It is so cheap and good-looking that many people will want to strangle him to death.

On the contrary, it was his Bone Nine Heavens Map. Although it had reached the acquired limit earlier, it had never been out of control. Obviously, Jiang Shang had more thorough control over it.

This also shows from the side that this technique is even better!

"With my current strength, it is comparable to the strong early stage Jindan. If the comprehension of Dao is really difficult, then don't force it, just break through directly." He murmured again.

It turned out that after comprehending the third way, his way became more difficult to improve. If the initial difficulty was one, the current difficulty is at least one hundred, and even he felt extremely difficult.

So if it really doesn't work, let's upgrade your cultivation base.

With his current strength comparable to that of Jindan's early-stage strongman, he should be completely sufficient to meet the second test.

But at this moment, a bright red light suddenly shot into the cave, and then fell into Jiang Shang's palm. He looked puzzled and said, "Someone sent me a message? I don't know what it is."

His consciousness then sank into the communication, and more messages appeared in his mind, and a clear expression appeared on his face: "It turns out that the time for departure is coming soon, and three years have passed so quickly Ah."

For cultivators like them, time simply flies by, and one retreat in three years is gone.

Jiang Shang immediately got up and put away the training resources, walked out of the secret training room and headed for another room. The departure time is tomorrow morning, so he can still have a good night's rest.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Jiang Shang woke up early, tidied up his clothes, and then walked towards the gathering place.

According to the message from Hengzi Prefecture, the gathering place was at the gate of Baicao Peak. When Jiang Shang arrived there, the entire gate had been quarantined in advance. There was only one man with sword eyes and star eyebrows, and ten innate disciples waiting there. , should be the team traveling this time.

"Is he Jiang Shang?" Someone noticed Jiang Shang's appearance and said in a low voice with fear.

As for the sword-eyed and star-browed man in the corner, when he saw Jiang Shang's appearance, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and then he walked towards Jiang Shang quickly.

"Hello Junior Brother Jiang, I'm Zhou Zihan." Zhou Zihan extended his hand and greeted politely.

Zhou Zihan?
Jiang Shang was slightly taken aback, and then immediately responded: "It turns out that senior brother Zhou Zihan used to hear about your reputation, but it's a pity that we haven't met each other. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful."

He didn't say this in empty words, Zhou Zihan is indeed very famous in Baicao Peak, even he has heard people say it many times, he knows that among all the disciples of Baicao Peak, if he is not counted It should be No.1 without a doubt.

"There, there, junior brother, you are really polite. If you want to talk about fame, how can I compare to you." Zhou Zihan's expression softened, and his smile became a little more sincere.

The other party was not as arrogant as he imagined, which surprised him a little.

And at this time, the peak master Heng Zizhou slowly arrived, driving a flame speeding car, and the temperature became scorching hot.

"This is the symbol of our Baicao Peak, the low-grade magic weapon of the ground level, the flame speeding car, and the peak master actually took it out." Zhou Zihan said with a flash of eyes, his expression extremely surprised.

"Earth-level low-grade magic weapon?" Jiang Shang muttered slightly, his eyes sparkling.

At this time, Heng Zizhou had already swept his eyes away from everyone, and said bluntly: "Jiang Shang, Zhou Zihan, you two are representatives of my Baicao Peak, this time I will personally lead the team and lead you to participate in the old Ancestral Birthday Banquet."

That's right, there are only two representatives.As for the ten innate disciples, they were just doing odd jobs along with them.

"Now everyone enters the flame speeding car. Leiyun Peak is [-] miles away from my peak. Only taking the flame speeding car is the fastest. Don't delay, you all come up quickly." Following Heng Zizhou's order, all People boarded the flame speed car, and then set off at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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