Chapter 830 Pei Tianqin


Jiang Shang's expression became a little ugly, he didn't expect to let this person escape at the last moment!
Recalling this person's performance from his appearance to his successful escape by using the miraculous surrogate puppet at the end, all of his performances were incomparably weird.


Although he is not afraid of challenges, these guys are indeed too mysterious, and their strength is not inferior to the eight-armed ancient demon, one of the Taoism of the Immortal Family, and the magic of the upper realm. This kind of treasure replaced himself, fled away in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

The surrogate puppet is a magical puppet left to the children or descendants of many powerful people, immortals and gods in ancient times. It has the magical effect of dying instead of its master.

With this thing, it is tantamount to having an extra life!

Jiang Shang restrained his magical powers, stood in the void, narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "Where are these guys coming from?"

In the process of fighting with him, he found that this person is very strong, with all kinds of mysteries and secret methods emerging one after another, obviously he is not an ordinary person, he must have a great background!
However, there are countless mysterious and ancient inheritances in the world of Zhoutian, which cannot be counted!
Based on this alone, it is impossible to judge where this person came from!

At the same time, Jiang Shang also discovered a very strange place. This person seemed to know him very well. Not only did he know the supernatural powers he cultivated, but he was also on guard against the hands of the tomb-suppressing gods and demons. He prepared a puppet to die early in the morning.In this way, something seems wrong!
"He did it on purpose?"

All kinds of thoughts in Jiang Shang's mind are spinning rapidly, but he can't find any clues, but more questions arise.

The strange spar that the two were fighting for was already held by Jiang Shang at this moment. It felt cold to the touch and exuded a very magical cool air, which made people feel peaceful and clear, which was very wonderful.

However, Jiang Shang didn't have time to observe carefully. He put away the strange spar, knowing that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he turned into a phantom and disappeared among the mountains.

A moment later, a figure appeared in the eastern sky, and approached here at an extremely fast speed. He frowned when he found the remnants of the previous battle.

This person is wearing a blue long gown, holding a simple long sword in his hand, very rare attire, like a scholar swordsman who walked the world in ancient times, with a transcendent aura, a peaceful and vast aura rippling all over his body, very extraordinary.

Obviously, this is another unusual guy, or a super evildoer!

Those who can advance to the second stage, except for a few lucky ones, are basically the best among geniuses, and they all exerted their strength in the early stage of the second stage with a tacit understanding, no longer hiding, showing unexpected powerful strength , surprisingly.

The remaining energy fluctuations between heaven and earth are very chaotic, but this person has made a clear judgment through various traces and breaths in the ruins!

"Jiang Shang, the taboo body, and another person... Huh? Is this a fragment of a substitute? Could it be another guy who took the initiative to challenge him? It's so brave!"

The man in the long gown frowned slightly with his heroic sword eyebrows, and said to himself, but the clues he found in the ruins made his expression a bit solemn, and the storm is about to come!
From the very beginning of the second stage, he carefully avoided super monsters such as King Jinpeng and his like, and quietly followed behind Jiang Shang, following him from a distance, hanging behind him.

Taboo body Jiang Shang, the name in Xuanyuan today can basically be said to be like a thunder, and its reputation spreads far and wide!

This super evildoer rising like a comet has attracted the attention and attention of many people, and has also won the admiration of many young lords. This person is one of them!

The long-clothed man habitually rubbed the scabbard with his fingers, his eyes were radiant, and he whispered to himself: "In the past three days, some evil geniuses with mysterious origins have begun to move around. Take the initiative to challenge those famous super-supreme, knowing that They are invincible but not afraid of death, what do they want to do?"

This person followed Jiang Shang and encountered no less than three such incidents along the way.

Jiang Shang discovered it earlier than he did, and all of them noticed it in advance, and avoided it far away, not wanting to cause more trouble.

The 76 promotion aids are not clear yet, and it is not known where they are hidden, so it is unwise to compete with others in advance!There is no need for this.

However, he didn't want to fight with others, but those mysterious guys were unwilling to let him go. The guys who were defeated by him before were all examples. Some escaped and some died. A mysterious energy, disturbing.

However, this person is lucky, he has been falling far behind Jiang Shang, perhaps because he was blocked, and no one came to trouble him, and he has been stable until now.

But even so, he still didn't dare to take it lightly. He was different from Jiang Shang. No matter what he said, the latter had a famous reputation and supreme majesty, and ordinary people dare not take the initiative to provoke him!

But he is different, he is just a nameless person, although his cultivation base is not weak and his strength is fairly strong, but he has no reputation!Coming to participate in the Human King Conference now is just the beginning of showing its glory, and obviously it will not attract enough attention.

Being anonymous has both advantages and disadvantages!

The good thing is that no one knows his details, and when confronted with others, he can catch him unawares by surprise!
In comparison, there are many disadvantages.

If those guys gave up their challenge to the super monster and turned to him, it would obviously be extremely dangerous. There are so many enemies, he is not an opponent at all!

"You have been following me, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from his ear, which made his whole body stand up, his muscles tensed, and his eyes showed a look of incomparable horror, he was so shocked!
With a tearing sound, the void was torn open, and a figure walked out, it was Jiang Shang.He has come silently behind the long-clothed young man, only one step away from him!The voice is extremely cold!


There was another loud bang, endless murderous intent shrouded the void, and the dense world of bones suddenly appeared, completely wrapping and sealing the young man in the long gown, his body was stiff and a little cold.

The young man in the long gown was dripping with cold sweat and terrified. He thought to himself, "It turns out that he had already discovered... the approaching silently, and he didn't even notice it when I was behind me. Damn it! Is it really so strong?"

"Brother Jiang, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, I have always admired you, Pei Tianqin. The reason why I have been following you before is to find a suitable opportunity to accept a good relationship. There is no malice, really no malice." Pei Tianqin Regardless of the cold sweat on his face, he quickly explained in his mouth.

"Admiration for me? Forged a good relationship..." Jiang Shang naturally couldn't believe it all, but just sneered, his momentum undiminished.

(End of this chapter)

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