Chapter 814
Chen Guantang, a genius disciple of the hidden sect in Xuanyuan Great World, is extremely strange in both his behavior style and his kung fu methods, and he can be called a wonderful flower.

When it comes to talent, this person is amazingly talented, possesses a heaven-defying aptitude that is not weaker than those special gods, stands out from thousands of disciples, and stands out from the crowd!
But this Chen Guantang is extremely disgusted with the way of conjoining gods and demons.Ever since he stepped into the path of cultivation, he has been adhering to a peculiar belief.It is right for practitioners to compete with the heavens for their lives, but they don't have to torture themselves, and they don't have to temper their bodies like iron and steel, like a magic weapon, invincible in defense.

The path of practice that Chen Guantang walked was inherited from the Qi trainers in the ancient times. He tempered the essence of Qi, the Taoism is exquisite, and he has all kinds of miracles, which is very extraordinary.

In the Great Thousand World where many gods and monsters are rampant, it is absolutely unprecedented to be so stubbornly adhering to the way of training Qi and only practicing the method of immortals, a wonder of wonders!

However, he has always been firm in his beliefs, and has brought all kinds of mysteries of immortal Qi training to the extreme, which is extremely mysterious and profound.

Although his physique is not as good as those godly monsters, his experience and knowledge can be said to be extensive and profound, as vast as a sea of ​​smoke.All kinds of magical Taoism and secret techniques are easy to come by, with unparalleled power, and the various formations he is proficient in have reached tens of thousands!This shows how terrifying his mind is!
For example, the formation that traps Jiang Shang at this moment is one of the formations he is good at.

Although it is clear, it is actually simple. It is nothing more than formation within formation, interlocking with each other, but once you enter it, you will know how powerful it is.

When you meet the strong, you will be strong. The more you struggle and resist, the more powerful the formation will be!

And the jade plaques in Chen Guantang's hands at this moment also have a lot of origin and are very old.

According to legend, in ancient times, there were countless gods and demons, and countless immortals.

In that era of incomparable chaos, many Qi practitioners, in order to make up for their weakness of being vulnerable to a single blow, spent countless hours and brainstormed ideas.

After thousands of years, many great immortals finally developed a unparalleled large formation, which can be carried around, but its power is several times stronger than ordinary large formations, and it is almost invincible!

Concentrate a powerful formation on a jade tablet, and activate it at will, so that the qi refiner has a terrifying method that is not afraid of melee combat.

All kinds of supernatural powers, unparalleled powers of battles, and Qi practitioners with weak defenses can dominate for a while, and they are incomparable in the limelight!

But the good times didn't last long. After thousands of years, the brand-new formation method researched by countless qi refiners, Hao Shouqiongjing, suffered an unexpected heavy blow.

The appearance of various special divine bodies instantly broke the natural barrier between gods and demons training their bodies and immortals' Qi training. One person double cultivation, two completely different ways, became the fuse for the gradual extinction of Qi practitioners!

From then on, in the endless years, all those who practiced are no longer optimistic about Qi refiners, because their weaknesses are too obvious!
The defensive power is vulnerable, and not all strong men can also practice the formation method, and not everyone can make the jade card that condenses the large formation.

A single immortal practicing Qi lost its supremacy and was no longer at its peak.Even for tens of thousands of years, few people have practiced Qi training alone, and gradually weakened.

However, in such an environment, in an era when the gods were dominating the world, there unexpectedly appeared such a strange thing, who only cultivated immortals to practice Qi.

It really makes people have to admire his will and belief.And generally speaking, such people are extremely scary and difficult to deal with.

Regardless of resourcefulness or means, they are all weird and tyrannical to the extreme, making it impossible to guard against.

Even Jiang Shang, who is so cautious, fell into the scheme unknowingly and was temporarily trapped in the formation.

On the black high hill, Chen Guantang's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at all kinds of fierce beasts rushing down, and said in a low voice: "As expected of the legendary taboo body, and it has broken the way, it is very powerful... "

While speaking, he kept playing seal formulas one after another in his hand, unexpectedly shooting the fierce beasts in the void, trapping them in the jade tablet, and sending them into the formation.


In the distance, the gray flood dragon flying in the void has a huge body, fierce flames, destructive and destructive, and the billowing evil energy vibrates and circles, and there are so many of them, there are four or five heads.

Chilling and terrifying roars erupted from their ferocious mouths, tearing apart the sky and collapsing into the void.

There was a trace of indifference in Chen Guantang's eyes, and he said to himself: "This thing seems to have the strength close to Xiansan, it should be good..." The voice was still floating on the black high hill, his figure had already turned into a phantom, Shoot high into the sky.

The whole body is covered with a layer of multicolored glow, which is dazzling.

Flying in the air, it is like a shooting star surging across the sky, it is truly dazzling!Amazingly bright.

call out!
The slender arm protruded slowly, and in an instant it turned into a giant palm holding the sky, holding a jade tablet that had been magnified hundreds of times, shining a dazzling white light with great power, covering those black pythons.

chi chi chi-

The sharp sound of piercing the sky was violent, forming a chaotic airflow, soaring into the sky, oscillating continuously, and the dazzling rays of light caused the surrounding beasts to roar in unison.

The radiant rainbow light streaked across the sky, like a bright light in the endless darkness, it was unparalleled, but it attracted countless beasts in the void, all flying towards this side.

In an instant, black smoke filled the air, and the evil spirit covered the sky. Looking from a distance, countless beasts came rushing like a rolling black wave.

However, there was a terrifying ancient aura that overwhelmed them all, shot them into the jade tablet, and sent them into the formation.


During the formation, Jiang Shang frowned, his eyes burst out with icy light from time to time, and the cold light flickered.

In the past half an hour, he has killed a total of hundreds of ferocious beasts in various forms. They are ferocious and terrifying, and their evil spirits are frightening. Moreover, the strength of the ferocious beasts is getting stronger and stronger!
One end and two ends are all right, but this is like a wheel war, killing one end, and another end, the flow is endless!It made him gradually lose his patience.

"Don't dare to fight me head-on? It's really naive to want to use this method to consume me..." Jiang Shang laughed angrily, gnashing his teeth and whispering to himself.The icy cold murderous aura has already overflowed the surface of his body, surrounding him endlessly.

Although it was extremely angry, it was still very calm, but there was one thing that made him feel bad.

That is, the formation barrier, which should have been fragile, became stronger and stronger as he continued to kill the beasts, far exceeding the level of half of the ancient formation, and became unparalleled toughness.

In the beginning, an ordinary attack could cause the surrounding barriers to vibrate endlessly, but now it is useless at all, unable to cause waves, something is not quite right.


Suddenly, the terrifying roar came again, tearing the sky, and it was extremely violent, but a ferocious roaring black giant rushed out of the drowsy space again, billowing fierce air towards the face.The sharp claws tore through the void and fell headfirst!
(End of this chapter)

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