Chapter 821 Hunted!

Outside of the Black Dragon Cauldron, the names on the golden list rose and fell, changing rapidly. The names of young evildoers rushed into the top [-] at an extremely fast speed, but then fell rapidly. Some names directly became dim, showing It has died, or left voluntarily.

And Du Tianlun's name, since the moment it appeared at the top of the list, has always been on top of it, and no one has surpassed him for a long time, which made countless strong people onlookers marvel at its power.

"What's the origin of this Du Tianlun? He climbed to the top so quickly! It's been several days, and he has stayed at the top of the list and never came down. It's amazing!"

"It's too early for you to be amazed. You haven't seen those super scary guys yet? It's still unknown how the outcome will be."

"Something's wrong. Those guys didn't move their energy. With their strength, they shouldn't be so powerless..."

"It goes without saying, it must be waiting to rob other people's merit points! Others are struggling to kill the beast, they can just grab it."

"Probably not. Which of these people is not a person with incomparable conceit? Who would do such a despicable thing? I think they must be waiting for something, or want to hunt and kill a more powerful beast..."


Around the sacred mountain, many strong people talked about it.

However, at this moment, the ranking changes on the list suddenly stopped, and then, a person's name quickly dimmed and disappeared.

However, this name, which ranks outside the hundreds, is almost at the bottom, and has not attracted everyone's attention.

However, the positions of the semi-sage kings and Xia Wushang in the void seem to have noticed this scene, and they are a little silent.

After a long time, Xia Wushang finally smiled slightly: "The kid is gone, it seems that he was defeated by someone, and he suffered some blows."

The ancestor of the Red Star Sect looked indifferent, and said softly: "This son is indeed extraordinary, possessing superhuman aptitude not inferior to a god's body, but he was born with a dead brain and walked into a dead end. I have expected today's end."

"It's a bit premature to say that. My understanding of the great power of Qi training in the ancient times is not even as good as that kid. It's hard to say what will change in the future."

King Peng's icy voice came, he paused slightly at this point, then turned his head and asked, "Senior Tianyu, what do you think?"

The hunched old man leaning on crutches slightly opened his eyes, and there was a terrifying look in his cloudy eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

"Some things can't be explained clearly, and you can't tell them. Let's just wait and see." The old man said hoarsely, and his old voice had a magical power that made people feel peaceful.

Everyone was silent and turned their attention to the golden list.


miniature world.

It is towering and towering, with jagged rocks.This is a mountain range that is thousands of miles long. Black mist emanates from the black rocks all the time, rising into the air, forming a layer of black clouds, covering the sky above the mountain range.

Suddenly, a winding body with a length of hundreds of miles rushed into the clouds and fell from the sky. The strong air current brought up caused the clouds to roll and black smoke to rise.


As if a dragon from an ancient demon land descended, its ferocious and huge head swooped down, roaring angrily towards a towering mountain peak!
The wave of sound swept across, like a monstrous force.The majestic and fierce air rushed out from the black dragon's mouth, like a pitch-black river, rolling in, and the powerful impact directly cut off the mountain peak!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The gravel collapsed, the smoke and dust filled the air, and half of the mountain peak collapsed suddenly. A very inconspicuous white phantom flashed past, plunged into the deep mountain, and disappeared.

The black dragon was furious immediately, its body covered with fine scales twisted suddenly, and a huge dragon claw comparable to a mountain peak grabbed it violently!

The billowing fierce air swept across, and the moment the sharp claws fell, the sky collapsed and the earth fell!The mountain is shaking!


The black dragon roared furiously, ravaging the mountains, and countless mountain peaks under it were like paper paste, easily bombarded into debris, sweeping all directions.

In the blink of an eye, this mountain range, which is thousands of miles long, seemed to be cut in two. The hundreds of miles long mountain in the middle disappeared out of thin air, and a deep canyon appeared on the ground, covered with gravel.

On an inconspicuous mountain peak, Jiang Shang tore through the void and appeared, looking embarrassed and breathing undecided.

The black giant dragon seemed to have sensed it, and turned its head to look at it. Its eyes, like huge lanterns, were extremely cold, revealing an infinite cold and fierce aura, which made people tremble!
"Damn it, this bastard is endless." While yelling at Jiang Shang, he immediately used his body skills, activated his supernatural powers, and fled towards the distance at high speed.

He can't remember how many times this is the first time.This black dragon that suddenly stares at him is just like Chen Guantang, staring at him relentlessly!
For the past few days, he has been on the run, not having time to recover the exhausted true spirit, exhausted, not daring to stop.

In fact, if it wasn't for the previous battle with Chen Guantang, which consumed too much divine power in his body, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation and was in such a mess.

But it just happened to be such a coincidence that this beast was staring at him when he was weak, so that he couldn't have the slightest desire to resist, so he could only run around.

Thousands of miles away from the city, Jiang Shang hid in several huge mountain ranges one after another, but after a while, the black dragon would catch up, destroying the mountains ferociously, chasing and killing Jiang Shang.However, Jiang Shang felt extremely fortunate that the only one chasing and killing him was this black dragon. Although he was chased in a mess, it was not without benefits.

After these days of constant entanglement with the black dragon, and being in an extremely dangerous state, he has improved somewhat. Although it is very small, it is real.

He calculated secretly in his heart, with his current fighting power of Xian Yi's extreme, which is comparable to Xian San's extreme, he will improve in a short time, so that his fighting power will be close to the level of Xian Si's half-sage.

And it seems that his first-level immortal cultivation has reached the limit, but it is a pity that it is impossible to advance now, otherwise, he will lose the opportunity to enter the fairy gate of mythology, so he can only suppress it, and we will talk about it later.

But now... this beast seems to be on the fence for him, and for some reason, he has a posture of swearing that he will not give up until he is killed, which makes him really depressed.

Now if you face the black dragon head-on, the possibility of dying on the spot is very high!But if you change another method, it seems that it is not impossible!

After several days of fighting, he has almost figured out the distance between the black dragon's madness, and gradually has a plan in his mind.

Lead the black dragon to the city!In the entire miniature world, the only safe place is the fortress-like city, and there is a source of life in it, which can help him recover quickly... After making up his mind, Jiang Shang consciously led the black dragon around, gradually heading towards the city near.

(End of this chapter)

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