Chapter 826 Rapid Climbing

Jiang Shang, who had made a breakthrough in the realm of will, appeared outside the city in a brand-new state, rushing towards the place where the infinite beasts were, with a powerful and boundless momentum, like a torrent rising into the sky, crushing what he passed by Everywhere, the ground cracked, shaking the universe!
In the miniature world, the black python has the lowest merit value, although the number is the largest, there are countless!But if you hunt it down, it's really too slow, and it's not worth it at all.

However, the terrifying black dragon lingering between the high-altitude clouds and towering above the sky has extremely terrifying combat power. With Jiang Shang's current strength, there is no way to kill it, and it may even be in danger, so this is undoubtedly not a Smart move.

"It seems that the only option is to hunt and kill those gray flood dragons!"

Quickly listing the strength comparison between himself and the beast in his mind, Jiang Shang made a judgment, the target is the gray dragon!

What Jiang Shang needs to do is to break into the top 20 in the ranking of his meritorious service in the last [-] days of the first stage.He has lost too much time because of the retreat, and it is impossible to catch up with King Jinpeng and others in a short time. The only way is to make plans after entering the next stage.

From Jiang Shang's debut to the present, his behavior style is undoubtedly decisive and decisive, looking down on the world!

His prestige that makes countless young and powerful men daunting is his accurate judgment of himself and the situation every time he faces a crisis or danger!You can fight!
Never belittle yourself, and never be arrogant.

There are people beyond people, there is a sky beyond the sky, he has always been vigilant against himself!

There was a breakthrough in the realm of will, but it didn't make him conceited to the point of losing his mind.Jiang Shang believes that the second stage of the test will become more and more dangerous, and the situation where many evildoers and geniuses will show their supernatural powers is far from coming!

Jiang Shang restrained his expression, the true spirit circulated wildly around his body, the bones of the gods emerged, and his body turned into a white light, rushing to the distance.


The Qishan People's King Conference, this super grand event that has attracted worldwide attention, is in full swing!

As time goes on, there is less and less time left in the first phase.

The names on the gold list are also becoming less and less, and none of the people who can still stay on the list is a simple character, and all of them have the ability to reach the heavens and the earth, but they are supreme heroes, supreme monsters.

Today, there have been new changes in the ranking of the Gold List!

Among Xuanyuan's four divine bodies, the King of Divine Body is well-deserved No. 1 of the younger generation, and the name of Little Jinpeng King is now at the top of the list!
Just the shining golden name has the power to soar into the sky, like a golden roc spreading its wings and soaring to the sky.

Immediately following him was Xuanyuan Mingjing, the prince from the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and now he finally began to show a tyrannical strength that surpassed the ordinary young sovereign, tyrannical and unparalleled!

The third super evildoer was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.This person is Duan Lingyun who has the physique of Hades!
Duan Lingyun's name appeared in the top three list, which attracted the attention of many powerhouses at the level of the leader and peerless sage, and even surprised many powerhouses who were paying attention to the changes in the list. Unexpectedly, they were extremely moved.

From No.4 to No.10, there are all a group of geniuses who come from the outer void or other forces in the Xuanyuan world!
Except for Du Tianlun, who is ranked fifth in the Little Arctic Palace, the others are all of Xuanyuan's unknown generation, but they are extremely strong, they can be called terrifying!
At the end of the first stage, all these monsters tore off their camouflage, revealing their fierce and sharp fangs, and rose rapidly.

On the contrary, Feng Wujian, the ancient Suanni, and the shadow of the void, who were incomparably powerful before, were all hovering outside the top ten, and even the taboo body with an extremely vicious name in Xuanyuan——Jiang Shang, his name appeared even more. Surprisingly, he lingered outside the two hundred.

Such a strange ranking order has caused an uproar among many powerhouses, who have speculated that these super monsters who do not seek to make progress, what is the purpose of doing this?
"It's just the first stage of the knockout round. They don't need to use their full strength at all. Anyway, they just need to ensure a smooth promotion. Why do they need to be so troublesome?" Of course, some people said so, seeing through the root of the matter.


The Black Dragon Cauldron is a celestial holy soldier, possessing supreme power and incomparable magic.

In the miniature world constructed by this party, with the passage of time little by little, in the last few days of the first stage, this world has undergone imperceptible changes.

Although these changes are subtle, when they are connected together, they actually have the effect of changing the world!Turn things upside down!
Looking at the people in the world of the Black Dragon Cauldron, Jiang Shang has already walked out of the city, ready to take action, hunting Huijiao!

"Roar! Roar..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Numerous terrifying beasts roared in the void, tearing apart the universe, and the demonic aura shook the sky.

After experiencing the tragic fighting and being hunted, the number of murderers has decreased sharply, but the ones who survived are getting stronger and stronger one by one, making it difficult to provoke them.

"It's them……"

In the process of hunting fierce beasts, Jiang Shang encountered Xuanyuan Mingjing and the mysterious phantom shadow.Of these two, one is one of Xuanyuan's four divine bodies, and the other is a mysterious existence that makes him feel afraid. Both are very powerful, wandering through the void, and they don't know what their intentions are.

After they saw Jiang Shang, they had different reactions. The former nodded slightly, then staggered his direction and disappeared into the sky.

But the black shadow in the void has been standing high in the sky, staring at Jiang Shang for a long time before turning around and leaving.

"That rascal……"

Jiang Shang couldn't help frowning, because when he was stared at by the shadow of the void just now, he had a creepy feeling, which made him astonished, and then he realized that the mysterious existence was extremely powerful, and even the bones of the gods in his body were warning. confidence.

"It seems to be more careful, these guys, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps..."

Jiang Shang talked to himself like this, and then rushed into the void, hunting those gray dragons, and accumulating merit points.There is not much time left, he must work harder!

Finally, when the time reached the last two days, Jiang Shang's ranking on the gold list had already risen from the top [-] to the top [-], which made the outside observers stunned, dumbfounded, and horrified.

"Sure enough, that guy showed his power at the last moment, and he didn't know how many beasts he hunted, but he rushed directly to the top twenty."

"Three months are almost over, the first stage of deletion is almost over!?"

"The real battle may be about to begin slowly!

(End of this chapter)

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