Chapter 811
"Not good! He's burning his blood, sacrificing his soul!"

"Hiss, this guy is crazy! Run away!"


Accompanied by a super-terrible storm rolled up, the faces of everyone present suddenly changed.

Damn it, this guy is crazy, he even burned the blood of gods and demons in his body, didn't he know that this would cause great damage?It is even possible to destroy the foundation and fall prematurely.

call out!call out!call out……

The crowd could no longer maintain their composure, and frantically used their body skills without hesitation, and rushed towards the distance quickly, their figures turned into a virtual light, and disappeared in a flash.

This time, even Little Jinpeng King, Feng Wujian and others sitting on top of the other sources of life changed slightly.

Du Tianlun's face was gloomy like water, his eyes were as cold as the eternal snow peaks, piercingly cold, shooting out two sharp rays of light, and a monstrous aura emerged from his body, as vast as the sea, with infinite power.

"Who is assassinating in secret? It's best not to let me find out, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!" He said like this, thinking about the guy who assassinated.

None of the people who ran for their lives in a panic answered his question, they all frantically activated their supernatural powers and fled to the distance.

Du Tianlun frowned slightly, and when he came out suddenly, the cold light shone, and the ice and snow descended like a magic soldier from the sky.A young Supreme who had no time to escape was caught by him, and instantly turned into a blurred mass of flesh and blood, before he even had time to scream, he died!


Suddenly, the figure on a source of life disappeared, and a calm voice was left in the air: "Do you really think that the person in the dark will appear after a few threats? It's really naive, not brainy."

The colorful kamikaze flashed by, and Feng Wujian's figure appeared in the sky in the distance, his robe fluttering like a god-man.

call out!
Immediately afterwards, another black shadow disappeared, without warning or sound, but a tunnel was torn apart in the void.It was the black shadow of the void that followed and left.

"Windless, you are courting death!"

Du Tianlun was furious, he stood up suddenly, turned into a terrifying ice and snow ancient beast, and roared towards the sky far away!The scene is horrific.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Mingjing and Xia Dang also flew up.The billowing yellow sky filled the air and covered the sky, followed by the boundless black dragon air.

In just a short moment, five of the winners of the ten fountains of life left!No linger.

Obviously, the crazy behavior of the eight-armed ancient demon has made it unnecessary for them to stay any longer.However, they are eager to continue like this. The blood of the gods and demons is exhausted, and it is estimated that half of their lives will be gone. For no reason, there will be one less enemy, so why not do it?

Little King Jinpeng's eyes were shining with golden light, he suddenly cast a glance at Jiang Shang, then leaped for life, turned into an ancient Jinpeng, and left as well.

He was afraid that the eight-armed ancient demon would explode suddenly. In that case, few people present would be able to bear it.

"Unlucky guy..."

The ancient fierce beast Suan Ni murmured to himself, and then left.It seems that the violent beast riots have stopped, and they can go out for a walk, hunt the fierce beasts, and get merit points.

For a moment, there were only three people left on the remaining source of life.Apart from the berserk and irrational eight-armed ancient demon, and Jiang Shang who stood calmly on one of the sources, at the last source of life, at some point, there was a figure sitting in it out of thin air.

Countless people's faces changed, and a gleam of horror flashed across their eyes!
They don't know when this person appeared, when did he board the last fountain of life... This kind of method is too amazing!
Obviously, the guy sitting on the high platform with playful eyes was the man behind the scenes that drove everyone into a frenzy!

"Who are you?"

Jiang Shang turned around suddenly, stared at the high platform indifferently, locked on the mysterious figure, and said slowly.

At this moment, even he felt a little palpitation in his heart, because even he had just reacted and felt the trace of that person, it was so weird, it made one's scalp numb and his mind tremble.

Such a concealment method that can be called against the sky is really terrifying
Can people completely ignore his existence in front of many immortals, evildoers, and Jiang Shang and other super young supreme beings?Totally invisible.

And without anyone knowing it, this person performed some kind of weird supernatural power and secret technique, which affected the minds of most of the people present and fell into a crazy rampage!
Moreover, he made the seriously injured eight-armed ancient demon crazily burn his blood, sacrifice his soul, and desperately wanted to die with others... Who is this person?
This method is really shocking, unheard of, super scary!
When did such a terrifying guy get mixed up among the geniuses and monsters from all over the world?

"What, there are still people?"

The super evildoers who had gone away stopped in the void one after another, looked back impressively, their expressions were surprised, and a strong light burst out from their eyes filled with divine light!Extremely sharp.

Obviously, none of them had noticed the trace of the figure in advance. If they hadn't heard Jiang Shang's cold and stern questioning voice, they might not have known about it. Such a shocking thing,

How could someone be so presumptuous and stir up the situation secretly under their noses, but they didn't notice it!this……

"Hey hey hey..."

The gloomy sneer spread throughout the void, as if it suddenly appeared in the hearts of many powerful people.Just this sneer from Sen was enough to make everyone feel cold.

Whether it was Chu Zhongtian and other super young supreme beings who did not participate in the competition, or Xuanyuan Mingjing and others who had just left the high platform of the source of life, they all broke out in cold sweat.

A thought emerged in their minds in unison: "If the target of this person's attack is themselves, there is no life at this moment!"

Immediately, many strong men were furious, and murderous intentions emerged.

Whether it was an enemy of life or death or any other hostile relationship before, because of the appearance of this person, everyone stood on the same front!

The taboo body, Jiang Shang, is so crazy that he dares to face many super young supreme beings, but this person is even crazier than Jiang Shang!Without knowing it, everyone was calculated.

"I didn't expect that there was another one who was sober. The plan failed." The man stood up slowly, like an ordinary man with no cultivation, walked back and forth for two steps in a low voice, then raised his head and glanced at Jiang Shang .

The indifferent eyes and no coercion made Jiang Shang feel the boundless pressure, just like when he was facing the great emperor, his limbs were stiff.

Layers of divine light emerged from the bones of the gods, Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "You want to attack me? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

But at this moment, a palpitating terrifying wave came from not far away, and Jiang Shang suddenly turned his head.


The eight-armed ancient demon's body suddenly exploded, turning into boundless demonic energy and pouring into the suddenly enlarged head. The overwhelming coercion poured down, tearing apart the stars, shattering the sky, and the mouth full of fangs suddenly opened. Loud roar!
The sound waves are like waves, sweeping across the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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